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第 1 页 共 21 页 七年级 期末质量监测 七年级 期末质量监测 英语英语 题号 IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分 得分 一 听力 单选题 本大题共 15 小题 共 15 0 分 1 A soundB saladC store 2 A placeB planeC price 3 A meetB makeC miss 4 A relaxingB excitingC interesting 5 A get onB come onC try on 6 What fruit does Miss Miller like A B C 7 When does the girl have lunch A B C 8 What does the woman have A B C 第 2 页 共 21 页 9 Where are they now A B C 10 How does the girl do her homework A B C 你将听到一段对话 对话后有两个小题 请根据对话内容 在每小题所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍 11 How much does the breakfast cost 花费 A 50 B 10 C Free 12 Where does the conversation take place A In the street B In the hotel C In the office 你将听到一篇短文 短文后有三个小题 请根据短文内容在每小题所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍 13 What s the boy s favorite subject A Art B History C Science 14 What does the boy s mother do A A doctor B A nurse C A teacher 15 Why does the boy come to China A Because his parents work in China B Because all his family live in China now C Because he wants to learn Chinese history 二 单选题 本大题共 10 小题 共 10 0 分 第 3 页 共 21 页 16 Is Miss White English teacher Mary No she teaches music A your usB you mineC you usD your my 17 The girl has a beautiful So she loves singing and wants to be a singer in the future A soundB voiceC noiseD shout 18 It is good for children to be the old when getting into a house A afterB fromC beforeD of 19 Alice thinks listening to music is a thing and she enjoys it A boringB badC relaxingD small 20 Who likes volleyball in your family Tom Let me it Oh my brother David likes it A ask forB look atC play withD think about 21 Mary uses her laptop 笔记本 for work Jack often plays games on it A soB orC butD then 22 What languages do they in their country English and French A speakB sayC tellD talk 23 I can t find my school ID card and I don t know to put it A whyB whenC howD where 24 Do you play sports on weekends No I m busy every day A alwaysB neverC sometimesD usually 25 Let s have a glass of orange juice after lunch David I like it very much A Oh I seeB Not at all C Yes you re rightD Great 三 看图填空 本大题共 1 小题 共 5 0 分 26 阅读下面短文 回答下列问题 第 4 页 共 21 页 How do people celebrate Thanks giving Day in Canada 不超过 5 个词 When do Americans celebrate Thanks giving Day 不超过 5 个词 What does Jenny ask Li Ming to do on her birthday 不超过 10 个词 四 完形填空 本大题共 20 小题 共 30 0 分 Most students in America do housework after school Parents often ask their children to do something 27 or interesting at home Also they 28 their children to do something difficult or boring Parents would like to give their children some pocket money for their 29 and the children can 30 the money by doing the housework President 总统 Obama 31 that he gives his two daughters just a dollar every week 32 they often clean the table wash the dishes and 33 the flowers at weekends One dollar is little for the housework but the two 34 are very happy to make their pocket money They buy their favorite books or food with 35 Obama hopes his daughters can 36 some money management skills 资金管理能力 from it 27 A difficultB easyC busyD bad 28 A wantB helpC thankD take 第 5 页 共 21 页 29 A studyB partyC homeworkD housework 30 A lookB makeC findD buy 31 A saysB thinksC hopesD hears 32 A andB thenC becauseD but 33 A pickB cleanC waterD get 34 A parentsB friendsC childrenD students 35 A itB himC herD them 36 A borrowB tellC findD learn Terry and Jerry are brothers They live in a happy family Mother s birthday is next week The two brothers are talking about the 37 At last they have an idea and go to a 38 store When the salesgirl sees the two brothers she asks Hello what can I 39 for you Terry answers Our mother s birthday is coming 40 We want to buy a dress 连衣裙 for our mother Jerry answers But we don t know what 41 we should choose 选择 Can you help us The salesgirl asks again 42 is your mother s birthday On August 12th 43 next Friday Terry says Oh I see The lily 百合 is the 44 flower of August I think you can buy a white 45 for her The salesgirl answers with a smile Jerry says happily Then our mother can 46 a white flower 37 A vegetablesB fruitC drinksD gifts 38 A bookB flowerC clothesD sports 39 A goB playC lookD do 40 A soonB earlyC lateD well 41 A numberB sizeC colorD kind 42 A WhereB HowC WhenD What 43 A alreadyB justC stillD almost 44 A deliciousB interestingC badD lucky 45 A flowerB dressC storeD bear 46 A look likeB look forC look afterD look at 第 6 页 共 21 页 五 阅读理解 本大题共 12 小题 共 24 0 分 A Hong Kong has about forty public beaches 公共海滩 Some of the beaches are among the best in the world People can go there for a swim You can go to most of them by bus To go to some beaches you must take a boat There are toilets changing rooms and places to buy food and drink on most of the beaches You will swim there without danger 危险 if you remember these instructions 说明 1 Never swim alone 2 Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired 3 Do not stay in the water too long 4 Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim Remember l A red flag 旗子 means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water l A blue flag m
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