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投标人的安全、环境及职业健康管理政策Safety, Environment and Health Management Policy 第一部分 安全、环境及职业健康管理总则 I. Guidelines of Health and Safety and Environmental Management 1 项目初始阶段 HSE Management during Preliminary Stage 1.1 项目经理组织编制的项目管理计划中应有HSE管理要求,其主要内容: Project Management Plan should cover the HSE requirement, which mainly includes: 1)确定项目的HSE管理目标、组织机构和管理职责; Define the HSE management target, organization-chart & management responsibility. 2)对项目的危险源和环境因素进行辩识和识别,确定项目的重大危险源和重要环境因素,制定重大危险源/重要环境因素的控制目标和管理方案; Identify any dangerous source and environmental factor,define the major hazard and key environmental factors and develop a control target & management proposal for the major hazard & key environmental factors; 3)对从事危险环境下作业人员的培训教育计划及其风险规避的宣传与警告方式。 Workers who carry out the work under hazardous environment will be well trained & educated, propagandize the risk aversion & other safety consciousness. 4) 制定HSE管理的主要措施和要求。 Establish the major measure & requirement for HSE management system. 1.2 项目组应对项目HSE管理计划的实施进行管理。主要内容包括: The project team will supervise the implementation status of HSE management plan. The main working-scope will be as following: 1) 为实施、控制和改进项目的HSE管理实施办法计划提供必要的资源, 包括人力、物资、资金和专项技能和技术等; In order to implement, control & improve the HSE management system, the project team will provide necessary resources including labor-force, material assets, financing support, special skills & techniques and etc. 2) 项目经理应组织项目人员在项目实施的各阶段,进行项目的HSE实施计划的交底和培训,保证项目组人员或各分包方人员能够理解并执行HSE实施计划的内容和要求; Project manager should organize the team member to strictly implement the clarification & training during each different construction stages and make sure each team member and workers from each subcontractor can fully understand the safety policy and execute the HSE requirement. 1.3 HSE工程师负责监督、审查/检查各阶段项目HSE管理计划的落实,并保存审查及实施记录,确保工程开展中的各项活动能够执行HSE的要求; HSE engineer will be in charge of supervising, auditing/checking the implementation status of HSE management plan. At the same time, he will also be responsible for preserving all auditing & implementation records so that ensure all behaviors should be in compliance with HSE requirement. 1.4 项目组应建立并保持对相关方在提供物资和劳动力等方面所带来的风险进行识别和控制的程序,有效控制来自外部的危险因素。 Project team should set up a sound identification system for hazard factors brought by incoming material assets & labor force from relevant parties, make sure the hazard factor from external areas should be effectively controlled. 2. 设计阶段的HSE管理 HSE Management during Design Stage 2.1 设计HSE的策划 HSE Plan for Design Work 设计经理在项目经理领导下,根据“项目管理计划”中的HSE的要求,在项目的设计提纲明确本项目的HSE 目标及管理要求。管理要求是根据项目特性、针对与项目设计相关的职业健康、安全和环境保护目标确定。要求与目标必须与有关HSE评估单位和政府部门对项目HSE的批复意见一致。 Based on the HSE requirement defined by “Project Management Plan”, the design manger will specify the HSE target & requirement in the design brief under the help of project manager. The management requirement is fixed by referring to the project features and related HSE targets applicable for this project. The requirement & target should be in concordance with the ones defined by other relevant HSE evaluation department & statutory bureaus. 2.2 HSE设计 HSE Design 各专业设计人根据设计输入条件、合同规定、法律法规、标准规范和与HSE相关的评估以及批复意见的要求进行设计,按照公司的设计控制程序,通过设计、验证、评审等一系列设计活动,确保各专业的设计成品符合HSE的输入要求。 The HSE design work is based on the design specification, contractual specification, laws & rules, standard & criteria, and comments from relevant HSE evaluation departments. In addition, the design work will be in compliance with Design Control Process specified by our company, and confirm the finished work will meet the HSE requirement through design, verification & evaluation processes. 2.3 设计HSE审查 HSE auditing HSE审查及落实情况与设计文件的校审同步进行,并记录于“设计文件评审记录卡”中与其他技术文件一并归档保存。 The auditing & performance of HSE management and double-check of design document should be carried out at the same time, all this information should be recorded in the “Evaluation Card of Design Document”and this card with be preserved together with other technical datum. 3.采购阶段的HSE管理 HSE management during Procurement Stage 3.1 采购过程的输入是设计要求、顾客要求、施工要求和公司管理的要求。采购过程的输出为按时、保质地提供满足HSE要求的设备、材料和项目所需的其他资源,完成采购产品安全审核表。 The input data during procurement stage will be in accordance with Design Requirement, Construction Requirement & requirement brought forward by Company. The output data during procurement stage should be on schedule and ensure all materials and equipments and other necessary resources will meet the HSE requirement, finish Safety Auditing Form for Procurement Product. 3.2 采购部负责组织对设备、材料、工程供方进行考核评定内容为 The following items should be audited and evaluated by Procurement Department: 1) 有完整且运行有效的HSE体系。 Have one complete & effective HSE System 2) 有足够的装备、场地、检测手段,能保证满足采购文件所提出的要求。 Provi
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