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Unit 4 At the farm Part C 习题一、选择填空。( ) 1.Look! Are sheeps? A. this B. they C. it ( ) 2. How many are there? A. potatoes B. a potato C. potato( ) 3.What are ?A. am B. are C. is ( ) 4.Are those tomatoes? .A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, those are. C. Yes, they arent.二、 根据答句写出正确的问句。1. _Yes, they are cows.2. _No, they are notbeans.3. _There are three potatoes.4. _They are sheeps.三、写出正确的英语句子1. 这是马吗?是的,它是马。 2它们是土豆吗?不,它们不是。 3这些黄瓜非常新鲜。 四、根据英文,将它翻译成对应的英文。1 -What are these? -They are sheeps. 2 The bean is very fresh. 3 How many cows do you have? 五、根据以下词汇和句型,写出一段对话。1 What are?2 Are they?3 potatoes.3 tomatoes._六、根据提供的词汇,创作出一篇不少于3句话的小故事。1 farm 2 vegetable 3 carrots4 potatoes 5 fun_2
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