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1 内蒙古包铁一中内蒙古包铁一中 2018 20192018 2019 高二英语上学期第二次月考试题高二英语上学期第二次月考试题 本卷分为第 I 卷 选择题 和第 II 卷 非选择题 两部分 满分 150 分 考试时间 90 分钟 第一部分 阅读理解 共两节 第一部分 阅读理解 共两节 满分满分 4040 分 分 第一节 第一节 共共 1515 小题 小题 每小题每小题 2 2 分 分 满分满分 3030 分 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑 A I sometimes feel left out with my friends at the party What can I do Susan Alice Alice Speak to your best friend before you arrive and ask her to make sure you don t get left out of the group That way she ll know to include you in all the fun Make the effort to speak to some other people at the party You might even make a new friend or two Sometimes I think parties get boring and I want to go home Jenny Alice Alice Even a great party will dragdrag if you re not enjoying yourself Making the effort to dance and have a chat with your friends will beat the boredom You don t have to stay to the very end of the party Our school is having a Christmas dance party but I m really shy Shall I go or not Emma Alice Alice Part of you would like to go to the party so give it a try Let good friends know how you feel and make sure you ll have people to dance with when the evening comes Practice some fun dances so you ll feel comfortable on the dance floor Whenever I go to a party my dad comes to pick me up at 8 pm I always have to leave 2 earlier than the rest of my friends and I get really angry with my dad Anny Alice Alice Talk with your dad and let him know how you feel It feels hard to have different rules from your friends but don t worry too much your friends are probably picked up soon after you anyway 1 Alice advises Susan to A stay with her friends B ask her friend for help C leave the party at once D make fun of her friends 2 The underlined word drag is closest in meaning to A fail B improve C be boring D be pleasant 3 What worries Anny A Her dad is strict with her B She always argues with her dad C Nobody picks her up after the party D She can t go to the party with her friends 4 Where can you probably find the text A In a notice B In a guidebook C In a famous novel D In a popular magazine B B MyMy FirstFirst Marathon Marathon 马拉松马拉松 A month before my first marathon one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks leaving me only two weeks to train Yet I was determined to go ahead I remember back to my 7th year in school In my first P E class the teacher required us to run laps and then hit a softball I didn t do either well He later 3 informed me that I was not athletic The idea that I was not athletic stuck with me for many years When I started running in my 30s I realized running was a battle against myself not about competition or whether or not I was athletic It was all about the battle against my own body and mind A test of wills The night before my marathon I dreamed that I couldn t even find the finish line I woke up sweating and nervous but ready to prove something to myself Shortly after crossing the start line my shoe laces 鞋带 became loose So I stopped to tied them Not the start I wanted At mile3 I passed a sign GO FOR IT RUNNERS By mile 17 I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly I didn t give up I walked a bit and then ran again By mile 21 I was hungry As I got near mile 23 I could see my wife waving a sign She is my biggest fan She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a m or questioned my expenses on running I was one of the final runners to finish But I finished And I got a medal In fact I got the same medal as the one that the guy who came in first place had Determined to be myself move forward free of shame and worldly labels 世俗标签 I can now call myself a marathon winner 5 A month before the marathon the author A was well trained B felt scared C made up his mind to run D lost hope 6 Why did the author mention the P E class in his 7th year A To acknowledge the support of his teacher B To amuse the readers with a funny story C To show he was not talented in sports D To share a precious memory 4 7 How was the author s first marathon A He made it B He quit halfway C He got the first prize D He walked to the end 8 What does the story mainly tell us A A man owes his success to his family support B A winner is one with a great effort of will C Failure is the mother of success D One is never too old to learn C C Bad teeth may be painful and it s getting worse without treatment They can even ruin your life Illness of the teeth can find its way into the blood system This can increase the chances of a heart disease or other illnesses Experts say good care for teeth should start at birth Mothers milk is the best food for the healthy development of teeth But dentists say a baby s mouth and early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding Use a cloth with a little warm water Do the same if a baby is fed with a bottle Experts say if you decide to put your baby to sleep with a bottle give him only water When baby s teeth begin to appear you can clean them with a wet toothbrush Dentists say it is important to f
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