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1 UnitUnit 1313 CharityCharity LessonLesson 4949 LessonLesson 5252 一 本周教学内容 本周我们将学习课本第 13 单元 慈善 Unit 13 Charity 中的第 49 52 课 Lesson 49 Lesson 52 二 重点 难点 1 Not really I have a bad headache 不太好 我头疼 ache 常与身体的部位名称结合构成复合词 如 have a n headache toothache earache stomachache backache 头痛 牙痛 耳朵痛 肚子痛 后背痛 表示某一部位疼痛除了可以说成 have got a ache 之外 还可以说成 one s hurt 或 have got a pain in one s eg 她去看病因为她后背痛 这句话有以下几种说法 She went to see a doctor backherinpainahadshebecause hurtbackherbecause backacheahadshebecause 我因为头痛要休息一天不去工作 可以说成 I will have a day off from work headmyinpaina got haveIbecause hurtsheadmybecause headachea got haveIbecause 再如 I have got a pain in my tooth How long have you had a toothache 我牙痛 你牙痛多久了 2 Many people have extra clothes and food that they are willing to give 许多人都愿意捐出他们多余的衣物和食品 extra 表示 额外的 特别的 是形容词 还可以表示 特别的 非常的 是副词 eg There were so many people that the company put on extra bus 人数太多 公司增加了额外的公共汽车 Our restaurant will offer tea withoutextra charge 我们的饭馆将会提供不额外收费的茶水 It s safe to keep the money in an extra strong box 把钱放在这个非常坚固的盒子里很安全 be willing to do 表示 愿意做某事 willing 是形容词 表示 eg I m willing to help you whenever you turn to me 不论何时你向我求助 我都愿意帮助你 Jim is willing to do all the housework to show his love for his mother 吉姆愿意做所有的家务来表达对母亲的爱 再如 你愿意为我们读报纸吗 可以说成 2 Are you willing to read the newspaper to us Would you like to read the newspaper to us Would you please read the newspaper to us 3 Let s get started 咱们开始吧 get started 口语中表示 开始 这个意思时 经常用 get eg We found it difficult to get started 我们觉得开始很难 Please get ready for the coming exam 请为即将到来的考试做准备 与 get 搭配的过去分词充当表语的还有 get married 结婚 get lost 迷路 get dressed 穿衣服 get washed 洗脸 4 Charity begins at home is an English saying 慈善起自家中 是一句英语谚语 saying 表示 谚语 俗语 格言 eg There s no smoke without fire as the saying goes 常言说得好 无风不起浪 Time and tide wait for no man as the saying goes 常言道 岁月不待人 5 Soon afterwards She was sent to India 此后不久 她被派往印度 afterwards 是副词 表示 以后 其后 后来 eg I m busy working now but I can talk with you afterwards 我现在在忙于工作 但我待会儿能跟你谈谈 She was very well before lunch but felt sick afterwards 午饭前她感觉挺好 但后来就感觉不舒服了 I didn t remember his name until afterwards 我直到事后才想起他的名字 6 First she opened a small school that was free 首先她开设了一个免费的小学校 free 在这里表示 免费的 还可以表示 自由的 随意的 空闲的 eg If I can get a free ticket to the concert I m willing to go 如果我能得到一张免费的去音乐会的票 我很愿意去 You ll get a free gift of a cup if you buy this whiskey now 现在买这瓶威士忌 免费赠送一个杯子 In the old days women were not as free as they are today 旧社会的女人不象今天那么自由 be free to do 表示 随意去做 eg You are free to use my computer 要使用我的计算机 请随意 7 In 1950 she started the Missionaries of Charity that was made up of nuns 1950 年她创立了由修女组成的仁爱传教会 make up 表示 组成 文中的 be made up of 是 由 组成 的意思 eg Farming and mining make up most of the country s industry 农业和矿业构成了国家产业的大部分 The medical team is made up of two doctors and three nurses 医疗队由两名医生和三位护士组成 The chemistry group is made up of the students who are interested in chemistry 化学小组由爱好化学的学生组成 3 8 Besides they will not take in patients who are dying 另外 它们 医院 也不愿意接收快要死的人 besides 表示 而且 还有 除 某人 某事物 之外还有 我们还学过 except 表示 除 某人 某 事物 之外 没有 but 表示 除 某人 某事物 以外 此外 常与否定词连用 She has three relatives besides an aged aunt 除了一个年老的姑姑 她还有三个亲戚 People all moved away from the dangerous area except Jim 除吉姆外 人们都离开了这个危险地带 Nobody but you could be so foolish 除你之外 谁也不会这样自私 take in 表示 接纳 接待 某人 留宿 eg Our party branch took in a new member yesterday 我们党支部昨天吸收了一名新党员 He had nowhere to sleep so we offered to take him in 他没地方可睡 于是我们提出留他住下 关于 take 的短语还有 take off 脱下 take away 带走 take out 拿出 take part in 参加 take one s place 代替某人 take sth with sb 携带 take a message for sb 给某人捎口信 take over 接管 take the second turning on the left 在第二个拐弯处向左转 take sb on 雇佣某人 take down sth 从高处取下某物 9 It was these poor and sick people that Mother Terasa decided to help 特丽萨嬷嬷决定帮助的正是这些穷人和病人 It is that 这是一个强调句式 被强调的部分应放在 it is 和 that 中间 eg I met my friend Mary in the park yesterday 昨天我在公园遇见我的朋友玛丽 It was I that who met my friend Mary in the park yesterday 强调主语 是我昨天在公园里遇到了我的朋友玛丽 It was my friend Mary that who I met in the park yesterday 强调宾语 我昨天在公园里遇到我的朋友玛丽 It was in the park that I met my friend Mary yesterday 强调地点状语 是在公园里我昨天遇到了我的朋友玛丽 It was yesterday that I met my friend Mary in the park 强调时间状语 是昨天我在公园里遇到我的朋友玛丽 10 They began to see all the good that Mother Teresa and her nuns were doing 它们开始看到特丽萨嬷嬷和修女们所做的好事 that Mother Teresa and her nuns were doing 是定语从句 修饰先行词 the good good 在此 处是名词 意思是 有利的事 好处 eg The medicine will do you good 这种药将对你有效 It will do us good to have a holiday 休假将对我们有好处 Eating no vegetables will do more harm than good 不吃蔬菜 只有坏处没有好处 11 Mother Terasa died in 1997 but she is still remembered all over the world for what she did for the poor 特丽萨嬷嬷于 1997 年去世 她为穷苦人做出了贡献 为此 全世界的人们将永远缅怀她 remember for 因 而怀念 4 eg The soldier is always remembered for his bravery in the war 那位士兵在战争中表现英勇 人们永远怀念他 I will always remember the old man for his kindness 我会永远因他的和善而怀念这位老人 12 Would you like to sponsor me 你愿意资助我吗 sponsor 用做动词 表示 赞助 倡议 用做名词 表示 倡议者 赞助商 担保人 eg The football match will be sponsored by a company 足球比赛将由
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