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Unit5 China and the World Topic1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world Section A学习目标1.了解中国地理2.学习一些新单词和短语3.学习用“that”和“which”引导的定语从句预习案一.从文中找出下列新单词并写出他们的汉语意思1.attract_2.birthplace_3.fetch_4.introduce_5.detail_6.strange_7.pine_8.length_9.waterfall_12.height_13.province_二.从文中找出下列短语1.自从.以来已经两年了_2.和.一起居住_3.对.了解很少_4.名胜古迹_5.a great number of _6.位居第二_7.中华民族文化的发源地_8.自己去了解更多关于. _9.fetch you Guide to China_10.详细地_ 11.奇松_12.lie in_ 13.黄果树瀑布_ 14.长约. _15.a height of_ 16.鄱阳湖_三.预习中你还有其他哪些疑惑呢?探究案1.Among them,the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest is the Huanghe River.译:_探究:句中longest是_的最高级,形容词最高级前要加定冠词_,那么在形容词最高级前面加序数词second,表示_练习:第三长_第二大_第四宽_2.I can fetch you Guide to China.译:_辨析:拿来,取来_ 拿走,带走_ 取来,带来_探究:这三个单词有什么区别呢?_点拨:给某人拿某物fetch sth. for sb.=_文中的这句话同义句_get 与 fetch 意思相同,常常用于口语,get比fetch更常用。练习:请到楼上替我拿衣服 Please go _ and _ _ the coat.请把茶具拿走。Please _ the tea-things away. 请带你的朋友来参加聚会。_your friend to the party.我求她去给我拿一张晚报来。I asked her to _me an evening paper我给你拿瓶水好吗?Shall I _ _ _ _ _ for you?3.读1a,在文中找出定语从句,写下来,并翻译和分析_译:_译:_译:_探究:在这些句子中,先行词是_ _ _ 关系代词是_指_(人或物),在句中做_语,可以和_互换_指_(人或物),在句中做_语,可以和_互换_指_(人或物),在句中做_语,可以和_互换.定语从句部分是_谓语动词是_谓语动词是_谓语动词是_这些谓语动词是根据什么来决定它的时态的呢?_总结:什么是定语从句:在复合句中,修饰_,充当_被定语从句修饰的名词或者代词叫_,引导定语从句的词叫_定语从句的结构:_ +_ +_定语从句中先行词指_,用_和_引导定语从句中的谓语动词和_ 的人称和数要保持一致4. its a mountain with lots of strange pine trees. 译:_探究:你可以用定语从句改写这句话吗?_练习:China is a country that has about 5000 years of history. 改写成简单句(用with)_训练案一.把下列句子合并成定语从句. China is a country. She has a large population. _ . This is the only one of these books. It is worth reading. _ . The cars sell very well. They are produced in Hubei Province _ . A dictionary is a book. It gives the meaning of words _ . I have an MP3. It is made in Dalian. _二.填入恰当的单词1.The flower show _ large crowds this year.2.The _ of something is the place where it began.3.The fish is two feet(英尺) in _.4.There is a p_ forest near our house.5.We saw a few salmon(鲑鱼) jumping in the _there.Unit5 China and the World Topic1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world Section A学习目标1.了解中国古建筑2.学习定语从句3.一些新单词和短语预习案一.找出下列单词并试着拼读它们,根据课文猜测它们的汉语意思1.grand_2.imperia_l3.carve_4.stone_5.guard_6.Heaven_7.comment_8.responsibility_9.gradually_10.marble_11.symbo_l12.dynasty_二.从文中找出它们,并大声朗读和记忆1.多么宏伟的建筑啊_2.大多数建筑的屋顶_3.的象征_4.帝王权力_5.被雕刻在石头上_6.据说_7.威猛的动物_8.守护在整个国家_9.真龙天子_10.中华民族_11.在.中扮演重要角色(起重要作用)_12.谚语_13.在古代的中国_14.华表的变化_15.的标志_16.雕刻人们的评语_17.在汉朝_18.责任的标志_19.白色大理石制成_20.在中国现代建筑物里_21.他们的描述_22.定语从句_探究案从1a中找出定语从句_ 译:_分析:在这句中
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