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初二英语8A期末复习模拟试卷A卷一、词汇(30%)A. 根据句子意思和汉语提示写出单词1. There is a _(麻雀) in the tree.2. He _(点菜)some fish in the restaurant yesterday.3. This ring is a (真实的) gold one.4. (洪水) is a kind of natural disasters.5. We often (建议) our father to give up smoking.6. What can you see if you (移开) the board?7. He (掉下) the cup to the ground.8. The general(将军) (命令) his men to move faster.9. This bridge is made of (石头).10. Please keep off those (危险的) bears.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空11. How do you know about the (nature) disasters.?12. Zhalong welcomes lots of (tourist) every year.13. Wang Fang ran (quick) than Millie.14. We have to know the (important) of protecting wild animals.15. If you watch those birds, you will be (interest) in them. 16. Im sure you can do your homework (easy)17. What did you do for your own (safe).18. . Heilongjiang is a (north) city.19. It was (wind) yesterday.20. It must be (danger) to swim alone.C. 选择所给短语并用其适当形式填空at first in all directions crash into try ones best be in dangerdrop to encourage to do all year round on ones own invite . to21. Thanks for us your wedding.22. In Hainan Island, it is warm .23. Be careful with matches, or you will .24. Boys, can you do the exercises ?25. Teachers should all the students to speak out in class.26. When the storm was corning, animals rail away .27. , what shall we do, running or jumping?28. The car a river in the accident last week.29.You must after you making up your mind.30. The temperature to -2 this evening.二、选择填空(20%)( ) 31. The two girls looked at each other _ _ fear when they heard a whisper. A. in B. of C. with D. at( ) 32. Why is it important _ _ the birds in the wild? A. to protect B. protect C. protecting D. protected( ) 33. When I saw the bright daylight, I knew I was _ _. A. save B. safe C. safety D. saving( ) 34. Dont encourage your son _ . A. to smoke B. smoking C smokes D smoke( ) 35. The old man is too old to look after . A. him B his C himself D he( ) 36. If bears live in the wild, they _ _ for their own food. A. hunting B. hunt C hunts D will hunt( ) 37. _ the very beginning, the baby drank their mothers milk. A. In B. On C. From D. At( ) 38. Dont _ _ me in that way. A. look after B. look on C look over D look into( ) 39. Why not _ _ Mary to our party? A. to ask B. asking C asked D ask( ) 40. If we dont protect the wild tigers, they _ _. A. die B. is dying C will die D dy( ) 41. We are reading a report _ _ natural disasters. A. on B. in C at D of( ) 42. Zhejiang is a _ place for living, dont you think so? A. ideal B. idea C. beautiful D. wonderful( ) 43. The cat miaowed _ she was hungry. A. so B. since C. but D. and( ) 44. -Why is the horse , do you know? -Sorry, I don t know. A. keep running B. keeping running C. keep to nm D. keeping running( ) 45. -Look at that woman! Is she the bus? -No, she is the bus. A. getting in, getting down B. getting into, getting off C. getting on, getting off D. getting on, getting down( ) 46. four months, she weighed about 10 kilograms. A. At B. On C. For D. in( ) 47. She lives . She had to . A. lonely, look after herself B. alone, look after herself C. lonely, look at herself D alone, look after himself( ) 48. One of the from England. A. students come B. students is C. student is D. student comes( ) 49. The little girl football. A. is interested in pl
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