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(江苏版)2020高考英语新素养大二轮专题突破考前冲刺卷(二)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1.Two years later,I happened to learn that they had settled then in a neighborhood close to _ I was living.A.how B.whereC.which D.when答案B解析句意为:两年后我碰巧听说他们那时就已经定居在离我住的地方很近的一个社区。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导宾语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故用where引导该宾语从句。2.I was told to be here before eight.Oh,you .Im sorry for forgetting to tell you that we have changed the plan.A.neednt B.cantC.mustnt D.mightnt答案A解析句意为:我被告知要八点前到这里。哦,你不必(八点前到这儿)的。很抱歉,我忘记告诉你我们改变了计划。neednt不需要,不必,符合语境。3.The Wall Street Journal reported that Uber Technologies Inc.plans to unmanned planes used for food delivery by 2021.A.recommend B.revealC.launch D.advocate答案C解析句意为:据华尔街日报报道,优步科技公司计划在2021年前推出用于食品配送的无人驾驶飞机。launch(首次)上市,发行,符合语境。recommend推荐;reveal揭示,透露;advocate支持,拥护。故选C。4.No art can be properly understood apart from the culture of it is a part.A.where B.thatC.which D.what答案C解析句意为:离开了所属的文化,任何艺术都不能被正确理解。分析句子结构可知,此处考查的是“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句,of 后缺少宾语,应用关系代词which。故选C。5.The viewers were completely by Kit Haringtons vivid performance in the series Game of Thrones.A.carried on B.carried offC.carried through D.carried away答案D解析句意为:观众们完全被基特哈灵顿在权利的游戏系列剧中生动的表演迷住了。be/get carried away忘乎所以,变得很激动,符合语境。carry on继续;carry off抢走,赢得;carry through把进行到底,完成,使某人渡过难关。故选D。6.Jack,come to the reception office;somebody is expecting you in. A.You name it! B.On my way!C.Thats something! D.At your service!答案B解析句意为:杰克,到接待室来,有人在等你。我就去。on ones/the way即将去(或来),就要去(或来),符合语境。you name it凡是你能说得出的(应有尽有);thats something太好了,太棒了;at your service为您效劳。故选B。 7.The China International Import Expo is a new platform for access to the global goods and services market that more business opportunities to enterprises in all countries.A.brought B.would have broughtC.has brought D.will bring答案D解析句意为:中国国际进口博览会是进入全球商品和服务市场的新平台,将为各国企业带来更多商机。根据句意可知,此处表示发生在将来的动作,应用一般将来时。故选D。8.David Haigh,Brand Finance CEO,said the rising value of Chinas nation brands was a _ of its global leadership and determination to create brands rather than just products.A.consequence B.symbolC.characteristic D.framework答案A解析句意为:Brand Finance的首席执行官David Haigh 表示,中国民族品牌价值的提升是中国全球领导地位和创造品牌而不仅仅是产品的决心共同作用的结果。consequence结果,符合语境。symbol象征;characteristic特征,特点;framework结构,机制。故选A。9. stressed that the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge should be of high quality and be maintained well,thus its role in building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.A.fulfilled B.fulfillingC.to fulfill D.having fulfilled答案B解析句意为:习近平强调,港珠澳大桥既要高质量地建设好,也要维护好,从而发挥其在粤港澳大湾区建设中的作用。分析句子结构可知,此处需要用非谓语动词。fulfill与其逻辑主语之间是主谓关系,且此处在句中作结果状语,表示“自然而然的结果”应用现在分词。故选B。10.I dont see the point of putting up Christmas decorations kids are not going to spend the holiday with us.A.once B.unlessC.though D.when答案D解析句意为:既然孩子们不打算和我们一起度过这个假期,我不明白悬挂圣诞装饰品有什么意义。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导原因状语从句,应用when“既然,考虑到”。故选D。11.Over the past four decades since reform and opening-up,China significant achievements in improving the environment and promoting green development.A.sees B.has seenC.had seen D.would see答案B解析句意为:改革开放四十年来,中国在改善环境,促进绿色发展方面取得了重大成就。根据句中的时间状语“Over the past four decades since reform and opening-up”可知,此处表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响,应用现在完成时。故选B。12. the version of Hong Kongs lack of sci-tech power,some universities here have been known for outstanding achievements in sci-tech R&D for decades.A.Contrary to B.Based onC.Regardless of D.Rather than答案A解析句意为:与香港缺乏科技力量的说法相反,这里的一些大学数十年来因在科技研发方面取得的突出成就而闻名。contrary to和相反;based on以为根据;regardless of不管,不顾;rather than而不是。故选A。13.That he in court is a necessary condition for his being innocent.A.will appear B.appearedC.appear D.appears答案 C解析句意为:他出庭是他无罪的先决条件。that 引导主语从句,和表示“要求”的形容词necessary连用,从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。故选C。14.Branagh says that it was his intention to make what was only implied in the play in the film.A.explicit B.reasonableC.special D.acceptable答案A解析句意为:布莱纳说他的用意是将只在剧本中隐含的意思在电影中清晰明白地表现出来。explicit清楚明白的,直截了当的,不隐晦的;reasonable合理的;special特别的;acceptable可接受的。故选A。15.I am afraid to speak English.Dont worry.When meeting an American,try a few words !A.get up his noseB.pull his legC.get your hands on itD.get your feet wet答案D解析句意为:我不敢说英语。别担心。遇到美国人时,试着说几句话,尝试一下!get up ones nose惹某人发怒;pull ones leg开某人的玩笑;get your hands on sth.获取(得到)某物;get your feet wet初次涉足,开始做(新鲜的事情)。故选D。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。As a child,I was always told to “eat my greens”.These were the unappealing vegetables that sat on the edge of my plate.Peas,and green beans,all looked and tasted 16 .Lets face it,when there were so many other delicious treats to
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