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2009年10月高等教育自学考试北京市命题考试欧洲文化入门 试卷(课程代码10017)第一部分选择题 (共40分)PART ONEI. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A , B , C and D are given. Choose the one which best completes the statement or answers the question by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points, 2 points each) 1. The Olympic Games began in ancient Greece and was revived in _ A. the 1Th century B. the 18th century C. the early 19thcentury D. the late 19th century 2. Platos philosophy is called_ _ A. pragmatism B. idealism C. cynicism D. materialism 3. The language used in the western half of the Roman Empire was _ A. Latin B. Greek C. Persian D. Latin and Greek 4. King Solomon was known for_ _ A. being the son of Moses B. being a brave fighter C. his wisdom D. his devotion to God 5. The first English version of whole Bible was translated and copied out by hand by a group of reformers led by_ A. St. Jerome B. John Wycliffe C. King James D. William Tyndale 6. The trinity in Christianity refers to the Father, _ _ and the Holy Spirit. A. the Pope B. the Virgin Mary C. the Bible D. the Son 7. Dante wrote The Divine Comedy in _ _ A. Greek B. Italian C. Latin D. English 8. The Act of Supremacy, passed by the British Parliament in 1534, made the king the head of _ _ A. the kingdom B. the Presbyterian government C. the church D. army 9. Don Quixote is recognized as _ _ A. the father of the modern European novel B. the best known novel of the world C. the father of modern world literature D. the best written prose10. The Ptolemaic system said that _ _ A. the sun is the center of the universe B. the earth is the center of the universe C. each planet moves in an ellipse, with the sun at one focus D. there is gravitation between the heavenly bodies11. Leibniz considered space and time as _ _ A. absolute B. relative C. system of relationship or order D. tangible12. Which of the following is NOT Hobbess view? A. Our knowledge comes from experience. B. When a thing lies still, it will lie still for ever, unless something else stirs it. C. Men are by nature equal in bodily and mental capacity. D. People need the Great Instauration.13. In Lettres Anglaise, Voltaire made a contrast between _ _ liberty and toleration and French arbitrary government. A. English B. Spanish C. Italian D. Portugese14. The author of A Journal of the Plague Year was _ _ A. Diderot B. Fielding C. Swift D. Defoe15. There is a striking difference of style between Bach and _ _ A. Haydn B. Handel C. Beethoven D. Mozart16. The slogan of the French revolution was liberty, _ _ and universal brotherhood. A. freedom B. humanity C. equality . D. democracy17. Beethovens _ _ marked the beginning of 19th century program music. A. Symphony No. 3 B. Symphony No. 5 C. Symphony No. 6 D. Symphony No. 918. When Napoleon invaded Moscow, his army was defeated by _ _ A. the Russian army B. shortage of supply C. illness D. coldness and hunger19. _ _ was considered by many to be the greatest of all American poets. A. Walt Whitman B. Virginia Woolf C. Allen Ginsberg D. Ezra Pound20. D. H. Lawrences work was a challenge to _ _ A. symbolism B. conventional morality C. Freuds psychoanalysis D. modernism第二部分 非选择题 (共60分) PART TWOII. In the following part there are two columns. The left hand column consists of a list of names. The right hand co
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