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即墨长江中学顾朝朝 Unit6It sraining SectionB LanguageGoals spring takeaphoto summer swim takeawalk autumn winter weara scarf lieonthebeach Peoplearerelaxed Agroupofpeopleareplayingbeachvolleyballinthisheat Listentothetapeandanswerthefollowingquestions 1 Aretheremanypeoplethereonvacation 2 Areanypeopletakingphotos Listentothetapeagainandanswerthefollowingquestions 1 AretheyinAustraliaorinAmerica 2 How stheweatherthere Practice 完成句子 1 谢谢收看中央电视台的世界各地节目 Thankyoufor CCTV sAroundtheWorldshow 2 这里有很多人在度假 There peoplehere 3 一些人在照相 另一些正躺在沙滩上 aretakingphotos are onthebeach 4 他们看起来很酷 They 5 我很吃惊他们能在这么热的天气里玩 Iam theycanplay thisheat watching aremany onvacation Some Otherslying lookcool surprised in 选择填空 1 Thankyoufor us A helpB helpsC tohelpD helping2 Lookattheboys underthetree A danceB dancingC todanceD dances3 Sheis theycanplaytheguitarwell A surpriseB surprisingC surprisedD surprises4 Someboysareplayingsoccer aretakingphotos A OtherB OthersC TheotherD another D B C B 写出下列词的形容词 y y y y ny rain snow wind cloud sun Describethepictures 描述图片 It swinterinFrance Theweatheris and Peoplearewearing andscarves Buteveryoneishavingagoodtime Friendsare inarestaurants Ina amusicianis andsomeboys Onemanis a LookatthepicturesofFrance Thenfillintheblanks windy cold coats eating park playingtheguitar areplayingfootball taking photo 1 人们穿着大衣 戴着围巾 Peopleare and 2 但是人人都玩得很开心 Buteveryoneis 3 一名音乐家正在公园弹吉他 Amusicianis inthe 4 一个男人正在拍照 Amanis 5 每个人都在写作业 Everyone doinghomework Practice 完成句子 wearingcoatsscarfs havingagoodtime playingtheguitarpark takingaphoto is ImagineyouworkforCCTV sAroundChinaShow Writewhattheweatherislikeinyourhometown whatyouaredoingandwhatyouusuallydoindifferentkindsofweather 3cand4 Interview 采访 Homework 现在你的家乡已是春天 天气怎么样 人们在这样的天气里都在干什么 请根据提示 介绍一下家乡的春天 50个词左右 提示词 spring sunnyandwarm wearsweatersandsportsshoes haveagoodtime singing dancing playingsoccer takingphotos Writing Thanksforyourlistening Goodbye
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