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附件: 教学设计方案模板教学设计方案课题名称必修五 Unit 4 Grammar Inversion (倒装)姓名潘俊姿工作单位河北省清河中学年级学科英语教材版本人教2003一、教学内容分析This grammar appears in Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news. After getting a general comprehending of the work of a good journalist, the students also get to know some usage of Inversion in the text .To make students master it well , they need the basic ability to analyze the sentences pattern, including Inversion. And it can help the students solve the problems in “cloze text” and “ filling in the blanks”, then improve their ability to use Inversion in their own language .二、教学目标1. Target languagea. Let the students know how to analyze sentences including Inversion structuresb. Let the students master the characteristics of Inversion and two kinds of Inversion-full inversion and partial Inversionc. Let the students grasp some important Inversion structures which are often used in sentences2. Ability goalsa. Enable the students to use inverted sentences correctlyb. Guide the students to summarize the usage of Inversion三、学习者特征分析The students of senior 2 have learned something about the grammar rules ,so they can make up some sentences well .Now in this lesson they will learn the usage of Inversion so that they can make their sentences more vivid, also they can get a full comprehension of some texts where Inversion is used while reading.四、教学过程Step1. Lead in (导入)Ask the students to enjoy a short story and find special sentence pattern:.Long long ago , there was a hill ; on the hill stood a temple; in the temple lived a old monkmk(和尚), the old monk was telling stories to a little monk.And guide the students to come to the learning aims Designing Intention :Using a short story which is familiar to the students can arise their interest in it. And from the story they can get to know Inversion.Step 2. Question guiding (问题导学)1) a. First let the students look at the sentences below and find out what inversion is. 1.Never will Zhou Yang forget his assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. 2. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university to update my skills.b. Ask some students to draw the conclusion and fill in the blanks: Summary(总结):在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是_在前,_在后。但有时谓语的全部或者一部分(通常是助动词或情态动词)却提到主语的前面,这种语序叫做“倒装(inversion )”2)a. Make the students look at the following sentences ,and find out the differences of the sentences.1.Out rush the children.2.In front of the house was a small garden.3.Never was he interested in the pop stars.4.Only then did I realize that I was wrong.b. Ask some students to draw the conclusion:Summary(总结);Two kinds of inversion: full inversion (1.2)& partial inversion(3.4) 全部倒装&部分倒装3. )Compare the sentences The door opened and in came Mr. White. The door opened and in she came. Here comes the car. Here it comes. On hearing the shot, away flew the bird. On hearing the shot, away it flew. 注意:如果主语是_则不用倒装。Intention of the design: It can help the students to know what Inversion is ,the different forms and their characteristics. From the given sentences, students draw the conclusions of Inversion, improving their ability of understanding and summarizing.Step 3.Grammar further learning1. )a. Tell the students to learn the following materials by themselves and guide them come to a summary about the usage of full Inversion .About after 3minutes ,ask them to discuss the results of the sentences in groups and find something in common.探究一、全部倒装的句式Summary(总结):全部倒装的结构:把 _ 全部提到主语之前, 即 + 谓语 + _。全部倒装可应用于: 1._ _ 结构。在此结构中可以用exist, lie, live, stand等代替be。2.在以here, _, now, _ 等副词开头的句子里, 谓语动词常为 be, come, go 等。3.表示方向的副词 _, in, up, _, away, off 等置于句首。4.当表示 _的副词, 介词词组在句首时。5._的一部分或全部放在句首时。b. Let students put their answers down on the blackboard and give necessary explanation if necessary.Intention of the design: Help the students to further know the usage of full Inversion and strengthen their ability of cooperation in groups.2. )a. Tell the students to learn the materials 2&3by themselves and guide them come to a summary about the usage of partial Inversion and special cases .探究二、部分倒装的句式:I. 探究三:特殊倒装句b. Guide the students to make a summary about the usage of partial Inversion and special cases and blackboard it on the blackboard. Intention of the design: Help the students to further know the usage of partial Inversion and special cases to form a better understanding of the grammar. Be prepared for the next exercises.Step 4.Standard test (达标检测)Guide the students to finish the Exercises. First let the students finish the exercises individually, then discuss the answers in groups, and choose some of them write their answers on the screen, making some brief explan
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