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人教PEP版英语五年级下册 期末测试(基础卷)一、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。( )(1) Aclever Bplease Ceggplant( )(2) Aring Bsing Cpink( )(3) Afifth Briver Clike( )(4) Asheep Bteacher Clunch( )(5) Anow Bcow Csnow二.单项选择。( )1 -This is _ book. -That isAmy; yourBmine; yoursCmy; yours( )2 - _ is the little monkey doing? -It is playing with its mother.AWhatBWhenCWhere( )3 -Whats your favourite season? - _ AI like autumn best. BFebruary is my favourite month.CI swim in summer.( )4 My parents usually get up _ 6:40.AonBat Cin( )5-Whats the date today? - _ AIts Tuesday.BIts cool.CIts April lst.( )6. August is the _ month of a year.AsevenBninthCeighth( )7.-What is Mike doing? -He _ .ArunningBis runningCruns( )8. - _ do you like summer? - _ I can swim in the river.AWhy; BecauseBWhy; AndCWhat; Because( )9. What do you do _ the weekend?AinB/ Con( )10.I like _ ,because I like snow.Asummer BwinterCspring三、情景交际。( )1你想表达“我们经常去野餐”时,你会说:AWe often go on a picnicBI like to go swimming.CWe sometimes plant flowers.( )2教师节到了,你想知道迈克会为老师做什么时,你会问他:AWhen is Teachers Day? BWhen is the party?CWhat will you do for your teacher?( )3对方问你春天的天气怎么样时,你会说:A. I can plant trees in spring.BIts sunny and warm in spring.CWhats the weather like in spring?( )4对方问你周日通常做什么时,你会说:AI usually clean the room.BI get up at 7 Am.CI sometimes visit my grandparents.( )5.体育课上,同学们争抢着玩游戏,老师会说:AWork quietly! BTake turns!CKeep your desk clean!四、选择正确的选项补全对话。Mike:1 Chen Lin: My birthday is on September 11th.Mike: 2 Chen Lin: Yes, my birthday is in autumn.Mike: 3 Chen Lin: Its windy and cool.Mike: 4 Chen Lin: Yes, I like autumn. But my favourite season is summer. 5 Mike: I like spring best.AWhat about you?BIs your birthday in autumn?CWhen is your birthday?D. Do you like autumn?E. Whats the weather like in autumn?五.从栏中选出栏句子的相应答语。 ( )(1) Whats she doing? AShes sleeping.( )(2) When is Childrens Day? BNo, Im going hiking.( )(3) Are you climbing? CIts on June lst.( )(4) What do you do on the weekend?D. Winter. I can play with snow.( )(5) Which season do you like best? E. I often do homework.六.连词成句。1 are, catching, they, butterflies (?)2 play, usually, sports,I, 3:00, at (.)3 do, like, you, why, winter (?)4 is, dinner, cooking, in, brother, kitchen, the, my (.)5 he, making, is, snowman, a (?)七 阅读短文选择正确的答案 My name is Amy. Im from Canada I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I like winter best, because my birthday is on December 12th, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is playing in the garden. Im watching TV.( )1 Amy often goes hiking _ .Aon Sundays Bin spring Con the weekend( )2 Which is Amys favourite season?ASummer.BAutumn. CWinter.( )3 Why does Amy like winter?ABecause her birthday is in December.BBecause she can play with snow in winter.CBoth A and B( )4 Is Amys brother going shopping?AYes, he is. BNo, he isnt.CYes, he is swinging in the garden.( )5. Whats Amy doing?AShes going shopping.BShes watching TV.CShes playing. 期末测试(基础卷)一. 1A 2C 3 C 4A 5C二. 1C 2A 3 A 4B 5C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B三. 1 A 2C 3B 4 A 5 B四. 1C 2B 3 E 4D 5A五.1A 2C 3B 4E 5D六. 1Are they catching butterflies? 2I usually play sports at 3:00. 3Why do you like winter? 4My brother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 5Is he making a snowman?七.1C 2C 3C 4B 5B
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