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成人英语三级考试重点语法与词汇 重点语法 现在完成进行时Overthepastdecades seaice intheArctic 北极 asaresultofglobalwarming A haddecreasedB willdecreaseC hasbeendecreasingD isdecresing答案 C过去的数十年间 北极的海洋冰川由于全球变暖而一直递减 2 条件状语从句 主将来 从一般 Ifit tomorrow wewillstayindoorstohaveourtrainingclass rainsB rainC willrainD rained答案 A 3 情态动词 现在完成时musthavedoneshouldhavedonecouldhavedonewouldhavedoneExercises 1 He havecompletedhiswork otherwise hewouldn tbeenjoyinghimselfbytheseaside shouldB mustC wouldn tD can t答案 B 2 Tom you retoolazy Thework havebeenfinishedyesterday A wouldB shouldC mustD could答案 B3 Withoutyourhelp I haveachievedsomuch A can tB shouldn tC wouldn tD musn t答案 C 4 强调句型 Itis was 被强调的部分 that who 被强调的部分为 物 时用that 为 人 时用whoItwasonMondaynightthatallthishappened Itismewhoheblamed Exercise Itwasin2005 webegantointroducethisnewtechniqueintoourcompany whichB thenC whenD that答案 D 5 虚拟语气 1 wish 过去时 表示现在或将来的愿望wish 过去完成时 一个过去没有实现的愿望IwishIwereastallasyou Ididn tgototheparty butIdowishIhadbeenthere Exercise Didyouseeheroffthedaybeforeyesterday No butIwishI wereB didC hadD would答案 C 2 wouldrather 过去时 表示 宁愿 宁可 Iwouldratherallofyoucamenextmonthforadinner Exercise ShallIgiveyouachequefor 10 AB I dratheryougiveme 10innotes CD答案 Cgivegave 3 Itis high time that 过去时 早 该 了Don tyouthinkitistimeyougaveupsmoking Exercise Itisabouttimethatwegotosupper forwestillABChaveameetingtoattendthisevening D答案 Bgowent 4 A 隐含表示说话人主观意见的词 后面用 should dosuggest advise propose recommend insist require request demand desire order commandPolitemannersinChinademandthatapersonstandupwhenanyoneentersaroom B Itisimportant necessary urgentthat should doItisvitalthatenoughmoneybecollectedtogettheprojectstarted Exercises 1 Mysuggestionyesterdaywasthatameeting todiscussthematter A shouldholdB mustbeheldC wouldbeheldD beheld答案 Dbeheld shouldbeheld 2 Idon tthinkitadvisablethatTom tothejobsincehehasnoexperience A beassignedB isassignedC willbeaddignedD hasbeenassigned答案 A 5 incase lest forfearthat引导的状语从句 should 动词原形Hetookhisraincoatforfearthatitshouldrain 他把雨衣带身上以防下雨 6 倒装结构 1 否定词在句首 bynomeans innocase scarcely BynomeanswillJaneagreetomovetoanewplacefarawayfromherworkplace 2 Only开头OnlybypracticewillyoubeabletoimproveyourspokenEnglish 3 nor neither so位于句首 句子倒装SolittledidIknowaboutthestockexchangethatthelecturewascompletelybeyondme 7 同位语从句TheinformationwhichshewasinjuredinABtheaccidentwasgivenbyLiz CD答案 Awhichthat同位语从句常跟在fact evidence information idea news后面 用that引导从句e g Thefactcameupthatspecificspeechsoundsarerecognizedbybabiesasyoungas6mounthsold 8 关系词的选择 1 非限制性定语从句Acontainerweighsmoreafterairisputin itABCDprovesthatairhasweight 答案 Ditwhich 2 先行词是thetime themoment 关系词用when 3 先行词是situation 关系词用where 4 whoorwhom 定语从句中 指人的先行词我们用who或者whom做连接词 who用来做从句的主语 whom用来做从句的宾语 Thisisanursewhowearsawhiteskirt ThisisthepersonwhomIjustsaw Heisthedriver Iwanttolookfor Thisisthefriend Ioftenvisit Ihaveafriend hasmuchmoney It sathief wascaughtbyus Kateisastudent studieswell 6 Thisisthesportsman everyonesayswillwinthegoldmedal whom whom who who who who 9 反意疑问句 1 在haveto结构中 反意疑问句要用助动词do does didWehadtowaitalongtimetogetourpassport didn twe 2 含有否定词hardly scarcely never seldom等 反意疑问句要用肯定 Younevertoldmeyouhaveseenthefilm didyou 3 祈使句中 反意疑问句用willyouDon tforgettowritetome willyou Let s与Letus区别Let shurryupandtrytogettotherailwaystationintime shallwe Pleaseletushavemoretime willyou 4 从句中 反意疑问句和从句的谓语一致IheardthatyoureallyhadawonderfultimeatJohn sbirthdayparty didn tyou Exercises 1 Hiswifehadthefrontdoorpaintedgreenyesterday she didB didn tC hadD hadn t答案 B2 DearHelen pleaseforgivehimforhisABrudeness canyou CD答案 Dcanyouwillyou 10 主谓一致 1 虽然形式以 s结尾 但表示单数意义physics maths news means 2 动名词 不定式 从句做主语时 谓语动词用单数Whenandwherethenewhospitalwillbebuiltremainsamystery 3 Anumberof 谓语动词用复数Thenumberof 谓语动词用单数Thenumberofmistakesmadebyhimwassurprising 4 主语 aswellas alongwith togetherwith including accompaniedby 名词谓语动词与主语保持一致 5 名词前有each every manya修饰时 谓语动词用单数Inourcountryeveryboyandeverygirlhastherighttoreceiveeducation 6 就近原则notonly butalso neither nor either or 谓语与最邻近的主语一致 NeitheryounorIaminterestedinthemovie Exercises 1 Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks tothenationasagift A isofferedB hasofferedC areofferedD haveoffered 2 ProfessorSmith alongwithhisassistants ontheprojectdayandnighttomeetthedeadline A workB workingC isworkingD areworking答案 A C 11 非谓语动词 一些惯用语中的动名词a can thelpdoing can thelpbutdob It Thereisnousedoing做 没有用c beworthdoing 做 是值得的d bebusydoing 忙于 e enjoy feellikedoing 喜欢 想 d What Howaboutdoing 如何 e havedifficulty trouble problemindoing 2 动词不定式跟不定式做宾语的常用动词有 p81 persuade intend pretend manage want动词 宾语 不带to的不定式做宾语see watch let have make wouldrather hadbetterhave letsb dosth 3 动词不定式的被动式have getsth donemakeoneselfunderstood Exercises 1 Isthereanypossibilityofgettingtheprice further A reducedB reduceC reducingD bereduced2 TheyaregoingtohavetheservicemenABinstalledanelectricfanintheofficeCDtomorrow 答案 A C 4 分词 现在分词 过去分词 现在分词表示主动或正在进行过去分词表示被动或动作完成Feelingtiredafterahardwork shefellintobedandwentstraighttosleep Todaythepolicecanwatchcarsrunningonro
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