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英语知识点(五年级下册)姓名: 10M1U1一、词形转换1.lady(复数)ladies 2.life (复数) lives 3.different(对应词)same 4.ago (近义词) before 5.interviewer (动词原形) interview6.television (缩写) TV 7.grandchildren (单数) grandchild 8bus(复数)buses 9. watch(过去式)watched10.talk(过去式)talked11.change(现在分词)changing12.miss(三单)misses二、短语1.两只漂亮的猫 two beautiful cats2.在椅子上 on the chair3.在英国 in the UK4.和萨姆艾米一起 with Sam and Amy5.一个关于中国的节目 a programme about China6.非常不同 very different7.许多年以前 many years ago8.住在一所小房子里 live in a small house9.足够的食物 enough food10许多公共汽车 many buses11.住在一所大房子里 live in a big house12.许多食物lots of food13.每天 every day14.为谢谢你 thank you for15.想念中国 miss China16.想念我的奶奶 miss my grandma三、重点句子1.它是一个关于中国的电视节目。Its a programme about China.2.在许多年前,中国的生活很不同。Life was very different in China many years ago.3.我们住在一所小房子里。We lived in a small house.4.没有任何的电视。There werent any televisions.5.昨天晚上我和我的孙子孙女们一起看电视。Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren.M1U2 一、词形转换1.talk( 过去式)talked2.cook(过去式)cooked3. work(过去式worked4.can (过去式)could5.write (过去式)wrote6.write(同音词)right7.hope(过去式)hoped8.could(否定)couldnt9.night(对应词) day10.worker (动词原形) work 11.radio (复数) radios 12.couldnt(完全形式)could not二、短语1.强壮的胳膊 strong legs2.跳得非常远 jump really far3.一个关于中国的电视节目 a television programme about China4.昨天晚上 last night5.一位老妇人 an old lady6.在田地里 in the fields7.在炉火上烹饪 cook on a fire8.一台收音机 a radio9.想念我的奶奶 miss my grandma三、重点句子1.她没有电视。She didnt have a television.2.她不能读也不能写。She couldnt read or write.M2U1一、词形转换1.learn (过去式) learnt2.dance (过去式) danced 3.dance (名词) dancer 4.teach (过去式) taught5.lots of (同义词) many6. language(复数) languages7. driver (动词原形) drive8. now (对应词) then二、短语1.学习英语 learn English2.教语言 teach languages3.写一本书 write a book4.许多中国城市 lots of Chinese cities5. 外语 foreign languages三、重点句子1.她学过英语。She leant English.2.他们是谁?Who are they?3.她在中国的许多城市跳过舞。She danced in lots of Chinese cities.4.她学过外语吗?Did she learn any foreign languages?5.他现在正在学习英语。Hes learning English now.6.她昨天做过蛋糕吗?没有Did she make a cake yesterday? No, she didnt.M2U2 一、词形转换1.teacher (动词原形) teach 2.class (复数) classes 3.pupil (对应词) teacher4.study (过去式) studied 二、短语1.喜欢上学校 like going to school2.学习数学、科学、艺术和汉语 learn Maths and Science and Art and Chinese3.教数学、科学、艺术和汉语 teach Maths and Science and Art and Chinese4.喜欢在学校上班 like working at school5.20年前 twenty years ago6.在他的班里 in his class7.一个好学生 a good pupil8.学习非常努力 study very hard9.一个英语老师 an English teacher10.教Mr. Li teach Mr. Li三、重点句子1李先生曾经是个老师。Mr. Li was a teacher.2.他喜欢上学校。He liked going to school.3.他曾经教数学、科学、艺术和汉语。He taught Maths and Science and Art and Chinese.4. 他(现在)教数学、科学、艺术和汉语。He teaches Maths and Science and Art and Chinese.5.他是一个好学生。He was a good pupil.6.他学习非常努力。He studied very hard.7.现在李先生不上班了。Now Mr. Li doesnt work.8.他正在学习英语。Hes learning English.9.他正在教李先生。Hes teaching Mr. Li.M3U1一、词形转换1.say(过去式)said2.say(三单) says3.have(过去式)had4.sausage(复数)sausages5.sandwich(复数)sandwiches 二、短语1.一封来自玲玲的电子邮件 an email from Lingling2.关于英国食物 about English food3.一顿英式早餐 an English breakfast4.炸鱼和炸薯条 fish and chips5.一种传统的英式食品 a traditional English dish三、重点句子1.昨天她吃了一顿英式早餐。Yesterday she had an English breakfast.2.她吃了鸡蛋和香肠。She had eggs and sausages.3.她午餐吃了什么?What did she have for lunch?4.她晚餐吃了什么?What did she have for dinner?5.它是一种传统的英式晚餐。Its a traditional English dinner.M3U2 一、词形转换1.eat( 过去式)ate2.give(过去式)gave3.hamburger(复数)hamburgers二、短语1.所有的鱼 all the fish2.所有的肉 all the meat3.在学校 at school4.吃一个汉堡 have a hamburger5.把她的汉堡给萨姆 give her hamburgers to Sam6.想念中国食物 miss Chinese food7.为我们做中国食物 cook Chinese food for us三、重点句子1.今天萨姆在学校吃了四个汉堡。Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school.2.她把她的汉堡给了萨姆。She gave her hamburgers to Sam.3.今晚妈妈将要为我们做中国饭。Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for us.M4U1一、词形转换1. send(过去式)sent 2.put(过去式)put 3.ask(过去式)asked 4.get(过去式)got 5.arent(完整形式)are not6.weve(完整形式)we have 7.make(过去式)made 8.student(同义词)pupil9.wrong(反义词)right 10.shelf(复数)shelves 11.havent(完整形式)have not 12.read(过去式)read13.library(复数)libraries14.theres (完整形式)there is 15.find(过去式)found16.we(宾格)us 17.these(单数)this18.do(过去式)did二、短语1. 一个好主意 a good idea2. 设立一个家庭图书馆 make a home library3.关于科学方面的书 books about science4.把它们放在这个架子上 put them on this shelf5. 给你 here you are 6. 把它们放在这里 put them here7. 借书证,图书卡 library card9. 关于运动方面的书 books about sports10.在C架上 on shelf C 三、重点句子1.让我们来设立一个家庭图书馆Lets make a home library.2.真是一个好主意。Thats a good idea.3.这些是所有关于科学方面的书。These are all books about science.4.让我们把它们放在这个架子上吧。Lets put them on this shelf.5.给你一本关于科学方面的书。Heres a book about science.6.让我们一起来读它。Lets read it.M4U2 一、词形转换1.here( 完整形式)there
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