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牛津版模块五和模块六课文经典句子背诵精选(2015-01-20 14:56:28)转载标签:学英语分类:英语学习M5 & M6课文句子背诵1.Doctors have been researchingwhat effectstand-up and other forms of comedyhave onus, and have discovered that people who laugh a lot live longer.医学工作者们一直在研究单口喜剧和其他喜剧形式能够对我们产生什么样的影响,并已发现笑口常开的人更长寿。2.Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying,Laughter is the best medicine, may be true after all.不管是什么原因,研究表明,那句英语格言“笑是灵丹妙药”到头来可能真的没错。3.To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends.To others,happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal.To thosewho have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without suffering, or just being alive.对于一些人来说,幸福就是有家人和朋友陪伴在自己身边。对另外一些人来说,幸福意味着在某个方面取得成功,比如说实现一个目标。对于那些受伤的人或者是身体有残疾的人来说,幸福可能仅仅意味着过一天没有病痛折磨的日子,或者仅仅只是活着。4.Beforeher accident, we knew her as a young girl who was happy and successful inher sport.Whileshe was injured and in hospital, sheamazed the world bythe way she remained cheerful.事故发生之前,我们都知道桑兰是个年轻快乐的姑娘,在体育方面有骄人的成绩。在她受伤住院期间,世人都为她依然开朗的样子感到惊讶。5.Even thoughher training meant that she had tolive apart fromher parents,shewas happy todevote herself togymnastics.尽管参加训练意味着她不能和父母住在一起,她还是全身心地投入到体操中。6.Sang Lan knew that for many peoplethe secret to happinessistohaveappreciation forthe good things in life, and tofocus ongoals.Instead ofcrying about what she had lost and feeling hopeless, Sang Lan thought aboutwhat she could doto get better.桑兰懂得,对很多人来说,幸福的秘诀在于欣赏生活中美好的东西,集中精力实现自己的目标。所以,桑兰并没有为失去的一切哭泣,感到绝望,她想到的是她能做什么使自己好起来。7.When the doctors told her that she would never again be a gymnast, she was able toovercome her sorrowby being proud of the things she had accomplished. Shefelt thankful tobe alive and lucky to have the rest of her life to learn new things.当医生告诉她,她再也不能当体操运动员时,桑兰能够以为自己已取得的成绩感到骄傲和自豪这种方式而战胜悲痛。她庆幸自己仍然活着,庆幸自己未来还有余生学习新东西。8.However, her primary goal is to advocate better treatment for disabled people. Shesays that she likes to be optimistic. She also believes that keeping busy helps herstay positive.然而,她主要的目标就是呼吁给予残疾人更好的治疗。她说她喜欢进取。她也相信,忙碌有助于她保持积极乐观的状态。9.All I have to dowas go to school andspenda few hoursstudyingwhen I camehome.我要做的就是上学,以及回家后再学习几个小时。10.All I have to dowas enjoy my adolescence.我要做的一切就是享受我的少年时光。11.Young people should never forget thatgood health is an important part ofhappiness.It is hard to stay happy and cheerful when you are ill,orwhen you are old and your body aches. When I was young, I could run many kilometers and I would not feel tired.I felt like I could do anything.年轻人应切莫忘记,健康的身体是幸福的重要组成部分。当你生了病或年纪大了、身体疼痛的时候,你就很难感到幸福开心了。年轻的时候,我可以跑上好多公里不觉得累。我觉得自己什么都能做。12.I have been happy about different things at different times during my life, but mymost vivid and happiest memories arethose ofschool days, so I think that wasthehappiest timein my life.在我人生中,不同阶段我所做的不同的事情都令我开心,但在我脑海里印象最鲜明,记忆中最幸福的时光还是我求学的那些日子,所以我觉得那是我一生中最幸福的时光。13.When I imagine my future, I see myself successful in my job and surrounded bymy family. I predict there will be new technology which willallowpeopletolive longer and be healthier.This is whyI think my happiest days will be in the future.当我想象自己的未来时,我看到的是自己工作成功,家人围绕身边的情景。而我预料将会有可以让人更长寿,更健康的新技术。这就是为何我认为我最幸福的日子是在将来。14.Then families will be able tospendthe maximum amount of their precious timeenjoying each others companyand the minimum amount of timedoing housework.这样,每个家庭就可以最大限度地将其宝贵的时间用于享受家人相伴,而花最少的时间来做家务。15.It is nice to think that my happiest daysarestillahead ofme. Thinking this waygives me the motivation towork hard nowso thatI can enjoy my future life.想想自己最幸福的日子还在前头,这感觉真的很好。这样一想,我就有了现在刻苦学习以享受未来生活的动力。16.Butwhatis really interestingis thatthere are sometimes great culturaldifferences even between native English speakers.但真正有趣的是,即使都以英语为母语的人,他们之间的文化差异还是很大的。17.After all,learning about cultural differencesisa good way to understandmoreabout each other.毕竟,了解文化差异是互相增进理解的一个好办法。18.I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations,orthe UN,asit is more often referred to. The UN is an international organizationmade up of countriesthat want to promote world peace. I am very happyto have been chosento be a Goodwill Ambassador for them.我很高兴今天有机会跟大家谈谈联合国,联合国也叫UN-这个名称更常用。联合国是一个国际组织,有所有愿意促进世界和平的国家组成。被选为联合国亲善大使,我一直很高兴。19.Ifeel very honored tohave been able to take on this role.能够担当这一角色,我感到非常荣幸。20.One of the goals isto ensurethat clean wateris available toeveryone,asinmany places water is not safe to drinkunlessit is boiled.目标之一是保证每个人都能喝到干净的水,因为在很多地方得把水煮沸后才能放心使用。21.The water makesitdifficultforthe cuts and woundsto get betterand easyforbacteriato spread.这里的水使伤口难以愈合,也容易传播疾病。22.When Ithink back toall the experiences that Ihave hadaround the world sincejoining Doctors without border
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