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外研版八上英语好题易错题经典专题训练(2)一 选择( )1. Ten years _, the small town grew _ a modern city.A. later; intoB. late; upC. after; toD. later; from( )2. He is only _ boy. He isnt _ to take care of himself.A. an one year old; enough oldB. a oneyearold; old enoughC. an oneyearold; old enoughD. a one year old; enough old( ) 3. We must do everything we can_ our earth cleaner and safer.A.made B. to making C. make D. to make( )4. He agreed _ as soon as possible.A. me to leaveB. I can leaveC. that I would leaveD. leaving( )5. -You should hand in (交) your homework now. - Sorry, I forgot _ it here.A. bringingB. to bringC. takingD. to take( )6. Roses look _ and it smells _. I like its _.A. well, wonderful, smellB. good, wonderfully, smellingC. well, wonderfully, smellingD. good, wonderful, smell ( )7. _ else may know it because he didnt keep the secret for me.A. SomeoneB. No oneC. NoneD. All( )8. All the students will write a report _ wild animals _ next week.A. on, inB. on, /C. to, inD. to. /( )9. If she _ up, she _ the early bus.A. dont hurry, wont catchB. doesnt hurry, will catchC. doesnt hurry, will missD. hurries, will miss( ) 10. Soon the cocoon(茧) _ a beautiful butterfly.A grew into B made into C came into D grew up( ) 11. Do you write a report wild animals danger for the newspaper?A. about; on B. on; in C. to; from D. in; with( ) 12.If farmers cut down trees and forest , giant pandas will have nowhere _. A. to live on B. to live in C. to live D. to live at ( ) 13. If people know more about pollution, _ they will do something _.A may be; helping B may be; to help C maybe; helping D maybe; to help( )14. -What _ cranes look like? -They are tall and theyve long legs and long thin necks.A. do B. does C. are D. did( )15. The rich man _ much food _ the poor families during the hard time.A. provided, for B. provided, to C. provides, with D. provides, to( )16.- Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home.-Dont forget _it to school tomorrow.A. forgot, to take B. left, to bring C. forgot, to bring D. left, to take( )17. Its so noisy here. We cant _ each other _ now.A. hear; clearlyB. hear; clearC. listen to; clearD. listen to; clearly( )18. - _ do people here celebrate the World Wetlands Day? - To make more people take action to save rare birds.A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. When( )19. Not only Sandy but also one of my cousins _.A. likes telling funny story B. want to go C. are active in class D. studies hard( )20. Some _ can make different bird _.A. acts, sounds B. acts, voices C. actors, sounds D. actors, voices( )21. Her voice sounds _of the girls in her class.A. well B. beautiful C. beautifully D. the most beautiful ( )22.Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _ down too many trees.A. keep people from cutting B. prevent people from cutting C. stop people cutting D. all the above( )23. There_ a lot of red-crowned cranes in other parts of the world many years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )24. I think_ necessary for us to learn English well. A. it B. its C. that D. thats ( )25. -_weather! Shall we go to the park? -_. Lets go.A. What a fine; Sounds great B. What fine; Sounds greatC. What a fine; Youre right D. What fine; You are right( )26-Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?- _. It has rained for ten days. Its too wet everywhere. A. I hope not. B. Im sure it is. C. Im afraid it will. D. I hope so. ( )27.- What do you think of the coming match? -_ A. I bet well win. B. I like it very much. C. Its like watching TV. D. And you?( )28. You must be thirsty, Shall I _ some water for you. A. carry B. take C. bring D. get( )29. Tom fellhis bike and hurt himself badly. A. in B. into C. off D . down ( )30. -It is cool to fly kites in this park. - Yes. _it is to fly kites! A. How perfect place B. What perfect place C. What a perfect place D. How a perfect place( )31. The flowers died because I forgot_ them into the room yesterday evening. A. to bringB. broughtC. bringingD. to bringing( )32. -When were you born? -I was born a cold winter m
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