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1 SectionSection LanguageLanguage Points Points LessonLesson 2 2 LessonLesson 3 3 语 言 基 础 自 测 单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示 写出下列单词 1 1 Something must be done to prevent our city from being polluted 污染 by thick smoke 2 2 The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether 3 3 A new man was appointed to handle 处理 the crisis 4 4 When presenting a speech in public don t be nervous 5 5 The shop is newly open and goods in it sell at a discount 打折 6 6 Hainan Island attracts visitors not only in winter but also in summer 7 7 The real voyage of discovery 发现 consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes 8 8 Don t measure your success next to someone else Decide what you want for you and do that 9 9 Be sure to set aside at least an hour a day for sports It will make you healthy and energetic 精力充沛的 1010 Films and TV series ought to educate the young but not to ruin them 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示 写出下列单词 1 1 pollute vt 污染 弄脏 pollution n 污染 2 2 agriculture n 农业 agricultural adj 农业的 3 3 chemical n 化学物 chemist n 化学家 药剂师 chemistry n 化学 4 4 intelligent adj 有灵性的 聪明的 intelligence n 智力 理解力 5 5 energy n 精力 能源 energetic adj 有活力的 6 6 attract vt 吸引 attractive adj 吸引人的 attraction n 吸引人的地方 7 7 long adj 长的 length n 长度 长 补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1 1 be reminded of 被提醒 2 2 watch out 注意 3 3 be well educated 受到良好的教育 4 4 be present at 出席 5 5 make a living 谋生 2 6 6 deal with 处理 7 7 sound like 听起来像 8 8 be similar to 与 相似 9 9 in length 在长度上 1010 every two hours 每两小时 选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1 1 I like those people who are well educated and not skin deep 2 2 Ten members were present at the meeting including me 3 3 There are several specific problems to be dealt with 4 4 The accident was similar to one that happened in 1973 5 5 This desk is four feet in length and two feet wide 寻规律 巧记忆 adj th n v 宾语 of 复合短语 width 宽 depth 深 warmth 温暖 inform sb of 告知某人某事 cure sb of 治愈某人某种疾病 suspect sb of 怀疑某人某事 经典句式仿写 1 1 Well they re animals ofof highhigh intelligenceintelligence and they can communicate 哦 它们 海豚 是高智商的动物 能够进行交流 记句式结构 be of 名词 仿写促落实 这种产品质量好价格也不贵 The product is of high quality and is not expensive either 2 2 OK I m going to make a project book withwith lotslots ofof picturespictures inin itit 好 我将做一份有许多示意图的计划书 记句式结构 with 宾语 宾补 仿写促落实 她含着眼泪说了声再见 She said good bye with tears in her eyes 核 心 要 点 探 究 banban vt vt 禁止 n n 禁令 禁止 ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 put place a ban on 禁止 a ban on against 对 的禁令 The government is thinking about banningbanning smoking on public transport 3 政府正在考虑禁止在公交车上吸烟 He was banned from driving drive for three years 他被禁驾 3 年 Most people are for the ban on smoking in public buildings 多数人赞成在公共场所吸烟的禁令 makemake a a livingliving 谋生 教材 P11 They also try to help people to get other kinds of jobs so there are less people trying to makemake a a livingliving from fishing 他们也尝试帮渔民们得到其他类型的工作 这样以捕鱼为生的人会少一些 Error 以 谋生 Error 谋生 Nowadays tens of thousands of peasants pour into cities to make earnmake earn a a betterbetter livingliving 现在 成千上万的农民涌进城市以求过上更好的生活 Her dream was to earn her she living as a singer 她的梦想是靠当歌手来谋生 presentpresent n n 礼物 现在adj adj 出席的 现在的 当前的 存在的v v 提出 赠送 呈现 教材 P11 How will you presentpresent your project 你将如何展示你的计划 写出下列句中 present 的词性和词义 He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday presentpresent n 礼物 I am content to stay in my presentpresent job adj 目前的 We should like to presentpresent some suggestions which would help settle the question vt 提出 1 Error 授予 赠送某人某物 2 be present at 出席 3 at present 目前 现在 for the present 暂时 The children presented flowers to the teachers The children presented the teachers with flowers 孩子们向老师赠送鲜花 People present at the meeting were mostly scientists from different parts of the world 出席会议的主要是来自世界各地的科学家 4 At present our room is big enough 目前 我们的房间够大了 图形助记 n 现在 v 讲演 演示 v 赠送 adj 在场的 现在的 n 礼物 教材 P11 WellWell they rethey re animalsanimals ofof highhigh intelligenceintelligence andand theythey cancan municate 哦 它们 海豚 是高智商的动物 能够进行交流 要点提炼 句中 of high intelligence 作后置定语 修饰 animals of high intelligence 属于 of 名词 结构 该结构可在句中作表语 定语和补语 of 名词 结构因名词的不同可分为两类 1 可转化为形容词的 该类 of 名词 结构中的名词有对应的形容词 常见名词有 value use importance help interest benefit 等 名词前可用 no some any little much great 等修饰词 2 不能转化为形容词的 这类 of 名词 结构中的名词无对应的形容词 常见名词有 size weight height length width age opinion colour kind 等 名词前可用 a an the same 等修饰词 His suggestion was ofof littlelittle helphelp 他的建议没有帮助 What you said is ofof no interestinterest to me What you said is not interesting interest to me 我对你说的不感兴趣 The two children are of the same age but of different heights high 这两个孩子年龄相同 但身高不同 教材 P11 OKOK I mI m goinggoing toto makemake a a projectproject bookbook withwith lotslots ofof picturespictures inin itit 好 我将做一份有许多示意图的计划书 要点提炼 句中的 with lots of pictures in it 是 with n 介词短语 结构 在句中作定语 with复合结构还有以下几种形式 with 名词 代词 形容词 副词 doing 现在分词表示主动 动作正在进行 done 过去分词表示被动 动作已经完成 to do 动词不定式表示动作即将发生 I can t focus my attention on my study withwith thethe boysboys shoutingshouting 5 孩子们大喊大叫 我不能集中注意力学习 Tom went out to play with his homework unfinished finish 汤姆未做完家庭作业就出去玩了 The manager was very w
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