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Unit7Howmucharethesesocks SectionB2a 2c ReadtheadMr Cool sClothesStoretofindoutthepriceforthoseclothes Tolearntowriteanad Objective Howmuchdoyouthinkthesethingscost Matcheachclothingitemwithaprice 解释 clothingitem意为 成衣制品 a 3c 30e 22b 15d 20f 25 22 25 3 20 15 30 2a Clothesad 12 120 15 50 18 113 30 11 29 OnSale Mr Cool sClothesStore Readtheadandfillinthepricetags ad 2b Comeandbuyyourclothesatourgreatsale Wesellallourclothesatverygoodprices Doyoulikesweaters Wehavegreensweatersforonly 15 Yellowsweatersareonly 12 Doyouneedtrousers Forboys wehaveblacktrousersforonly 22 Mr Cool sClothesStore Andshortsareonly 16 Forgirls wehaveskirtsinpurpleforonly 20 Howmuchareourjackets Only 30 Andwehaveblackshoesforonly 28 Socksareonly 2forthreepairs CometoMr Cool sClothesStorenow Fillintheblanksaccordingtothepassage sweaters 15 trousers 12 forboys shorts purple 16 skirts 20 forgirls 22 jackets 30 shoes black 28 socks 2 3pairs sweaters Whatdoestheshopsell 2 Howmucharethesweaters 3 Howmucharethetrousersforboys Answerthequestion Itsellssweaters trousers shorts skirts jackets shoesandsocks Thegreensweatersare15dollarsandtheyellowonesare12dollars Theyare22dollars 4 Howmucharetheskirtsforgirls 5 Howmucharethesocks 6 Whatcolorsaretheskirtsforgirls Theyare20dollars Theyare2dollarsforthreepairs Theyareinpurple ImagineyouworkatMr Cool sClothesStore Completetheconversationandpracticeitinagroup You Hello Ihelpyou Girl Yes please Ineeda You Howaboutthesepurple Girl Oh Ilikethisone Howisit You It sonlydollars Girl Oh good I llit can skirt ones take 20 much 2c You Andwhatdoyouneed Boy Well Ineedapairofbrown forschool You Whataboutthispair Theyaretwenty eight Boy Great Anddoyouhaveshorts too You Yes ourshortsareonlydollars Boy OK I lltaketheandthe shoes 16 shorts shoes only dollars Cometo Comeandbuy at Comeandhavealook CanIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Doesshelikethatwhitebag Yes shedoes No shedoesn t Oh it stooexpensive Canyougivemealowerprice Sorry Ican t Thatoneischeap Howmuchisit It sfiveyuan I lltakeit Hereyouare Thankyou You rewelcome Shopping 1 buy v 1 comeandbuy来买 cometobuy 2 buy from 例句 Iwanttobuyabookfromthebookstore 2 sell v sale n 卖 例句 atHuaxing sgreatsale在华兴的大卖场 Languagepoints selltheshirtforonlythirtyyuan仅以30元的价格卖了这件衬衫 以26元的价格买了这袜子 buythesocksfortwenty sixdollars havethesocksfortwenty sixdollars 同类对比 beonsale在打折 降价 短裤在降价 Theshortsareonsale 例句 3 atverygoodprices 以非常便宜的价格 at表示 以 的价格 例句 Wehavesweatersinallcolorsat 6each 我们所有颜色的毛衣都卖六元一件 4 Doyouneedbagsforsportsorschool 你需要体育用的包和上学用的书包吗 这里的for是 为 所用 的意思 5 Forgirls wehaveskirtsinpurpleforonly 20 我们有女孩穿的紫色的短裙 只卖20元 1 forgirls中的for做介词 在此处表示对象 意为 对 来说 2 句中的介词in在此处用于表示物品的颜色 3 foronly 18中的介词for用在此处表示价格 意为 以 金额 6 CometoMr Cool sClothesStorenow Comeandbuy at Comeandhavealookat 到 买 看一看 Comeandseeforyourselfat 快来 为自己购物吧 7 介词 from从to到 给 从零到十 fromzerototen 从莉萨那买包 buythebagfromLisa 把包卖给麦克 sellthebagtoMike 来酷先生的服装店 cometoMr Cool sClothesStore DoesMrs Greenhavea 服装 store Yes shedoes 2 Iwantto 买 anewschoolbagforschool clothes buy 3 Doyou 需要 bagsforschool 4 Theredshortson 销售 areverycheap need sale I 根据句意及汉语提示 用适当的单词完成下列句子 Exercises 5 MyfriendsandI 都 likethesportsshoes 6 What sthe 价格 ofyournewpencilbox It s10yuan 7 The 男孩 inaredhatismybrother HisnameisLiWeikang all price boy Theyhavepens pencilsandnotebooks verygoodprices 2 girls wehaveredskirtsforonly28yuan 3 Doyouhavehats blue Sorry weonlyhaveblackones 4 Howmuchisthispair sportsshoes 5 Thebluesweaterissmallforyou How thisredone at For in of about II 用适当的介词填空 1 I llbuyit 改写同义句 I ll it 2 Thishatisbig 改为复数句 big TheblackT shirtis48yuan 对画线部分提问 istheblackT shirt take Thesehatsare Howmuch III 根据要求改写句子 每空一词 Thosesweatersareyellow 对画线部分提问 arethosesweaters 5 Howmuchisthebook 改为同义句 the thebook Whatcolor What spriceof Drawandwriteyourownad Homework 同学们 再见
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