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1 七年级下学期英语期中复习检测试卷七年级下学期英语期中复习检测试卷 一 单项选择题 1 There a desk and two chairs between A are we B is us C are them D is they 2 There are about teachers and students in their school A nine thousands B nine thousand C thousand of D nine thousand of 3 Jim is a and he works in a restaurant A doctor B waiter C teacher D policeman 4 I often go shopping with my mother Saturday afternoon A in B at C on D from 5 There is a boat going the arch bridge 拱形桥 A on B over C through D acr 6 We carefully but nothing A listen hear B hear listen C listened heard D heard listened 7 There is a supermarket on side of the street A the other B the others C other D others 8 a UFO Look at bright light A Its it s B It s its C It s it D It s it 9 Do you know what happened her A on B of C for D to 10 Mum likes sleeping the windows in summer A with open B by open C with opened D on closed 11 try some Hunan food for dinner today Good idea Hunan food tastes nice too A Why not B Why not to C Why not you D Why not we 12 Where is the bus stop the school and turn right You can see a lot of people on the right side of the street The bus stop is right there A Go into B Jump out of C Turn into D Go out of C is there a hospital near there D where is the bank 13 Hello this is Alex speaking Is that Allen Sorry he isn t here now A Can I take a message B What are you saying to Sam C May I speak to Sam D Who s that speaking 14 Lakers wins again A Oh really B That s great C Just so so D You are right 15 Yes My mobile phone doesn t work A What will you do B Do you need any help C Are you not feeling well D What help do you need 2 16 We can t live on the Earth water and air A without B with C in D about 17 your parents at home last week A Is B Was C Are D Were 18 What did you do the day before yesterday A in B C for D under 19 UN Secretary 联合国秘书长 Pan Jiwen China last month and there another visit to Iran for him next month A visited was B visited will be C will visit will have D will visit has 20 You look beautiful in this sweater How much did you for it 198 yuan A take B cost C pay D spend 二 完形填空 In China we often say a good neighbour is better than a brother in the next village It s very important for us 1 a good neighbour First a good neighbour is a good 2 When your family move to 搬往 a new house our neighbours can help you 3 some furniture 家具 like tables and sofas and tell you something about your neighbourhood Maybe they will also 4 all the members of your family to their homes to keep warm and have a hot 5 It is 6 to stay there Second a good neighbour is also a good relative 亲戚 7 you travel your neighbours will take care of your house And 8 can also help them when they have the 9 situations 境况 Finally we can get a very important lesson 10 our neighbours that having a good neighbour is being a good neighbour yourself 1 A have B has C having D to have 2 A friend B hero C teacher D waiter 3 A bring B carry C look D take 4 A ask B let C wait D invite 5 A food B shower C drink D tomato 6 A sad B soft C smooth 光滑的 D comfortable 7 A After B Because C When D Before 8 A she B we C they D you 9 A same B large C special D different 10 A for B from C of D with 三 阅读理解 A A man from a big city with a new cart 马车 and a beautiful pair of horses was driving along a country road He did not give much attention to where he was going Very soon he knew he lost his way but he kept on driving hoping he would meet someone or find his way back It was a long way For many hours he kept on driving When it was almost dark he saw a farmer who was working in a field He stopped and shouted Hello farmer 3 Hello yourself the farmer answered still working Where does this road go I have never seen it go anywhere It always stays where it is said the farmer without stopping his work How far is it to the next town said the stranger with a little louder voice I don t know I ve never measured 测量 it Answered the farmer By the time the city man was getting angry What do you know You re the biggest fool I ve seen The farmer stopped and turned and looked for a while at the man Then he said Maybe I do not know much perhaps I m a fool But at least I m not lost 1 The city man said Hello farmer because A he was friendly to everyone B he saw an old man in the country C he lost his way and he wished the farmer who would show him the way D he was very happy 2 Did the farmer say anything to the city man A Yes he did B We don t know C No he didn t D The city man didn t find his way 3 The farmer didn t tell the city man the way to the next town because A the farmer didn t know the way either B the farmer is busy working in the field C The city man asked the question rudely D the farmer can t speak clearly 4 Was the farmer the biggest fool A Yes he was B No he wasn t C Yes he is D We don t know 5 I m not lost means A I m not a fool B I haven t lost my way C I haven t lost anything D I haven t lost myself B Tara Lipinski the famous Olympic gold medalist ice skater 著名的滑冰奥运金牌 获得者 tells us about a day in her life My
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