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新高中英语词汇同步学案Book 7参考答案人教版Book 7 Unit 1 Living wellBook 7 Unit 1 Living well综合提高一、1. dictation 2. firm firm在课文中作名词,意为“公司”;此处作形容词,意为“坚定的”;a firm belief 坚定的信念 3. resigning resign from 从辞职 / 辞去 / 退出;with dignity 有尊严 4. psychology 5. adapted adapt (使) 适应; 改编;改写 6. conduct conduct在课文中作名词,意为“行为”;此处作动词,意为“指挥” 7. annoyed二、1. graduation 2. assistance 3. to send be suitable to do sth 适合做某事 4. approval 5. in / during in / during sbs absence 在某人不在时 6. for adapt sth for sb 改造某事物使之适合某人 7. for be adequate for sth 对某事物来说是足够的 8. annoyance (much) to sbs annoyance (极为) 令某人生气的是 9. was as well as连接并列主语时,谓语动词的数和其前的主语保持一致 10. conducted 三、1. were beneficial both to 2. meet with your approval 3. be of any assistance (to you)四、1. sit around 2. as well as 3. meet with 4. been cut out of 5. making fun of 6. Never mind五、1. achieved / realized her ambition 2. conducted a survey 3. With the assistance / help of 4. being annoyed with 5. works / pieces of literature 6. In the absence of六、1. As time went by, Sally gradually adapted herself to the school life. 2. In many ways, their words at the graduation ceremony were a great encouragement to me.3. All in all, riding bicycles / bicycling is a good way to exercise and it is highly beneficial to our health. 4. People have easy access to the Internet, which makes it convenient to receive and send e-mails. 5. I would like / want to express my congratulations on your success in setting up your own software firm / company. 6. I can never stop the / my love for reading because books are like teachers as well as good companions. as well as 不仅还有 Book 7 Unit 2 RobotsBook 7 Unit 2 Robots综合提高一、1. imagination creative imagination 富有创造性的想象力 2. awful / terrible / bad awful 糟糕的;恶劣的;讨厌的 非常的;很多的 可怕的;骇人听闻的 3. declared declare 宣布;声明 声称;宣称;declare independence from 宣布脱离独立 4. desired desire在课文中用作名词,本句中用作动词 5. affair / business affair 事务 事件;事情 暧昧关系;sbs affair 某人自己的事情 6. disobeyed disobey sbs order 违抗某人的命令 7. sympathy 8. state state在课文中用作动词,意为“陈述;宣布”;在本句中用作名词,意为“状态”;in a (n) state 处于的状态二、1. accompanied 2. for set aside for 留出给 3. a a staff of 名员工 4. in in sbs favour 对某人有利 5. affection 6. affairs 7. by / at be alarmed by / at 为担心 / 害怕 三、1. skimmed 2. scan scan 指通过快速阅读查找所需的某信息,意为“查读”。skim 指通过快速阅读找到文章的主旨要义,意为“略读”。3. All in all 4. In all population作主语时,谓语动词用单数;population前有分数或不定代词most / half等修饰时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可,但更常用单数5. test out 6. ring up 7. turned around turn around 转身 转变;好转 8. set aside 留出 置于一边四、1. a strong desire 2. a sense of satisfaction 3. win favour 4. have / get a haircut 5. talent show 6. set the alarm clock for 7. within the bounds of五、1. For the happiness of your family, do obey traffic rules. 2. Opportunities and success tend to favor / to be in favour of those who are ready / prepared. tend to do sth 往往会做某事;in favour of 支持;赞同3. The part-time job will provide me with a good chance to show my talent. 4. We dont need to copy others ways of thinking. Just let our imagination fly. 5. The chairman declared the ceremony open; all of the staff at present cheered. 6. Every / Each time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full satisfaction. Book 7 Unit 3 Under the seaBook 7 Unit 3 Under the sea综合提高一、1. depth 2. reflected reflect 反射 (光、热、声等) (镜子等) 映出 反映 反思;回想;仔细考虑 3. sharp sharp 锋利的;尖的 (角度、变化等) 急剧的;明显的 (感观) 敏锐的;(人) 机灵的 (言辞等) 尖刻的;严厉的 剧烈的;猛烈的 尖厉的;刺耳的 4. awesome / amazing awesome 引起敬畏的;可怕的 极好的;了不起的 5. scare 6. accommodation二、1. at yell at sb 向某人喊叫 2. for 3. annually 4. to flee to 逃向 5. sharply 6. to (be) opposite to 与相反 7. on 8. purely 9. abandoned 10. awareness raise sbs awareness of 提高某人的意识三、1. reflect on 2. was scared to death 3. help out 4. In the meantime 5. upside down四、1. the opposite direction 2. annual leave 3. without (a) pause / without a break 4. 3 metres deep / in depth 5. a close relationship / connection 6. neat and clean 7. hit the target 8. eyewitness / witness五、1. Some people urge that parents and children should communicate more to narrow the generation gap between them. urge that (should) do sth 极力主张做某事;narrow the generation gap 缩小代沟2. The members tried to keep a good relationship with one another / each other to encourage good teamwork. keep a relationship with 与保持关系3. As a member of the society, I am aware that responsibility / being responsible is what it takes / needs to make a better society. (be) aware that 意识到4. It is not the story itself but what is reflected in the story / what it reflects that counts. 5. People not only vote online themselves, but also urge others to vote for competitions. urge sb to do sth 催促某人做某事6. Good habits always lead to
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