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Unit 5 Quick Fix societyI. Teaching ObjectivesThrough learning this passage can students: Know something about the authorLearn some background information about Pennsylvania Dutch TownLearn some useful words, phrases and expressionsLearn the writing devices in expositionLearn the pros and cons of the rapid paced society through text appreciation and debateII. Teaching ContentsPennsylvania Dutch townText appreciation and analysisWriting techniques of expositionDebate in classIII. Teaching FocusBackground informationWriting device of expositionDebate in classIV Teaching TechniquesLecturing, group discussion, debateStepBackground information(10minutes) I Background Information1. Fast Roads in the U.S.Highways: connect citiesSuperhighways: a road with six or more lanesInterstate highways: connect cities in different statesFreeways: roads within a cityExpressways: fast roads in or near citiesTurnpike: pay money before you use it2. Pennsylvania Dutch TownLocationThe heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country is Lancaster County. It is located in south central Pennsylvania, one and half hours west of Philadelphia. Most of the Amish Country attractions are in Lancaster County, and almost all of the local Amish people live here as well.People: AmishThe Amish are a religious group who live in settlements in 22 states of the U.S. and Ontario, Canada. The oldest group of Old Order Amish, about 16,00018,000 people live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The Amish stress humility, family and community, and separation from the world.Amishs beliefsThe Amish was part of the early Anabaptist movement in Europe, which took place at the time of the Reformation. The Anabaptists believed that only adults who had confessed their faith should be baptized, and that they should remain separate from the larger society. They also believe in non-resistance and basic Bible doctrines.Amishs lifestyleThese people as a whole are not as materialistic as modern society today. They do not use electricity or modern conveniences.Amish men have beards, but not mustaches. Most Amish are trilingual: dialect of German, High German and English. Old Order children attend one-room schools through the eighth grade. They are a private people who believe God has kept them together. They are a strong example of a community that supports and cares for its members. They are a people apart; they are also a people together.Antique shopping (Para. 2)Pennsylvania Dutch town is called “Sunday Antiques Capital of the United States”. Over 3,000 antique dealers gather here to display and sell their merchandise.Antique shopping (Para. 2)Pennsylvania Dutch town is called “Sunday Antiques Capital of the United States”. Over 3,000 antique dealers gather here to display and sell their merchandise.Outlet shopping (Para. 2)Here, youll find over 240 factory outlet stores featuring name brands and quality merchandise prices at reduced prices.3. Cliffs Notes Cliffs notes are a series of reference books written to help undergraduate students to understand and appreciate important literary works.With such notes, students dont have to read the work itself and be able to write papers and take exams.4. Civil WarCivil War was the war from 1861 to 1865 fought between the northern and southern states.The Civil War battlefield mentioned in paragraph 2 is the battlefield of famous Gettysburg battle in July, 1863. At Gettysburg, Union army defeated Confederate army. This victory is the turning point of the Civil War. After the campaign, on November 19, President Lincoln delivered the well-known Gettysburg Address.5. BeethovenLugwig Van Beethoven is one of the greatest composers in the world.His famous symphonies include: No. 5 (Fate); No. 6 (Pastoral); No. 9 (Choral)6. USA TodayUSA Today is one of the most popular daily national newspapers serving the interest of a general public in the United States.II Text AppreciationDiscuss the following questions or topics.1) If you agree that people are getting too impatient and too obsessed with the quick fix for everything, what examples would you give to illustrate your point? (Base your observations on your experience in China. ) How is it reflected in our transportation and communication? How is it shown in our eating habits? Does it affect our consumption habits as well as our production? How about entertainment or amusement? Are our reading, writing, learning habits also changed? What has this fast-fix attitude done to our human relationships? Has it caused health problems? Has it reduced our capacity for enjoying life?2) If you disagree with the author and think that the desire for speed is basically good, how would you defend your position?Text Analysis 1. Theme: Lets slow down and enjoy what nature offers us and what mankind has left us and rediscover life.2.Structure:
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