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Unit 6Im watching TV.Period 2Section A 3a-3c【课型】语法课学习目标1.观察并总结现在进行时态的特点。2.由时间状语判断时态,由时态决定动词的形式。3.熟悉在电话中如何正确谈论正在进行的活动。4.熟练操练和运用现在进行时态的一般疑问句。学习过程【自主学习】一、预习指导A.预习生词,做到会读知意。B.预习现在进行时的否定句、一般疑问句的构成,能用现在进行时的一般疑问句进行问答。(变换人称)C.知识点拨1.want 想要 (1)后跟名词,即want sth;(2)后跟to+动词原形, 即want to do sth 想要做某事;(3)后跟宾语加动词不定式, 即 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事。2.sound 系动词“听起来”后跟形容词作表语,“That sounds+形容词.” 这一句型常用于口语中,用于对别人的提议建议说明自己的看法。如:Do you want to learn English?That sounds great.3.lets do sth 为提建议的祈使句“让某人做某事”,其肯定回答为OK./All right./Yes,lets.否定回答为Sorry,I.如:Lets play basketball.OK.二、预习检测英汉互译。1.喝茶2.在电话里交谈3.go to the movies4.做晚饭5.做作业【新课导入】Step 1:Revision1.Read the conversation of 2d and answer the questions:(1)Whats Laura doing?Shes washing her clothes.(2)Whats Jenny doing?Shes watching TV.(3)What do they want to do?They want to eat out.(4)What time do they meet?They meet at half past six.2.Role-play the conversation of 2d.【新知呈现】Step 2:PresentationFind out the sentences of Present Progressive Tense in 2d:What are you doing?Im just washing my clothes.Im watching TV.【新知学习】Step 3:Grammar Focus (语法焦点)1.Look at the sentences in Grammar Focus.Try to read them aloud.2.Look at the sentence patterns on the blackboard and pay attention to them.现在进行时(Present Progressive Tense)用法现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作构成be(am/is/are)+doing(动词-ing形式)肯定式I am+doingWe/You/They are+doingHe/She/It is+doing否定式I am not+doingWe/You/They arent+doingHe/She/It isnt+doing一般疑问句和简略答语Am I doing.?Yes,you are./No,you are not(arent).Are you doing.?Yes,I am./No,I am not.Yes,we are./No,we are not(arent).Is he/she/it doing.?Yes,he/she/it is./No,he/she/it isnt.Are they doing.?Yes,they are./No,they are not(arent).特殊疑问句和答语What are you doing?Im doing.What is he/she/it doing?He/She/It is doing.What are they doing?They are doing.观察与思考1仔细观察下面的动词-ing形式,读一读,然后思考:动词原形如何变成动词-ing形式?有什么规律?watchwatchingcleancleaninguseusingmakemaking1.一般动词在原形末尾直接加;2.动词词尾包含不发音的字母e时,。跟踪训练1写出下列动词的-ing形式:singstudydancedrawplaytake观察与思考2看看以下两栏例句,注意观察并回答以下几个问题:(1)左栏例句中谓语结构与右栏例句的谓语结构有何不同?(2)两栏例句中各使用的时间状语有何不同?(3)这两栏例句各表达什么概念?Simple Present TensePresent Progressive TenseI often watch TV.I am watching TV now.She often watches TV.She is watching TV now.They often watch TV.They are watching TV now.Do you often watch TV?Are you watching TV now?试着完成下面表格:一般现在时(Simple Present Tense)现在进行时(Present Progressive Tense)用法一般现在时表示的状态,经常的或的动作。现在进行时表示现在进行或发生的动作。构成be(am/is/are)+(动词-ing形式)时间状语on Mondays,every day,in the morning.now跟踪训练2(1)Look!The boys (play)basketball on the playground.(2)My father (read)books after dinner.(3)In the morning,Mr.Smith(get)up at seven oclock.(4)Listen!Linda (sing)in the next room.(5)His brother usually (do)homework at school.Step 4:Work on 3a1.Finish the sentences by yourselves.(Pay attention to the important words.)2.Read the sentences.Check the answers together.3.One of you practices the conversation with your teacher according to the sentences of 3a.For example:T:Whats Jenny doing now?S:Jenny is cleaning the house now.4.Make up conversations in pairs by using the sentences of 3a.Step 5:Work on 3b1.Your teacher tries to teach the new word “tomorrow”,for example:Its Tuesday today.Tomorrow is Wednesday.I want to go to the movies but I cant go today because I have a lot of work to do.So I think Ill go to the movies tomorrow.2.Finish the task of 3b by yourselves.Practice the conversation in pairs.Check the answers together.3.Make up new conversations according to 3b.Several pairs show.分组学习,合作探究任务:准备一个盒子和一些卡片,卡片上写上表示各种动作的词汇或短语,如:cleaning ones desk,dancing,swimming等。请一个同学从盒子中抽取卡片并根据提示词做动作,不发出声音,其他学生轮流猜测是什么动作:Are you swimming?猜对的同学再从盒子中抽取卡片做动作,让其他同学继续猜。还可以问其他同学,以便熟练掌握现在进行时态中不同人称搭配的be动词的变化。【课堂练习】一、单项选择。()1.Look!They games over there.A.is play B.is playingC.are playingD.play()2.We are doing .A.our homeworkB.my homeworkC.ones homeworkD.their homework()3.Jim and his teacher over there(在那边).A.is talkB.is talkingC.are talkingD.talk()4.Lily the blackboard.A.is lookingB.is looking atC.lookingD.looking at()5.They are books.A.seeingB.readingC.watchingD.looking()6. are the students doing in the classroom now?A.WhatB.WhereC.WhenD.Which()7.Is the boy using the computer?A.Yes,he does.B.No,he isnt.C.No,he doesnt.D.Yes,he isnt.()8.What your family doing?Theyre watching TV.A.isB.doesC.areD.do()9.Your idea(主意) good.A.listensB.soundC.soundsD.listen()10.Its twelve oclock now.The Greens lunch at home.A.haveB.is havingC.are havingD.has二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.My father (water)the flowers now.2.Unc
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