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Aviation AssignmentAviation Assignment Submitted by Submitted by Minu Pauline Minu Pauline D3 FIAT Cochin D3 FIAT Cochin ACKNOWLEDGMENTACKNOWLEDGMENT I take this opportunity to thank all my teachers and colleagues for helping meI take this opportunity to thank all my teachers and colleagues for helping me out to complete this presentation I specially thank our Aviation faculty out to complete this presentation I specially thank our Aviation faculty Mrs Ross for giving all assistance in my work I also thank all the facultyMrs Ross for giving all assistance in my work I also thank all the faculty and my colleagues at FrankFinn for their help and support Last but not the and my colleagues at FrankFinn for their help and support Last but not the least I thank God Almighty for His love and care least I thank God Almighty for His love and care IntroductionIntroduction This work is a study on the development of This work is a study on the development of aviation in India low cost airlines aviation in India low cost airlines domestic airlines and improving economy domestic airlines and improving economy of India This gives us an idea about of India This gives us an idea about Cockpit Cargo and about the relevance of Cockpit Cargo and about the relevance of a cabin crew This covers the area like a cabin crew This covers the area like dealing the special passengers and also dealing the special passengers and also about Airbus about Airbus Aviation Industry in INDIAAviation Industry in INDIA India is one of the fastest growing aviation India is one of the fastest growing aviation markets in the world With the liberalization of the markets in the world With the liberalization of the Indian aviation sector the industry had witnessed Indian aviation sector the industry had witnessed a transformation with the entry of the privately a transformation with the entry of the privately owned full service airlines and low cost carriers owned full service airlines and low cost carriers As of May 2006 private carriers accounted for As of May 2006 private carriers accounted for around 75 share of the domestic aviation around 75 share of the domestic aviation market The sector has also seen a significant market The sector has also seen a significant increase in number of domestic air travel increase in number of domestic air travel passengers Some of the factors that have passengers Some of the factors that have resulted in higher demand for air transport in resulted in higher demand for air transport in India include the growing middle class and its India include the growing middle class and its purchasing power low airfares offered by low purchasing power low airfares offered by low cost carriers the growth of the tourism industry in cost carriers the growth of the tourism industry in India increasing outbound travel from India and India increasing outbound travel from India and the overall economic growth of India the overall economic growth of India Low Cost AirlinesLow Cost Airlines A A low cost carrierlow cost carrier or or low cost airlinelow cost airline also also known as a known as a no frillsno frills or or discountdiscount carrier or airline carrier or airline is an airline that offers generally low fares in is an airline that offers generally low fares in exchange for eliminating many traditional exchange for eliminating many traditional passenger services The concept originated in passenger services The concept originated in the United States before spreading to Europe in the United States before spreading to Europe in the early 1990s and subsequently to much of the the early 1990s and subsequently to much of the rest of the world The term originated within the rest of the world The term originated within the airline industry referring to airlines with a lower airline industry referring to airlines with a lower operating cost structure than their competitors operating cost structure than their competitors While the term is often applied to any carrier with While the term is often applied to any carrier with low ticket prices and limited services regardless low ticket prices and limited services regardless of their operating models low cost carriers of their operating models low cost carriers should not be confused with regional airlines should not be confused with regional airlines that operate short flights without service or with that operate short flights without service or with full service airlines offering some reduced fares full service airlines offering some reduced fares Low cost airlines in IndiaLow cost airlines in India DOMESTIC AIRLINES IN INDIADOMESTIC AIRLINES IN INDIA INDIGO AIRLINESINDIGO AIRLINES GO AIR AIRLINESGO AIR AIRLINES SPICEJET AIRLINESSPICEJET AIRLINES PARAMOUNT AIRLINESPARAMOUNT AIRLINES JETLITE AIRLINESJETLITE AIRLINES KINGFISHER AIRLINESKINGFISHER AIRLINES JET AIRWAYSJET AIRWAYS INDIGO AIRLINESINDIGO AIRLINES Indigo or individuals on the go for the first time allowed individual Indigo or i
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