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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 中医临床护理学 中医内科病证护理 1 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 中医内科病证护理 感冒 咳嗽 胸痹 眩晕 中风 胃痛 消渴 不寐 2 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 感 冒 3 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time l感冒是以鼻塞流涕 头痛 咳嗽 恶寒发热 全身不 适等为主要临床表现的一种外感病 多因接触风邪或 时行邪气 引起肺卫功能失调而致 l本病四季均可发生 尤以冬春季为多 l西医学的上呼吸道感染 流行性感冒可参照本病辨证 施护 感 冒 4 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 一 病因病机 l 1 外感风邪疫毒 外感六淫邪气 从口鼻或皮毛而 入 导致卫表不和 肺失宣肃而发病 l 2 正气虚弱 肺卫功能失常 素体正气虚弱 人体 御邪能力不足 外邪入侵而发病 感 冒 5 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 风寒束表1 风热犯表 2 暑湿伤表3 气虚感冒 4 阴虚感冒5 感冒的症候分型 6 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 一 风寒感冒 证候 恶寒重 发热轻 头痛 无 汗 肢体酸痛 鼻塞 声 重 时流清涕 咳嗽喉痒 痰稀薄色白 口不渴 舌苔 薄白而润 脉浮或浮紧 治则 辛温解表 宣肺散寒 方药 荆防败毒散加减 感冒的辩证施护1 风寒 感冒 7 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 调护方法 汤药宜温热服用 多饮热水和热粥 稍加衣被 以助发 汗 冬春风寒当令 可预防性用药 病室温湿度适宜 空气新鲜 避免直接吹风 定期消毒 流行季节防止交 叉感染 防寒保暖 随时增减衣物 避免受凉 防止复 感 感冒的辩证施护1 8 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 二 风热感冒 证候 身热 汗出 微恶风 头痛 咳嗽痰黄 咽喉红肿 疼痛 鼻塞 流黄浊涕 口渴欲饮 舌苔薄白或微黄 舌边尖红 脉浮数 治则 辛凉解表 宣肺清热 方药 银翘散加减 感冒的辩证施护2 9 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 调护方法 汤药宜轻煎 香气大出即停煎 多饮水 饮食清淡 凉润 多食新鲜蔬菜水果 忌辛辣 油腻 感冒流行 期间 用贯众 板蓝根水煎服或贯众代茶饮 观察病人 寒热和汗出情况 高热应卧床休息 汗后及时擦汗 更 衣 流行季节防止交叉感染 感冒的辩证施护2 10 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 11 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 三 暑湿感冒 证候 身热 微恶寒 汗少 肢体酸重或疼痛 头昏重胀 痛 咳嗽痰粘 鼻流浊涕 心烦 或口中粘腻 渴不多 饮 胸闷泛恶 小便短赤 舌苔薄黄而腻 脉濡数 治则 清暑 祛湿 解表 方药 新加香薷饮加减 感冒的辩证施护3 12 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 调护方法 呕恶病人服药宜频而少量分服 夏月暑湿当令 可 用藿香 佩兰 薄荷水煎服预防感冒 饮食清淡易消化 多食清热解暑之品 忌生冷 甜 粘 油腻 煎炸 可行刮颈背治疗 风池向下 脊背两旁自上而下至红润 感冒的辩证施护3 13 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 四 气虚感冒 证候 恶寒较甚 发热 肢体倦怠乏力 咳嗽 咯痰清 稀 舌淡苔白 脉浮而无力 治则 益气解表 方药 参苏饮加减 感冒的辩证施护4 14 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 调护方法 食醋熏蒸进行室内消毒 预防感冒发生 温湿度适宜 空气新鲜 避免直接吹风 防寒保暖 随时增减衣服 感冒的辩证施护4 15 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 五 阴虚感冒 证候 发热 手足心热 鼻塞流涕 微恶风寒 少汗 心 烦 口干 干咳痰少 舌红少苔 脉细数 治则 滋阴解表 方药 葳蕤汤加减 感冒的辩证施护5 16 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 五 阴虚感冒 调护方法 大蒜佐餐 预防感冒 自我按摩 按压风池 迎香 合 谷等 疏通肺气 温湿度适宜 空气新鲜 避免直接吹 风 感冒的辩证施护5 17 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 咳 嗽 18 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time l咳嗽是指以咳嗽为主要临床表现的一种病证 有声无痰谓之咳 有痰无声谓之嗽 但临床上 一般都是痰声并见 很难将咳 嗽分开 故统 称咳嗽 l西医学的上呼吸道感染 支气管炎 支气管扩张 肺 炎 肺结核等 可参照本证辩证施护 咳 嗽 19 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 1 外感 风 寒 暑 湿 燥 火六淫之邪侵袭于肺 使肺失宣 降而咳嗽 外邪中常以风为先导 挟寒 挟热或挟燥犯 肺 发生风寒 风热 风燥等咳嗽 咳 嗽 2 内伤 其他脏腑功能失调 影响到肺而引起咳嗽 素有肺虚或久病 耗伤肺之气阴 情志不畅 肝郁化火以致木火刑金 吸烟嗜酒 饮食失调而致脾伤 生痰 房劳过度 肾阴亏损 影响及肺 均可导致咳嗽 病因病机 20 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 风寒袭肺 1 风热犯肺 2 风燥伤肺 3 咳嗽的证型 外感咳嗽 21 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 痰湿蕴肺 1 痰热郁肺 2 肝火犯肺 3 肺阴亏耗 4 咳嗽的证型 内伤咳嗽 22 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 一 风寒袭肺 证候 咳嗽声重 咽痒 气急 痰色稀白 伴恶寒 发 热 鼻塞 流涕 头身疼痛 舌苔薄白 脉浮或浮紧 治则 疏风散寒 宣肺止咳 方药 止嗽散或杏苏散加减 咳嗽的辩证施护1外感咳嗽 23 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 调护方法 煎汤热服 服药后饮热粥并盖被 以加强发散之 力 祛邪外出 饮食清淡易消化 忌生冷 油腻 咳 剧时 可饮用热梨汁 枇杷汁 柑橘汁等以止咳化痰 咳嗽的辩证施护1外感咳嗽 24 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 二 风热犯肺 证候 咳嗽气粗 咽干而痛 咯痰不爽 痰色黄稠 伴头痛 身热 口渴 汗出 舌苔薄黄 脉浮数 治则 疏风清热 宣肺止咳 方药 桑菊饮加减 咳嗽的辩证施护2外感咳嗽 25 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 调护方法 汤药宜轻煎温服 饮食清淡易消化 忌辛辣 羊 肉 油腻 刺激性食物 咳剧时 可饮用枇杷水 川 贝冰糖水 高热病人物理降温 咳嗽的辩证施护2外感咳嗽 26 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time 三 风燥伤肺 证候 咳嗽无痰 或痰稠而粘不易咯出 甚者痰中带 血 咽喉干燥或痒 唇鼻干燥 伴头痛
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