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Unit 6 Do you like bananas 人教版七年级英语上 册 Section B 2a 2c u Read the article to find out Cindy s eating habits u To learn to write about your eating habits Objectives What do you like for breakfast lunch and supper I like for lunch Discussion What do you like for breakfast lunch and supper I like for breakfast Food Ye s MaybeNo fruit vegetable eggs chicken hamburgers ice cream Which food do you think is healthy Check Yes Maybe or No 2 a milk apple carrot tomato orange hamburger ice cream French fries healthy foodunhealthy food Job volleyballer Name Cindy Smith She eats lots of healthy food volleyball star Read the magazine article and circle the food words 2 b Write five sentences about Cindy s eating habits Cindy likes healthy food 1 Cindy 2 She 3 She 4 Cindy doesn t 5 She doesn t likes oranges and apples really likes salad likes fruit for breakfast like hamburgers for dinner like bananas 2 c Language pointsLanguage points 1 some和many 的区别 1 some 意思是 一些 可以修饰可数名词 也可以 修饰不可数名词 e g some friends 一些朋友 some water 一些水 2 many 修饰可数名词 意思是 许多 不可数名词要用 much修饰 e g many bananas 许多香蕉 much milk 许多牛奶 2 volleyball 排球 volleyballer 排球运动员 后缀 er一般用来表示人 e g work 工作 worker 工人 sing 唱歌 singer 歌手 teach 教 teacher 教师 run 跑 runner 跑步的人 3 I like chicken for dinner 晚餐我喜欢吃鸡肉 1 for dinner在句中作状语 2 have has也可以表示 吃 或 喝 英语中人们习惯用have来表示吃早 中 晚饭 而不用eat来表示 且三餐前不加定冠词the e g Let s have lunch 我们吃午饭吧 Let s have some salad 让我们吃些沙拉吧 4 I don t want to be fat 我不想变胖 want的用法 want sth 想要某物 want to do sth 想要做某事 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 e g I want some water I want to eat an apple He wants his mother to have a rest do 表示 动词原形 sports star eat well ask about like for be healthy what about one last question Summary 1 He likes eggs and bananas dinner 2 Her habit is not good 3 In the red bag I saw five 4 Mike three pencils and two pens 5 Anna doesn t want fat for be eat have tomato I 从方框中选择单词 并用其正确形式填空 for eating tomatoes has to be ExercisesExercises 1 我喜欢橙子和梨 你呢 I like oranges and pears you 2 你晚饭吃什么 What do you have 3 我们有相同的饮食习惯 We have the same 4 胡萝卜是健康食品 Carrots are 5 你妈妈喜欢什么水果 does your mother like What about for dinner eating habit healthy food What fruit II 根据汉语提示完成句子 每空一词 III 根据提示词完成对话 1 A Mrs Green oranges B Yes she does 2 A let s strawberries B Sounds good Does Mrs Green like oranges Let s have some strawberries 3 A for lunch B I like chicken and rice 4 A Do your parents like fruit salad B yes 5 A Does your brother like ice cream B no What do you like for lunch No he doesn t Yes they do IV 将下列句子按照正确的顺序 排列组成一段通顺 的对话 A What about dinner B Do you have breakfast every day C I usually have some fruit like apples and bananas They are healthy food D Oh what do you have for lunch E Yes I do I eat hamburgers and milk F Yes you are right G For lunch I eat chicken and rice They are delicious 美味的 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V 汉译英 1 她晚餐吃鸡肉 西红柿 炸薯条 还 有甜点冰淇淋 For dinner she has chicken tomatoes French fries and for dessert ice cream 2 汤姆吃很多健康食物 早餐他喜欢吃 鸡蛋 桔子还有香蕉 Tom eats lots of healthy food For breakfast he likes to have eggs oranges and bananas Homework Homework Make a survey of healthy food and unhealthy food Healthy 健康的 Unhealthy 不健康的 同学们 再见
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