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Pleased to meet you! 教学设计I. Teaching aims and demands:1.Knowledge aims:a.words: pleased, meet, address, pen friendb.sentences:Can you speak English?Yes, I can. I can speak some English. No, I cant.I can .I cant.2.Ability aims: “listening” “speaking” “reading” “writing” skills.3.Feeling aims: Arouse the students to join English activitiesII. The focal and difficult points:1.How to use “can”.2.Words: pleased,meet,address,penfriend. III. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching methods.IV. Teaching tools: Radio, CD-ROM, multimedia.V. Teaching steps:Step 1 GreetingsT: Class begins!M: Stand up, please.T: Good morningafternoon, boys and girls.SS: Good morningafternoon, Miss Liu.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you.Step 2 Warming-up1. Play a “Magic Eyes” game. 用Magic Eyes 游戏复习活动的单词及词组,既能吸引使学生的注意力,节省上课时间,又能使学生迅速进入英语学习状态。Step 3 Pre-task1.Free talk.T: Hello,S: Hello, Miss Liu.T: Whats your name?S: Im.T: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you. T: Pleased to meet you.(Help them to say and teach “pleased”)S: Pleased to meet you, too.师生自由问答,拉近学生距离,培养学生的交流能力。T: I like making friends. Can you be my pen friend?(Teach “ pen friend”)S: Yes, of course.(Help them to say)T: OK, this is my address.( Teach “address”,Ppt shows This is my address: No.2-507 Hushan Road, Junxi, Datian. This is my email address: liqif.my265yahoo.com.cn.)Ppt shows the following;.T: Can you danceplay the violinplay the piano?(Get the Ss to answer, then ask and answer in pairs.)S: Yes, I can. I can danceplay the violinplay the piano. No, I cant. I cant danceplay the violinplay the piano单词教学由教师创设情景引出,使学生有新鲜感和亲近感,并在交流中达到语用的目的。Step 4 While-task1.Finish Activity 1.1) Listen to the CD-ROM, and ask:(1)Can Daming speak English?(2)How many friends has Daming got?(3) Who are they?2) Listen again, and ask:Can Daming speak English?Can Laura write to Sam and Amy?Can Daming be Lauras pen friend?Can Laura write Chinese?Can Daming write English? 带问题听录音,能够训练学生的听力。And pick up the key sentences:Pleased to meet you.Can you speak English?Yes, I can speak some English.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?Yes, of course. This is my address in China.I cant write Chinese.Practice reading and then play a Poyimima game.句子操练本身是比较枯燥乏味的,采用破译密码游戏的形式,能激发学生的学习兴趣,从而达到掌握句子的效果。3) Listen and repeat, and stand up,when you hear can.4) Practice and Drill.2. Finish Activity 2.1)Listen and repeat.2)Practice and drill.Step 5 Post-task1.Play a guessing game: Guess what heshe says. “I can I cant.”(Ppt shows the pictures.)2.About you. You can use “ I can” , the following words may help you:dance, sing, play basketball, play football, play table tennis, play the guitar, play the violin, play the piano, play computer games, fly a kite.Please say it in a chain.语言的学习最终还是要回到实际,让学生根据自己的实际进行说话练习,能培养学生的口语交际能力。T: You can do lots of things. Thats good. But there are still lots of things you cant do. When we meet difficulties in our life, we should remember these words(Ppt shows the following): Believe in yourself!(相信自己!) I can do it!(我能行!)对学生进行情感教育,增强学生的自信心。3.Learn the song “ I can sing it well.”1)Get the ss learn after the radio.2)Sing the song together.3)Practice the song and do the actions. 歌曲的强烈节奏感使学生乐于并易于掌握。Step 6 Project1.Summary:How to use “ can”:Can you .?Yes, I can. No, I cant.I can.I cant.2. Homework: Write a letter to your friend and tell him/her what you can do and what you cant do. 作业布置是非常重要的一个环节,英语课外作业是对课堂教学的有效延伸,是英语学习的巩固、发展、深化,是学生课外学习英语的重要手段。这个作业的设计能符合这一理念。Blackboard writing:Module 5 Pleased to meet you.pleasedmeetpenfriendaddressPleased to meet you.Can you speak English?Yes, I can speak some English.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?Yes, of course.This is my address in China.I cant write Chinese.资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,5971619945实用文档 专业整理
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