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Lesson 7 Whats Your Project about?Jenny and Danny talk about the trip and their projects. 珍妮和丹尼谈论旅行和他们的课题。talk about 谈论Talk to /with sb.和某人谈话project 可数名词 课题,计划Jenny:Hi, Danny. Did you have a good rest after our trip?嗨,丹尼。我们旅行后你休息得好吗? 一般过去时态表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也可以表示经常反复发生的动作。构成:主语+过去式常见的时间状语有:刚才just now;以前 ago(两天前two days ago; 一年前a year ago);上一个 last (去年last year; )Did 是do 的过去式,用作助动词,在句中没有实在意义,它和实意动词一起构成疑问句和否定句。Did无人称和数的变化,后加动词原形。Danny:Yes, I slept for two full days! I feel good now. 是的,我睡了整整两天!我现在感觉很好。Jenny:We had a great trip. We learned so much. And we saw our friend Li Ming again. 我们旅途愉快。我们学到了很多。我们又见到了我们的朋友李明。Danny:Yes. Are you ready for your project?对。你准备好你的课题了吗?Jenny:Yes, I am. I will talk about Marco Polo. We heard a lot about him on the Silk Road. Whats your project about?是的,我是。我来谈谈马可波罗。我们在丝绸之路上听到很多关于他的事。你的课题是关于什么的? Danny:My project is about some places of interest in China. I will talk about the places and things on the trip. I still cant believe itthey dont have donuts on the Silk Road. 我的课题是关于中国的一些名胜。我会谈谈旅行中的地点和事情。我还是不敢相信他们在丝绸之路上他们不吃甜甜圈。still1)、副词 还,仍旧,表示动作或状态,在句中可在助动词和否定词之前,连系动词之后。2)、形容词,不动的,静止的Jenny:Danny! You can find donuts anywhere in Canada. The Silk Road is about history and culture, not donuts. 丹尼!你可以在加拿大的任何地方找到甜甜圈。丝绸之路是关于历史和文化,而不是甜甜圈。anywhere做副词,任何地方,无论何处。由any+where构成的复合词。somewhere在某处,到某处 nowhere 无处Danny:Yes, I know. Im making a joke. Lets go to the library and work on our projects. 是的,我知道。我在开玩笑。我们去图书馆努力完善我们的课题吧。make a joke 意为“开玩笑、讲笑话”Work on 意为“从事,努力完成”。此时on 为介词,后接名词,代词或动词-ing形式,表示从事某一具体的事情,常用于进行时或完成时中。Jenny:Good idea. 好主意。 Dig In知识拓展What is a joke? A joke is something funny you say to make people laugh. Do you know any jokes in Chinese? Can you translate any jokes into English?笑话是什么?笑话是你说的一些有趣的让人发笑的事情。你知道一些中文笑话吗?你能把笑话译成英语吗?Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk RoadHello, everyone! 大家好!My project is about Marco Polo and the Silk Road. 我的课题是关于马可波罗和丝绸之路的。Marco Polo was a man from Italy. At the age of 17, he went to China. He travelled along the Silk Road with his father and uncle. Together, they moved goods between Europe and Asia on the Silk Road. Later, Marco Polo travelled with his brother. They travelled on boats, horses and camels. Their journey lasted about twenty years!马可波罗是来自意大利的人。17岁时,他去了中国。他和他的父亲和叔叔沿着丝绸之路旅行。他们一起在丝绸之路上在欧洲和亚洲之间运输商品。后来,马可波罗和他哥哥一起旅行。他们乘船、骑马和骆驼旅行。他们的旅行持续了大约二十年。 In 1275, Marco Polo travelled to Beijing. He met the king and worked for him for 17 years. During those years, Marco Polo learned about coal and paper. The Chinese discovered coal and invented paper. These things were new to Marco Polo. He brought some coal and paper back to Italy with him. He also brought back a lot of silk, tea and other goods. 1275年,马可波罗前往北京。他拜见了国王,为他工作了17年。在那些年里,马可波罗了解了煤和纸。中国人发现了煤,发明了纸。这些东西对马可波罗来说是新鲜的。他带了一些煤和纸回意大利。他还带回了许多丝绸、茶叶和其他商品。Marco Polo wrote a famous book about his travels to China. I hope to write a book like that someday. 马可波罗写了一本关于他到中国旅行的名著。我希望有一天写一本那样的书。Thank you. 谢谢。By:Jenny作者:珍妮Date:March 25日期:3月25日Lesson 9 Dannys School ProjectDanny:For my project, I will describe some places and things from China. You guess their names. Just try your best. Are you ready?Lets begin!就我的课题而言,我将描述一些来自中国的地方和事物。你猜他们的名字。你准备好了吗?让我们开始吧! These things are very old. People built them a long time ago. They look like an ancient army. What are they?这些东西很古老。人们很久以前就建造了它们。他们看起来像一支古老的军队。它们是什么? Jim:Are they the clay soldiers and horses from China?他们是来自中国的粘土土兵和马吗? Danny:Yes,you are right. They are the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xian. Here are some pictures. 是的,你说得对。他们是西安的兵马俑。这是一些照片。Jim:Wow!Cool pictures, Danny. 哇!很酷的照片,丹尼。Danny:The next one is an animal. Its big and tall. Its an important tool on the Silk Road. 下一个是动物。它又大又高。它是丝绸之路上的重要工具。Greg:Is it a horse?是马吗? Danny:Sorry! It lives in the desert. 对不起的!它住在沙漠里。Greg:Oh, its a camel!哦,是骆驼。 Danny:Well done. Look at this picture. Im riding a camel. 做得好。看这张照片。我在骑骆驼。 Danny:Here is the last one. It is very soft. It comes in many colours. 这是最后一个。它非常柔软。它有很多种颜色。Kim:Many things are soft and colourful. Can you tell us a little bit more, please?很多东西都是柔软的、五颜六色的。你能再告诉我们一点吗? Danny:OK. We can make clothes from it. 好啊。我们可以用它做衣服。Lily:Is it silk?是丝绸吗? Danny:Yes, you guessed it, Lily! Look at me. Im wearing a silk shirt. 是的,你猜对了,莉莉!看看我。我穿着一件丝绸衬衫。Lesson 10 Music and DanceLi Ming and Wang Mei are walking home from school. 李明和王梅正从学校往家走。Li Ming:Im still thinking about our trip to the Silk Road. I realized many things. China has so much history. And our culture is so rich and colourful. 我还在思考我们去丝绸之路的旅行。我意识到很多事情。中国历史悠久。我们的文化是如此丰富多彩。Wang Mei:Yes, I know. I feel the same way. 是的,我知道。我也有同样的感觉。Li Ming:The trip gave me an idea. 这次旅行给了我一个想法。Wang Mei:Really? What is it?真正吗?它是什么?Li Ming:I want to learn to play the erhu! It is a part of ancient Chinese culture. Many Western people call it the “Chinese violin” 我想学二胡!它是中国古老文化的一部分。许多西方人称之为“中国小提琴”。 W
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