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Section Lesson 2 Whats Your Favourite Music一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The musicians gave a very (polish) performance.答案:polished2.Please excuse my (disturb) you at the dinner time.答案:disturbing3.We were (thrill) to learn about our success in the game.答案:thrilled4.After a long sleep he awoke (refresh).答案:refreshed5.The rain was still falling (steady) after three days in a row.答案:steadily6.Thank you for your immediate (deliver) of my mail to my house.答案:delivery7.(person),I am keen on pop music.答案:Personally二、根据汉语提示完成句子1.我喜欢民间音乐。它易于理解又充满活力。I like folk music.Its and lively.答案:accessible2.我喜欢它因为它富有激情。I like it because it with such energy.答案:is delivered3.一场精彩的摇滚音乐会通常让我兴奋万分。A good rock concert always .答案:gives me a thrill4.它(摇滚音乐)并不总是很优雅,这个事实使得我父母认为它有点寒酸,而在我看来那只是增加了它的吸引力。The fact that its not always makes my parents think its but that just adds to its for me.答案:polished;kind of shabby;appeal5.他也唤起了我的记忆,让我想起了我看过的那些精彩的演出。It also and reminds me of all the wonderful performances Ive seen.答案:refreshes my memory6.周杰伦的音乐太空洞,不连贯而且让人心烦。Zhou Jieluns music is rather ,.答案:vain;abrupt and disturbing7.我认为我是个传统的人,所以我往往喜欢传统的音乐,比如京剧。I think Im a traditional kind of person so I to like traditional kinds of music,like Beijing Opera for example.答案:have a tendency8.高三的学生比高二的学生往往学习更用功。Grade Three students harder than those in Grade Two.答案:tend to work 9.他为他的项目募捐的努力失败了,因为没有人有兴趣掏钱。His efforts to raise money for his program were because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.答案:in vain三、阅读理解AWhen I was in fifth grade,my elementary school held a party.As we walked through the halls,I saw a girl carrying a large bass (贝斯)just a few feet ahead.I thought it was amusing how such a slim girl handled such a large instrument,but soon I envied that she was able to play that instrument.After being seated,a quartet (四重奏)of women began to perform.Once the violinist began to perform,I was drawn to her melody (旋律).I was in love with the violin.Upon arriving home,I bothered and persuaded my mother to allow me to attend weekly music classes at school and never once did I miss a class.One afternoon,my mother called me and announced that she had a surprise.Getting excited,I quickly sat on the couch and waited.My mother reached behind the couch and pulled out an old box with a lock.The same feeling flowed through me as I opened the box to find an old slightly worn-down violin.Once I received that ancient violin,I knew my life would change forever.By playing the violin,I acquired interest in other instruments such as the piano and guitar.I even began to sing.Having the chance to play such a cherished family instrument makes me feel so honored,especially since I am the first female in the family to continue the tradition of violin playing.This violin made me who I am todaya fun,loving person who enjoys music.Above all,Ive found a way to express myself.1.Why did the writer notice the bass in the crowd?A.She knew its performer very well.B.It was too big for its young performer.C.She could play it as well as the girl.D.She never saw such an instrument before.答案:B解析:根据第一段中的“Ithoughtitwasamusinghowsuchaslimgirlhandledsuchalargeinstrument”可知,作者觉得一个这么纤小的女孩拿着一个这么大的乐器看起来很滑稽,因此B项最符合题意。2.What happened to the writer after the party?A.She became crazy about music.B.She began to play the violin at once.C.She spent much time on music every day.D.She persuaded her mother to buy her a violin.答案:A解析:根据第一段中的“Iwasinlovewiththeviolin”以及后文作者从未错过一节音乐课可知,从那以后作者爱上了音乐,因此选A项。3.How did the writer feel when she saw the worn-down violin?A.Disappointed.B.Annoyed.C.Excited.D.Sad.答案:C解析:根据第二段中的“Gettingexcited”和“ThesamefeelingflowedthroughmeasIopenedtheboxtofindanoldslightlyworn-downviolin.”可知作者的情绪是兴奋的。因此选C项。4.The violin given to the writer .A.must have been very cheapB.was bought at a second-hand storeC.was too worn out to play wonderful musicD.had been passed down in her family for generations答案:D解析:根据最后一段中的“acherishedfamilyinstrument”可知那把小提琴是珍贵的家传的乐器。5.Playing the violin is important to the writer mainly because .A.she develops interest in other instrumentsB.she is the first female violinist in her familyC.it has made her life easy and interestingD.it is a way to express herself答案:D解析:根据最后一段中的“Aboveall,Ivefoundawaytoexpressmyself.”可知在作者看来,演奏小提琴是表达自己的一种方式。BRock and roll music first became popular in the 1950s.There were many popular rock and roll singers during that time,but only a few of those singers are still popular.Most people today are familiar to the singer named Elvis Presley.Elvis Presley sang different types of music.He sang country music and blue
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