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LongmanLongman LeapLeap 少儿英语教材少儿英语教材 Leap 3A Ch1 PartA 教案 TeacherTeacher 教师教师ClassClass 班级班级ContentContent 内容内容上课时长上课时长 TimeTime Teaching Objectives 教学目标 Language Knowledge 语言知识 Vocabulary 词汇 1 核心词汇 四会 play badminton play basketball play football play table tennis play the guitar play the piano play the recorder play the violin play Chinese Chess 2 拓展词汇 三会 American football baseball ice hockey rugby 3 循环词汇 sports music Grammar 语法 1 学生能够问并回答关于能力的问题 can can t 2 学生能够用连词连接两个积极的 消极的或相反的想法 and but or 3 学生清楚乐器前加定冠词 the 4 学生清楚乐器 球类游戏 纸牌游戏前可以用 play Language Focus 核心要点 1 Can you play basketball play the piano Yes I can No I can t 2 I like sports and music I like sports but I don t like music I don t like sports or music Phonics 自然拼读 1 all 2 能够利用自然拼读规则正确拼读以下单词 ball football basketball wall hall fall mall Language Skills 语言技能 1 能正确使用所学的核心词汇和核心句型 2 能够正确表达自己或他人能做的课外活动 3 能够掌握相应的阅读技巧和听力技巧 4 能够了解采访类文本的特征 并进行基本的采访类表格填充 5 能够了解什么是柱状图以及柱状图的特点 6 能够使用简单的采访对话内容完成采访活动 步骤步骤 1 教学活动教学活动课堂语言规范课堂语言规范课堂道具课堂道具 Warm Up 20m 1 Welcome 欢迎所有学生 2 Name Game 学生的名字按照首字母排序 并 依次写到黑板上 3 Self introduction 利用课堂道具彩色沙包 学生按 照名字字母的先后顺序 依次介 绍自己 一个学生介绍完自己把 彩色沙包递给另一个学生 1 Welcome Hello everyone welcome all of you here I am your teacher I hope everyone can enjoy your stay here Now let us begin our class First let us play a game Let us know each other 2 Name Game Now everybody s name is on the board Look at your names on the board A is for Amy E is for Emma A is before E L is for Lisa L is after E So the right order is Amy Emma and Lisa Let s make them in order Which name is the first That s right A is for Amy Amy is the first because A is the first letter Say hi Amy Which name is the second Baron So good Amy please say hi to Baron Please introduceyourselftoother classmates 3 Self introduction Hi I m Amy I m eight Hi I m Baron I m seven 1 名字贴纸 2 彩色沙包 Lead In Part A 0 5h 1 单词讲解单词讲解 使用核心词汇图片引出孩子对于 单元内容的遐想 讲解讲解核心单词 2 单词跟读单词跟读 跟读 9 个核心单词 因为 play 已 经学过 所以主要是跟读后面的运 动类词汇 乐器词汇和棋类词汇 1 Learning New Words Look and say Look at these pictures I see a boy and a football Look at this picture and I see a boy and a basketball What do you see I see All of you are so great Andthesestudentsaredoing action right They are playing Some are playing sports and some are playing musical instruments I like playing basketball Who like playing the piano 2 Read New Words This boy is playing football Pleasereadafterme play football This girl is playing the piano Please read after me play the piano Break Time 10m Lead in Part B 0 5h 1 播放播放 Opening Courseware 使 用 电 子 书 课 件Opening Courseware 深入了解本单元核心知 识 通过丰富的电子图片 音频 视 频加强学生对于本单元核心知识的 理解 2 单词游戏单词游戏 模仿游戏模仿游戏 练习单词的音和义 一个学生模 仿运动动作或演奏乐器动作 另一个 学生猜动作 并说出英文单词 3 单词游戏 猜测图片单词游戏 猜测图片 班 里 同 学 分 成 两 组 利 用 courseware 里面的 Fun Quiz 提供的 被遮挡的图片 进行猜测 猜对之后 快速说出单词的英文 看哪队会获 胜 1 播放 播放 Opening Courseware Look these students can do different activities They can play sports They can play musical instruments Let us ask them What can you do Oh the boy says I can play football the girl says I can play the piano Howaboutyou Whichof these activities can you do Let s review the sports What sports do you like to play Let s review instruments What instruments do you like to play Lookattheafter school activities Do you like play sports or music Why 2 Game Imitating Pick one of these activities belowandactout Askother students What can I do You can 3 Game Guess What It Is Let s play another game We have a lot of pictures here but we can t tell them because we can t see the pictures clearly You will be divided into 2 groups and guess what it is The winner will be the one who knows more words 1 核心词汇图片9 张 2 Opening Courseware Reading Part A 0 5h 1 Pre reading 1 播放一个采访视频 让学生们 初步了解采访是什么 并让大家看到 采访记录表 profile 告诉学生们采访 时要记录相应信息 2 播 放 电 子 书 P4 video 课 Animated text 让大家初步了解采访 内容 2 First reading 让学生先自己读一遍文章 然后 完 成 采 访 记 录 表 利 用 reading courseware 跟学生一块读完课文并 讲解文章核心知识点并能够完整了 解文章的内容 期间播放两个电子书 视频了解 rugby 和 bagpipes 1 Pre reading Now let us read an interview newsletter Do you know what is an interview Pleasewatchan interview video first Nowyouknowwhatis interview right Everyreporter needs a profile sheet to write these answers So look at this sheet and you should write some information about the person on the paper Nowletuswatchanother video to know more information in this reading part Let us know more about NET Do you know what is NET What does a NET do Do you have a NET in your school 2 First reading OK time is up Do you finish your NET s Profile Let s check if you are right Now I will read this newsletter to you We will find the answers together 1 一个网上的采 访视频 2 一个采访记录 的海报 3 每个学生两个 小时的采访记 录表 4 Reading Courseware 5 Animated Text Break Time 10m Reading Part B 0 5h 3 Second reading 让学生听一遍完整的文章并进 行跟读 之后再规定时间让学生大声 地读几遍 读完之后 老师跟学生共 同总结采访技巧和采访中常用的语 言 跟学生讲解如何利用这些语言采 访其他人 之后两两合作分角色朗 读 4 After reading 同学互相采访 用课本中的词汇和短 语问一问同学喜欢的是运动还是乐 器 并做好记录 5 Extended Reading 3 Second reading Let s read the interview aloud Listen to the audio recording of the interview and repeat the sentences quietly as you hear them Lis
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