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. Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗? What kind of shopping does the writer enjoy, do you think? Do you call that a hat? I said to my wife. You neednt be so rude about it, my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror. We mustnt buy things we dont need, I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once. You neednt have said that, my wife answered. I neednt remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday. I find it beautiful, I said. A man can never have too many ties. And a woman cant have too many hats, she answered. Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse!参考译文 “你把那个叫帽子吗?”我对妻子说。 “你说话没必要这样不客气,”我的妻子边回答边照着镜子。 我坐在一个新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上,等待着。我们在这家帽店已经呆了半个小时了,而我的妻子仍在镜子面前。 “我们不应该买我们不需要的东西,”我突然发表意见说,但马上又后悔说了这话。 “你没必要这么说,”我妻子回答说,“我也不必提醒你昨天买的那条糟糕透了的领带。” “我觉得它好看,”我说,“男人有多少领带也不会嫌多。” “女人有多少帽子也不嫌多。”她回答。10分钟以后,我们一道走出了商店。我妻子戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子。一、New words and expressions 生词和短语rude adj. 无礼的mirror n. 镜子hole n. 孔remark v. 评说remind v. 提醒lighthouse n. 灯塔rude1)adj无礼的,不礼貌的, 冒昧的rudeness n.无礼rudely adv粗鲁地,无礼地rude remarks不礼貌的批评例: Don t be so rude to the taxi driver. It is not his fault that the traffic is heavy.你不要对出租车司机太粗鲁了,交通拥挤并不是他的错。it is rude of sb to do sth某人做某事是不礼貌的例; It is rude of you to speak with your mouth full.满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的。2)adj粗鲁的,猛烈的,突然的rude treatment 粗鲁的对待a rude shock 猛烈的打击1)adj未加工的,天然的rude cotton原棉反义词: polite adj礼貌的,客气的politeness n礼貌,客气politely adv礼貌地,客气地mirror1)n镜子,反射镜例: 例: She looked (cit herself)in the mirror.她照镜子。a rear-view mirror 后视镜a full-length mirror全身镜,穿衣镜2) n,(忠实的)写照例: Can newspaper be the mirror of the times we live in?报纸会是我们所生活的年代的写照吗?holen洞,孔,坑a hole in the wall墙上的一个洞例: The prisoner escaped through a hole in the wall. 犯人通过墙上的一个洞逃跑了。dig a hole in the ground 在地上挖一个洞fill up a hole 填平坑洞例:My socks are in holes袜子上有洞=My socks are full of holes.I ve worn holes in my socks 我的袜子穿出洞来了。Money burns a hole in ones pocket有钱就想花,大手大脚。Money makes the mare go 有钱能使鬼推磨。= Money talks.同音词:hole n洞,孔,坑 whole adj全部的remark1) V评论,评说英文解释: say or write by way of commentremark on sth 评论某事remark upon sth评论某事例: I couldnt help remarking on her beauty.我对她美的赞扬脱口而出I thought it was strange, he remarked.他评沦到:“我觉得有点奇怪。2)V(旧或文)注意到,觉察相当于 take notice of, perceive, observeremark the likeness between father and son观察父亲和儿子的相似处例:Like father,like son 有其父,必有其子。3)评论,评述,注意,觉察critical remarks批评性的评论辨析: remark, observe, noticeremark/observe说,谈论;注意,觉察observe评论,评说(正式文中)观察,注意(仔细地,有意识地注意或观察)notice观察,注意(无意识地或无意地注意到)例:We mustnt buy things we dont need, I remark.= We mustnt buy things we don t need , I observed.我评论到:“我们千万不要买我们不需要的东西。”He observed me carefully.他仔细地打量我。Did you notice how she was dressed?你注意到她的穿着打扮了吗?There was nothing worthy of remark at the exhibition.这个展览会没什么好评价的。remind V使人想起,提醒某人remind sb of sth使人想起某事,提醒某人某事例: The secretary reminded the manager of attending the meeting.秘书提醒经理参加那个会议。He reminds me of his father.他让我想起他的父亲了。Do I have to remind you of that ugly tie?我还需要提醒你那个难看的领带吗?remind sb+that提醒某人这件事情eg: She reminded me that I hadnt watered the flowers.她提醒我我没有浇花。remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事例:Remind me to mail this letter. 提醒我去寄那封信。reminder n提示,提醒例:This is only a reminder.这仅仅是一个提醒。lighthouse n灯塔light-fingered 喜欢顺手牵羊(口)light-headed 头晕眼花light-hearted 心情轻松的light-year 光年light-ship 信号船二、 关键句型Key Structures情态动词must和needl、must1)表示“必须”或“应该”做某事。例: We must do everything step by step.我们做任何事情应该循序渐进。You mustnt talk like that.你千万不要那样说话。2)在回答有must引起的问题时,如果是否定的答复,不能用mustnt,而需用neednt或don,t have to,因为mustnt是“一定不要”、“不准”的意思。neednt 没有必要don t have to 没有必要mustnt 千万不要,不准Must we send in our plan this week?这周我们必须交计划吗?-Yes you must. 是的,必须。- No,you neednt 不,没有必要。3) must与have to的最大区别在于:当表示过去某时不得不做完了某事,只能用had to do sth.例: I did not go to see you this morning because I had to go to the hospital.今天我没能去看你,因为我不得不去医院。2、 need1)作情态动词,表示“需要,主要用于否定句及疑问句,肯定句用 must, have to, should, ought to 例:- Need you go so soon? 你需要这么快走吗?- Yes,I must 是的,我必须走。- No,I neednt 不,我没必要走。So I neednt tell him,need I?我没有必要告诉他,是吗?We neednt hurry 我们没有必要着急。在有否定意思的句子(no,hardly等否定词的句子)中也可以用情态动词need例: Now there need be no arguments about this question.关于这个问题没有必要争论。I don t think you need worry.我认为你没必要担心。I hardly need say how much we missed you.我没必要说我们多想念你。2) need做及物动词:需要need sth/doing/to do例:Does he need to know it?他需要知道吗?You don t need to do it yourself你没必要自己来做。We need to unit
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