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1 conjunctival epithelium 2 corneal epithelium 3 tear film I What is the Ocular surface 眼表 I Etiology 1 infectious bacteria fungus virus acanthamoeba syphilis and so on 2 Endogenous 内源性 systemic diseases dystrophy and neuroparalysis 神经麻痹 3 Local extension conjunctival diseases corneal epithelium scleral diseases corneal stroma anterior uveal diseases corneal endothelium Clinical manifestation 1 Symptoms 1 irritative 角膜刺激症 1 pain 2 photophobia 3 lacrimation 4 blepharospasm 2 visual acuity falling 3 discharges 分泌物 Diagnosis 1 History trauma cold febrile 发热 dacryocystitis 泪囊炎 and so on 2 Clinical manifestation symptoms and signs 3 Examination 2 percent fluorescein stain scraping 刮片 culture 培养 Therapeutic principles Eliminate pathogen Anti infective therapy Improve immunity Promote healing Reducing scarring 1 Treatment for Active phase 1 anti infective therapy anti bacterial therapy 0 3 tobramycin 妥布霉素 0 2 polymycin 多黏菌素 0 3 oxyfloxacin 氧氟沙 星 anti fungal therapy 0 5 Amphotericin B 二性霉素B 0 5 fluconazole 氟康唑 anti viral therapy 1 acycloguanosine 无环鸟苷 0 1 idoxuridine 碘苷 anti acanthamoeba 0 5 miconazole 咪康唑
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