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三年级英语上册 期中测试题班级姓名分数一、找出相邻字母(共8分)(1)E_ _ H (2)_ P_ (3)S_ _V (4)W_ _Z (5)N_ P (6)_y _ (7)_d_ (8)j_l二、 从下列单词选项中找出与其它不同类的一项,将序号填在题前括号内.(5分)( )1、A.red B.pen C.black D.blue( )2、A.dog B.cat C.one D.elephant( )3、A.pen B.ruler C.book D.cake( )4、A.five B.four C.fine D.eight( )5、A.apple B.banan C.orange D.panda三、选出正确答案,将序号填在题前括号内.(共10分)( )1.有一天,你在街上遇到一位很久没有见面的同学,你会说:_.A. How are you? B.Here you are. C.How old are you? D.Goodbye.( )2.老师让同学们坐下,会怎么说?A. Ok B.Sit down ,please. C.Stand up,please. D.How are you?( )3.Amy:How_bird? Sam:Twelve.A. are B.old C.many D./( )4.当你想问别人远处的那个物体是什么时,应怎样问:_A. Whats this? B.Whats that? C.How many? ( )5.The panda is_.A. red and green B.black and white C.black and yellow( )6.Lingling: How many books? Sam: _1. Good. B.Fine. C.Five. D.Thank you.7. Bird: Good morning!Sam. Sam:_-A. hello B.Hi C.Good morning! D.Goodbye.( )8.同学们问Daming的名字,Daming应该怎样回答?_A. Whats your name? B.How are you? C.Im fine,thank you. D.Im Daming.( )9.它是一只黑色的狗.A. Its a blue dog . B.Its a black dog. C.Its a black desk. D.Its an black dog.( )10.What_your name?A. is B.am C.are D./4、 将B栏答语序号填在A栏前的括号中.(共10分) A B( )1.Good afternoon. A. Im Lingling . ( )2.How are you? B.Hi.( )3.Whats your name? C.Fine.( )4.How many dogs? D.Good afternoon.( )5.Hello! E.Five.五、按句子意思涂涂.(共4分)( 1)Its a yellow ht . ( 2)Its a red desk. (3)Its a black dog.(4)Its a blue bird.六、看一看,数一数,连一连.(共5分) nine five four eight three七、单词与对应的图用线连起来.(共9分)Window two girl cat panda chair 8、 抄写下列单词和短语.(5分 ) Good morning afternoon boy cap black five Mr yellow desk
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