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四年级下册 答案Lesson 11. 略2. 1.c 2. b 3. a3. a教师 横线上写:Mr. White b 男孩 横线上写:John Brown c女孩 横线上写:Lucy Green 4. Hello/Hi, Hi/Hello, thanks friend, Her, pupil, He, meet5. His name is David. Her name is Susan. Lesson 21. 略2. aSteven bJenny cDanny dMr. Wood3. Dannysgreen Kimsyellow Bobsblue4. your, this, his, No, her, Whose, Dannys5. b.Whose pen is this? Its Li Mings pen. c. Whose ruler is this? Its Marys ruler. d. Whose crayon is this? Its Kims crayon.Lesson 31. 略2. a. crayon b. desk c. pen d. ruler e. chair f. blackboard g. schoolbag h. pencil box 3. a第二组对话 b第一组对话 c第三组对话4. pen, in, pencil box; crayon, on, chair; desk, beside, chair; book, between, ruler, pencil schoolbag, under, deskLesson 41. asixteen bthirty-four cfifty-seven dninety-two 2. sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen sixty seventy eighty ninety3. a.eighty-three b. seventy-seven c. forty-four d. nineteen e. thirty-six4. a. They have twenty-seven pencils. b. They have fifty-nine crayons. c. They have sixteen rulers.5. There are eight books. There are thirteen pencils. There are three rulers. There are six crayons.Lesson 51. c教室 a操场 b图书馆2. a图三 b图一 c图四 d图二3. in front of, behind behind, in front of4. a. head b. good c. name d. please e. beside5. 略Lesson 61. e-d-a-c-b2. a. D b. C c. A d. B e.C f. A g. D h. B i. B j. B3. b-e-d-c-aAgain, Please!1. e. pen d. ruler b. schoolbag h. blackboard c. chair g. pencil box f. crayon2. T F F T T T3. pencil boxDanny rulerJenny crayonKim schoolbagSteven4. a. his b. She c.your d. She, She, her e. He, He, his 5. a. forty-six b. eighty-four desks c. seventy crayons d. ninety-one pencil boxes e. fifty-four pens6. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.7. in, under, beside, on, in front of, between8. Hello/Hi, He, teacher, you, pupil, friends, His name, Her name9. aD bF cA dG eB fC gE10. a. ninety-three b. She c. between d. pupil e. Whose f. playing11. a. T b. F c. T d. F e. F f. TUnit 2Lesson 71. aSeptember bJanuary cAugust dDecember eJuly fNovember2. Januaryone Februarytwo Marchthree Aprilfour Mayfive Junesix Julyseven Augusteight Septembernine Octoberten Novembereleven Decembertwelve3. January February March April May June July August September October November December 4. a. Lynns birthday is in December. b. Whose birthday is in August? Jennys birthday is in August. c. Whose birthday is in March? Bobs birthday is in March. d. Whose birthday is in January? Mr. Smiths birthday is in January. e. Whose birthday is in October? Mrs. Smith is in October.Lesson 81. Li Ming1 Wang Hong5 Li Li6 Yu Hong2 Yang Liang3 Zhao Yang42. 略3. a. first b. second c. third4. a. January b. February, second c. March, third d. April, fourth e. May, fifth f. June, sixth g. July, seventh h. August, eighth i. September, ninth j. October, tenth k. November, eleventh l. December, twelfthLesson 91. d-a-c-e-b-f2. b-d-c-a3. a. Its January the first. b. It is May the first. c. It is June the first. d. It is September the tenth. e. It is October the first.4. 略Lesson 101. 略2. a. July, August b. October, November c. January, February d. April, May3. a. Army Day is August the first. b. Tree Planting Day is March the twelfth. c. April Fools Day is April the first. d. Earth Day is April the twenty-second. e. Womens Day is March the eighth. f. Chinese Youth Day is May the fourth.4. a. sun, sun b. cloud, cloud c. wind d. rain, rain. e. snow, Snow Lesson 111. a.snowy下雪图 b. sunny太阳图 c. rainy下雨图 d. windy刮风图2. 略3. What day is it? Its Tuesday. Hows the weather today? Its sunny. What day is it? Its Monday. Hows the weather today? Its cloudy. What day is it? Its Sunday. Hows the weather today? Its rainy. What day is it? Its Friday. Hows the weather today? Its snowy.4. a. girl shirt b. worker farmer c. windy library d. stone go e. student unit f. head weatherLesson 121. the second daySun Flower Park the third daySun Flower Zoo the fourth daySun Flower Shop the fifth daySun Flower Restaurant the sixth day Sun Flower Librarythe seventh daySun Flower Cinema2. a. first b. warm, sunny c. June d. hot, sunny e. nice, cool f. eleventh, twelfth3. January, February, March, April, May, June,July, August, September, October, November, December 4. 略Again, Please! 1. horse pig cow duck dog chicken ca
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