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1 uNotice writing A notice is often to inform sb of the information or a declaration of a lecture or a meeting 2 uThe main components in a notice 1 time the date month date and information like Sunday or Saturday etc 2 exact place and address 3 the theme of the meeting and the participants 3 Notice 写作要点 u1 语言要求规范简短 具体明确 选用正式 或普通的语域 u2 一般要写明发布通知的单位和时间 u3 正文要明确写出通知的人员范围 活动内 容 活动时间和地点 u4 必要时还应写明活动方式及注意事项等 英语通知的具体写法 v 通知一般可分为口头通知和书面 通知两种 书面通知又有两种 一 种是布告式通知 即以布告的形式 把事情通知有关人员 另一种是书 信式通知 即以书信的形式把事情 传达给有关人员 通知的内容一般 可分为五个部分 一 通知的标志 v 通知的正上方通常要有一个 标题 口头通知常用 Announcement 书面通知 多用Notice或NOTICE 通知 一般使用一般将来时和一般 现在时 书面通知是书面的正式公告或布告 常常是张贴在显眼的位置 为了 醒目起见 标志的每个字母可以用 大写NOTICE 但如发出通知的单 位以首字母大写形式出现在通知的 标志之上 则也要首字母大写形式 Notice 并常写在正文上方的正 中位置 还可以用核心内容做标 题 口头通知用Announcement 作标志 但通常省略不说 二 书面通知的单位及时间 v 发出通知的人或单位的名称 一般写在标志的上方或在正文后面 的右下角 发出通知的时间要写在 正文的左下角 也可按书信格式写 正文的右上角 不过 这两项有时 可以省略 口头通知不说这两项 三 呼语 v 口头通知往往要有呼语 如Boys and girls Ladies and gentlemen Dear friends Comrades等 但 书面通知没有称呼语 被通知的单位或人一般用第三 人称 但如果带有称呼语 则 用第二人称表示被通知的对象 口头通知就常用第二人称表 示被通知的对象 涉及要求或 注意事项时 也常用第二人称 表示被通知的对象 祈使句中常 常省略 四 正文 v正文要写明所做事情的具体时间 地点 概 括性内容 多为书面通知的首句 出席对象 及有关注意事项 布置工作的通知要把工作 内容和要求写清楚 正文一般可采用文章式 为了醒目也可采用广告式 广告式要求简 明扼要 一个句子可以写成几行 且尽量写 在中间 各行的第一个字母一般都大写 书面通知用词贴切 语句简洁 具有书面化 口头通知用词表达 要注重口语化 口头通知的开头 往往有称呼语 被通知的对象 如 Boys and girls Ladies and gentlemen 等 或用提醒听 众注意的语句 如 Attention please Your attention please 等 且最好有结束语 如 Thank you for listening 以示礼貌 v通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明 扼要 口头通知开始往往要用上 Attention please 或 May I have your attention please 或 Be quiet please 其后可以加 上I have an announcement to make 结束时可加上 That s all Thank you 之类的客套话 v对举行活动的口头或书面通知 常 用 sth will is going to be held 地点 时间 或 There will is going to be sth 地点 时间 结 构 结束语前常用 Please attend it on time Do be present on time 或 Everyone is All are welcome expected to attend it Don t be late 之类的句子 五 落款 v口头通知通常不用落款 书面通 知要落款 写出发出通知的人或 单位名称 落款一般写在通知的 右下角 样文 v假如你是学生会文体委员 请根 据下表 用英语写一则关于春游 的通知 参考范文 v Notice v The students of Grades One and Two will go to Xiangshan Park on April 18 We ll climb the hill there and have a picnic on top of it After that we ll visit the famous botanical garden Please wear your sports shoes and some drinking water with you We ll gather in front of our school gate at seven in the morning The buses will leave at ten past seven So be sure to come on time Those who want to go should enter your names at the Students Union before Friday The Students Union Company Logo B How to write a notice 通 知 星期五 9月10日 下午4点全体教师在 会议室开会 庆祝教师节 请准时参加 校工会 2005年9月8日 Please put the Chinese notice below into an English one Company Logo NOTICE WRITING The School Teachers Union NOTICE All teachers are requested to meet in the school conference room on Friday Sep 10 at 4 p m to celebrate Teachers Day Please arrive on time Sep 8 2005 English version of the notice Company Logo NOTICE WRITING NOTICE All teachers are requested to meet in the school conference room on Friday Sep 10 at 4 p m to celebrate Teachers Day Please arrive on time The School Teachers Union Sep 8 2005 Another format of English notice 22 Follow Up Practice Directions 以公司行政办公室的名义 按通知的格式和要 求写一份于2005年6月30日公布的通知 包括 以下内容 1 时间 7月7日星期五下午2 00 2 会议地点 公司办公大楼会议厅 3 会议内容 讨论财务计划 4 出席人员 各部门负责人 5 要求 每人准备一份建议书 Words for reference Financial program 财务计划 Office Building Department head 23 Sample 1 Meeting Notice June 30 2005 Subject Financial program of the company Participants Heads of all sections Time 2 00 p m July 7 Friday Place Meeting Hall of Office Building Note Each participant is required to hand in a writing proposal The Administrative Office 24 Sample 2 Meeting Notices 会议通知 To 致 From 自 Subject 事由 Date 25 Sample 3 Notice 通知 Body 正文 落款 日期 Sample 4 Dean s office Notice An open English class will be given by Dr John Smith to Class 37 of 2002 of Business Department at 9 00 on Friday Oct 24 in Room 401 Classroom Building All the teachers of English are expected to be present Teachers of other departments are also welcome October 20 2003 Sample 5 Football Match This is the final contest between the two best teams of the college Please come to enjoy the exciting game and have a wonderful time Time Friday Sep 11 at 4 00 P M Place The Playground Teams English Department vs Engineering Department Language points request sb to do sth be requested to do sth 请求某人做某事 request that sb should do sth It is requested that sb should do sth 要求 虚拟语气 Readers are requested to note that 用在句首 谨请注意 ASAP as soon as possible Basic Patterns Passengers are requested to note that the new timetable will come into effect from May 1 2003 The president sb requested all the students sb to be present at the meeting where It is expected that all the English teachers are present at the meeting It is announced that 据称 If you are unable to attend please call 5622719 telephone num not later than July 15 date Practice 1 Notice It is announced that 本周二上午0236班三 四节英语课因故 取消 补课时间另行通知 Dean s Office Practice1 Notice It is announced that the 3rd and 4th English classes of Class 0236 on Tuesday morning this week will be cancelled Anothe
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