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Unit5 单元目标单元总目标本单元与学生的日常生活紧密联系,重点谈论关于问路的话题,并进一步学习如何使用一些表示方位的介词描述物体所在的位置。本单元出现的主要的四会词汇有:supermarket, beside, behind, between, Childrens Park, take a bus, get off the bus;本单元的功能结构有三个:一、学习如何向人求助:Excuse me.以及应答:Yes? 二、询问别人是否需要帮助:Can I help you? 三、问路:Can you tell me the way to.? / How can we get to the ? 以及应答:Go along the Theis beside / behind it. / There is a. between. and. / You can.第5单元的教学设计共分为4个课时。第一课时以Part A中Lets learn部分的词汇学习为主,借助Warming-up部分的第一个活动Read and draw导入本单元话题;第二课时以Part A中Lets talk部分为主要内容,学习掌握有关问路的功能句Can you tell me the way to .?等,并借助Part B中Look, find and answer部分进行巩固练习;第三课时主要是Lets learn more部分,并以Part B 的Look and talk部分、Part C的Ask and answer部分为辅助进行巩固和检测;第四课时主要完成Part B中故事部分Read and discuss,并通过Part C的Listen and match, Read and complete the map, Look and write等活动对本单元的学习内容进行复习和检测。具体课时分配情况见下表:Unit5课时分配课时数所包含的内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Read and drawLets learn第二课时Part AWarming-up: Look and talk about the differencesLets talkPart BLook, find and answer第三课时Part BLets learn moreLook and talkPart CAsk and answer第四课时Part BRead the discussPart CListen and mathRead and complete the mapLook and write单元具体目标在本单元的教学中,教师可以结合教学挂图、卡片、教学实物、多媒体等引导学生学习、认知所教授的内容,使学生对所接触的教学内容产生较为浓厚的兴趣,并且能达到以下知识目标和情感目标: 知识目标一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇:supermarket, beside, behind, between, Childrens Park, take a bus, get off the bus二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: Excuse me.Yes? Can I help you?Is there a. near here / the.? I want to buy. Can you tell me the way to.?Go along the. How can we get to the.?You can.The. is beside / behind it. / There is a. between. and.情感目标鼓励学生和他人进行对话交流,培养学生的口语能力。3
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