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Unit 6 检测题Listening Part(听力部分)I. Listen and write.(Mike跟妈妈一起去水果店,他想买多少水果呢?请根据你听到的内容将数量写在水果下面的框中) II. Listen and number.(小汽车拉力赛就要开始了,小选手们还没找到自己的爱车呢,你能帮帮他们吗?) III. Listen and judge.(听音,判断所听句子与图片的内容是否相符)1. 2 3 45 6 7 8 IV. Listen and tick(听音,在你所听到的句子前面划“”)1. I have twenty balls. I have twelve balls.2. I see fifteen kites. I see thirteen kites.3. How many kites do you have? How many birds do you see?4. The black one is a bird. The yellow one is an orange5. How many crayons do you have? How many dogs do you see?V. Listen , write and read. (听一听,写一写,并试着读一读)Writing Part(笔试部分)VII. Read and match.(动物运动会就要开始了,你能帮小动物们把它们的号码牌帖好吗?) fourteentwelvefifteeneleventhirteenVIII. Read and choose.(读句子,圈出恰当的单词)(1) Look ! I have 13 thirteen / threeteen pencils.(2) -How many crayons do you see? -I see 14. fourteen / forteen (3) -How many kites do you see? -I see 15 fiveteen / fifteen (4) I have 11 eleven / seven yellow rulers.(5) -How many pears do you want?-I want 12 twelve / twenty plates. VIII. Read and number.(放学了,老师让小鱼排好队回家,可他们中有人请假了,你还能帮他们把队伍排好吗?) IX. Read and match.(读句子,将其与恰当的答句连线)1. How many book do you have? Its on the desk.2. How many pencil boxes do you see? I have 17.3. Where is your book? I see 6.4. Is it on your desk? OK!5. Open it and see! No, it isnt. X. Read and tick.( 读下面的故事,在正确答语的前面划“”) No. The small one is a dog. Look! They are on your nose!Haha!1, 2, 3. I see 14.How many monkeys do you see?Oh! Where are my glasses?1. Where are Grandpas glasses? On Grandpas nose. On Wu Yifans nose.2. How many monkeys? 14 13Unit 6听力材料 I. Listen and write.(Mike跟妈妈一起去水果店,他想买多少水果呢?请根据你听到的内容将数量写在水果下面的框中) 1. -How many apples? -Fifteen.2. -How many watermelons? -Twelve.3. -How many strawberries? -Thirteen.4. -How many pears? - Eighteen.5. -How many oranges? -FourteenII. Listen and number.(小汽车拉力赛就要开始了,小选手们还没找到自己的爱车呢,你能帮帮他们吗?)1. Im Amy. I like car 18, please.2. Im Chen Jie. I like car 12, please.3. Im Mike. I like car 20, please.4. Im John. I like car 16, please.5. Im Wu Yifan. I like car 19, please.6. Im Sarah. I like car 17, please.III. Listen and judge.(听音,判断所听句子与图片的内容是否相符)1. I have sixteen books2. I see fourteen kites.3. I have eighteen crayons.4. I see twenty pencils.5. I am duck. Im number fifteen.6. Im cat. Im number seventeen.7. Im dog. Im number twenty.8. Im monkey. Im number thirteen.IV. Listen and tick(听音,在你所听到的句子前面划“”)1. I have twenty balls.2. I see fifteen kites.3. How many kites do you have?4. The yellow one is an orange.5. How many crayons do you have? V. Listen , write and read. (听一听,写一写,并试着读一读)1. /b/-/-/g/-bag.2. /l/-/e/-/g/-leg3. /k/-/-/t/-cat4. /d/-/-/g/-dog5. /b/-/o/-/ks/-box6. /p/-/i/-/g/-pig7
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