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高三英语学科 试题 第1页 共8页 绝密绝密 考试结束前考试结束前 20192019 学年第一学期浙南名校联盟第学年第一学期浙南名校联盟第一一次联考次联考 高三年级高三年级英语英语学科学科 试题试题 命题 永嘉中学 审题 温州第二高级中学 考生须知 1 本卷满分 150 分 考试时间 120 分钟 2 答题前 在答题卷指定区域填写班级 姓名 试场号 座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字 3 所有答案必须写在答题卷上 写在试卷上无效 4 考试结束后 只需上交答题卷 第 卷第 卷 选择题部分 选择题部分 第一部分第一部分 听力 共两节 满分听力 共两节 满分 30 分 分 第一节 共 5 小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分 7 5 分 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 并标 在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每段 对话仅读一遍 1 What does the man offer to do A Go to 7th street B Show another shirt C Call another branch 2 What is the cause of the woman s quietness A The violent film B Her tiredness C The crowded theater 3 How does the man know about animals A From books B On TV C Through the Internet 4 Where are the speakers A At a shop B In a restaurant C At home 5 What does the woman do A A nurse B A waitress C A saleswoman 第二节第二节 共共 15 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分分 满分 22 5 分分 听下面 5 段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题 5 秒钟 听完后 各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 听第 6 段材料 回答第 6 7 题 6 When was the woman promoted last time A Three years ago B Four years ago C Five years ago 7 What can we learn from the conversation A The woman will keep this job B The man will raise the woman s salary C The woman would like to work with the man 听第 7 段材料 回答第 8 9 题 高三英语学科 试题 第2页 共8页 8 What was the worst thing for the man after the operation A He had a great pain B He couldn t eat anything C He had to take the medicine 9 What does the woman ask the man to do A Eat out with her B Stop eating some food C Make a list of his favorite food 听第 8 段材料 回答第 10 至 12 题 10 What does the woman think of the visit at first A Tiring B Unworthy C Amazing 11 What animal did the man fail to see A Sharks B Tree frogs C Butterflies 12 What does the man suggest doing in the end A Visiting some birds B Taking a rest at the basement C Learning more about wild animals 听第 9 段材料 回答第 13 至 16 题 13 How does the man feel about joining the association A Uninterested B Relaxed C Worried 14 How much is the one year membership fee A 5 B 10 C 35 15 How often do guest speakers meet A Once a month B Twice a month C Once a week 16 What is peer coaching about A Students doing sports after study B Senior students helping other students out C Students making speeches on various topics 听第 10 段材料 回答第 17 至 20 题 17 What is the talk mainly about A A town B A hospital C An organization 18 What does the speaker say about the project this year A It is interesting B It is successful C It is difficult 19 What is required to become a volunteer for MSF A The ability to handle pressure B The ability to get along with others C The ability to cope with emergency incidents 20 What kind of volunteers are in urgent need A Doctors B Building engineers C Food experts 第二部分第二部分 阅读理解 共两节 满分阅读理解 共两节 满分 35 分 分 第一节第一节 共 共 10 个小题 个小题 每小题每小题 2 5 分 分 满分满分 25 分 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的 A B C 和 D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 并在答题卡将该选项 涂黑 A An advertisement in the newspaper stating that the local SPCA was promoting a campaign called 高三英语学科 试题 第3页 共8页 Home for Christmas appealing to local residents 居民 to give their numerous older cats a chance at a forever home made my husband and I visit the shelter As we were chatting with the worker an orange cat reached for my husband s shoulder We took this as a sign so Cici came to be a part of our lives It didn t take her long to fit in with our life As the weeks went by we all adapted to our routine It soon became evident that Cici was an extremely laid back cat and there wasn t much that would upset her aside from her humans serving up a late dinner About this time I heard about an organization called You Are Not Alone that was looking for dogs to visit the local seniors Although cats had never been considered as appropriate visitors Cici was reluctantly scheduled for an interview and surprisingly she was declared fit for the program A few days later Cici and I arrived at the Nanaimo Seniors Village and prepared to meet a resident who wanted a visit from a cat Joan Samuels had recently moved to the Village after giving up her home and her two pets Understandably she was missing them terribly and I was hoping that our visits would help with the healing of her loss I still remember Joan s face when she saw Cici for the first time It was truly love at first sight Every Tuesday morning after that Cici and I had the pleasure of visiting Joan Sometimes we played cards or just chatted while the cat made herself cozy on Joan s bed All our times together were so special I must admit being part of the pet visitation program was truly a privilege Playing a part in bringing two sweet souls together and watching them bond was truly a gift 21 The writer got Cici from A An organization called You Are Not Alone B A center called Home for Christmas C An animal shelter called SPCA D The Nanaimo Seniors Village 22 What does the underlined word laid back in the second paragraph most probably mean A easy going B sensitive C smart D wild 23 Which of the following would be the best title for this pa
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