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Unit6 C Story time教案一、教材分析本课是人教版PEP三年级起点四年级下册第六单元Shopping的C Story time部分,是一个非常有趣的故事。讲述的是Zoom在服装店当销售员由于粗心把价签贴倒了而引发的故事。二、学生情况分析本课的教学对象是四年级的学生,他们喜欢故事,天性活泼善于想象、喜欢学习英语,且在一年多的学习中,积累了一定的词汇,有语言输出欲望,能就事 物及动作简单描述。可让学生对故事结局进行适当创编,可充分激发学生的想象力,培养其创新意识。三、整体设计思路本课依据中国学生发展核心素养,以培养全面发展的人为目标,紧扣教材运用情景教学法、多媒体教学法等教学方法,培养学生的语言能力、学习能力、文化意识和乐于想象的思维品质。四、教学目标1. 语言知识目标:1) 通过趣味故事复习本单元所学语言,增加学生语言的输入:Can I help you? How much is it? Its ninety-one. Its pretty. Its cheap.2) 能理解故事内容,并恰当运用故事中的语言:Can I see that skirt, please? Youre fired.3) 能朗读故事并表演故事。4) 能够发挥想象,续编故事。2. 语言技能目标:1) 能很有感情地朗读或表演故事。2) 能用目标语言续编故事。3. 学习策略目标:1) 能认真倾听、观察思考、展开想象。2) 能借助合作学习,及时弥补不足,共享学习成果。4. 文化意识目标:1) 能在情景中积极思考、展开想象。2) 适时渗透情感教育:We should try our best to do everything. We should do everything carefully!3) 通过本课的学习,更加热爱生活,富于想象。5. 思维品质目标1) 基于记忆、理解、应用基础上的创造,批判性思考的高阶思维目标的培养,采用教师追问、小组合作等方式,激发学生的想象,激起学生用已学英语知识进行创新性交流和表达。五、教学重、难点1. 教学重点:1. 在情境中恰当运用本单元主要句型Can I help you? How much is it? Its ninety-one. Its pretty. Its cheap.2. 理解并表演故事。2. 教学难点:想象力和创新思维的激发;用目标语言创编故事。六、教学方法游戏教学法,情境教学法、启发式教学法,交际法、任务型教学法,及多媒体辅助法。七、教具准备人物头饰,人物图片。八、教学过程Step1: Pre-reading1. Warm-up(1) Free talk. (2) Before class, tell the students rules.(3) Sing a song: How much is that doggie in the window?(4) 猜价格游戏,旨在操练巩固本单元核心句型:How much is it? How much are they? 及核心词汇expensive, cheap.Step2: While reading1. 自我介绍:I am Mr. Elephant. I am a big boss. (戴上大象老板的头饰) I have a very big clothes shop. There are many clothes in my clothes shop. What can you see in my clothes shop? 看大屏幕,看服装店有些什么衣服,旨在复习5、6单元学过的单词。2. 引出Zoom. I have no time. I am very busy. So I ask one shop assistant to help me to look after my clothes shop. Today Im free, so Im going to my clothes shop to see if Zoom does a good job. 3. See the cartoon. 带着问题边看边听:Does Zoom do a good job? 播放动画,整体感知。4. 教授本课核心词汇:do a good job, no problem, fired。5. Listen and number the six pictures. 听全文录音,然后给图片排序。看整体感知效果。 6. Turn to page 65 and read the story.自学,小组合作学习,组内互助学习。带着问题:a. Is the skirt pretty?b. How much is the skirt?c. Is Zoom fired?d. Is Zoom careful? (仔细)7. Ss answer the questions.8. Does Zoom do a good job? No. Why? 带着问题精读课文。9. Zoom is very sorry about it, so if you are Miss. Sheep, what will you say to Zoom?A. Be careful, Zoom.B. Im sorry, Bye.C. No problem. Ill take it.思维拓展,情感教育。10. If you are Mr. Elephant, will you give Zoom a chance again? (思维拓展,情感教育。)11. Listen and imitate.12. 小结,板书。整体再现整个故事。13. Role playTips: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Three students are in a group. One is Sheep, one is Elephant, one is Zoom. 朗读的得一张贴画;Pay attention to the actions and facial expressions. 表演并加入了动作和表情的得2张贴画。14. 情感教育:This story tells us: 1) We should try our best to do everything. (我们做任何事我们都应当竭尽全力。) 2) We should do everything carefully! (我们做任何事都要认真仔细!) 3) We should never give up! (我们应该永不放弃!) Share a cartoon about animals. The animals can do a good job, too. Watch a video.Step3: Post reading (Consolidation)1. Continue the story: if I was Zoom, I will (假如我是Zoom,我会),出示撸起袖子加油干的图片。Maybe he will work hard. Maybe Mr. Elephant will give him a chance again. Maybe he works in a fruit shop. Maybe he works in a shoe shop. 等等。创编故事:What will happen after this? 在此之后会发生什么?并表演。(大屏幕出示有可能会用到的单词或句子。)2. Work in groups. 学生分组上台表演。3. Share the song: The coat in the window. 旨在营造轻松的氛围,让学生在愉快的心情中结束本次课程,并复现核心句型:How much 九、板书设计U6 Shopping C Story timeCharacter: elephant Zoom sheepDo a good job. No problem.Its pretty and cheap. (16$)How much is it?Its $ 91.
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