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1 UnitUnit 1111 CouldCould youyou pleaseplease telltell meme wherewhere thethe restroomsrestrooms are are 一 填写下列词组 1 买杂志 2 乐意做某事 3 与某人闲逛 4 在二楼 5 过得愉快 6 上舞蹈课 7 打电话 8 装扮成小丑 9 路过 经过 10 摇滚乐队 二 完型填空 A train stopped 1 a small station A man look 2 of the window and saw a woman 3 cakes People from the train were buying them The man wanted to 4 a cake but the man was standing far 5 the window It was raining and the man didn t want 6 out in the rain Suddenly he saw a boy walking on the platform 车站平台 not far from him 7 here boy the man said Do you know how much money we must pay 付款 her for a cake Five cents 美 分 the boy answered The man gave the boy ten cens and asked him 8 two cakes One 9 me and one for you he told the boy A few minutes 10 the boy came back He was eating a cake He gave the man five sents and said There was only one cake 1 A at B in C on D of 2 A in B out C up D into 3 A sell B sold C sells D selling 4 A sell B borrow C buy D give 5 A from B to C in D on 6 A goes B go C to go D went 7 A Comes B Come C Go D Goes 8 A to buy B buys C buy D bought 9 A of B for C at D from 10 A ago B after C before D later 三 阅读理解 A HOUSE TO RENT Older house to WELCOME TO OUR DANCE rent in city centre One bedroom and CLUB Free lessons Every Saturday one kitchen Near important station evening a diflerent lesson every week Buses pass back door Bring your favourite CDs 475 mo Phone 332 0178 Call Bridget at 520 1928 SWIMMING LESSONS FOR WORK WANTED Strong boy STUDENTSpleased to work in garden or do house Newquay Training Centrework 3 hours a week July 8 10See Tom 2 根据前面广告的内容及以下各题中所给提示 选择正确答案 Look at ad Susan is looking for a house to rent 出租 It doesn t matter how old and how expensive it is She s got to study for her exams so the house must be quiet 1 Susan doesn t want to rent 租用 the house because A it s too old B it s too expensive C there is only one bedroom D it s too noisy Look at ad Mum Look at that ad for the dance club The lessons are free 免费的 You can join it Daughter My dear mum You haven t read it carefully On Saturday I have an English lesson in the morning an art lesson in the afternoon and a maths lesson in the evening I want some free time 2 Why can t the daughter join the club A She has no CDs B She has an art lesson C She has an English lesson D She has a maths lesson Look at ad Mr Klip s children are going to learn swimming They ll have a holiday from July 1 to July 14 3 How long will it take the children to learn to swim in the Centre A 3 days B 4 days C 1 week D 2 weeks Look at ad Nick has always wanted to work in a garden He thinks it s an exciting place It s hard work but he can do it 4 What does he need to do if he chooses to do the garden work A To help Tom with his lessons B To clean the kitchen and the rooms C To look after the flowers and grass D To do the washing for 3 hours a week B 阅读理解 根据短文内容 选择正确答案 One day Mr Jackson took Paul to his favourite restaurant It was a French restaurant The waiter was from France But he didn t speak to them in French Would you like to see the menu he asked in a kind way Yes please Mr Jackson said The waiter gave them a menu each They studied them You can spend only twenty five dollars Mr Jackson told his son The waiter asked Paul What would you like young man How much is the tomato soup Paul asked Six dollars the waiter said It s very good How much is the duck with orange Paul asked next Fifteen dollars the waiter said How much is the chocolate ice cream Six dollars the waiter said Paul added 加 it up quickly Six plus fifteen plus six is twenty seven He thought he could have the duck and the soup or the duck and the ice cream I ll have the duck and the chocolate 3 ice cream please he said to the waiter Paul said to his father My meal will cost only twenty one dollars Can I keep the other four dollars His father laughed No Paul he said Leave it for the waiter 1 How did the waiter speak to Paul and Mr Jackson A In a rough way B In a friendly way C In French D Slowly 2 What did Paul have for dinner A The soup and the duck B The duck and the ice cream C The duck the soup and the ice cream D The soup and the ice cream 3 How much did Paul s meal cost A 21 B 24 C 25 D 27 4 What did Mr Jackson tell Paul to do with the other 4 A Keep it B Give it back to him C Spend it on something else D Give it to the waiter 5 What does this passage tell us A Paul and his father hate eating in restaurants B Mr Jackson s favourite food is English food C Paul was careful not to spend more than 25 in the restaurant D Paul didn t know what to choose from the menu 四 语言综合训练 1 你能和同学谈论一下你过去的一个假期吗 你去了那里 如何去的 总体感觉如何 对各种服装设 施有何评价 请 Section B1a 中的选项进行描述 2 2008 奥运会期间 我们会在来北京的飞机上 为每一位乘客发一份英文的北京旅游指南 包括 Hotel Restaurant Traffic Shopping Beautiful view 等五个方面 请你起草这份旅游指南 字数在 150 左右 4 试题答案 试题答案 一 填写词组 参见文稿 略 二 完型填空 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 A 9 B 10 D 三 阅读理解 A 1 D 2 D 3 A 4 C B 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 C 四 语言综合运用 略
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