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词汇专项复习卷一时间: 60分钟满分: 100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三总分得分考点一:名词一、【词义、类别】读一读,将下列单词填入相应的类别中。(8分)beefEnglish grandpa nose rice farmer Chinese plane arm maths music ship eye parent leg cousinelephant panda bread train coat tiger driver dress shirt monkey cook uncle salad sweater bus doctorFamily_Subiect_Body_Food_Job_Traffic_Clothes_Animal_ 二、【可数名词的复数】写出下列单词的复数形式。(10分)1. book_2.chair_3.horse_4. photo_5. toy_ 6.bus_ 7.box_ 8.potato_9. sandwich_ 10.brush_ 11. baby_ 12.country_13. knife_ 14.leaf_ 15.man_ 16.child_17. foot_ 18.tooth_ 19.sheep_ 20. deer_三、【可数名词和不可数名词】根据提示给下列单词分类。(12分)breadapplewatermilk lakegrape forkcomputerbeef juice river tea hand soup money hair window mouth duck chicken rice car key meat可数名词:_不可数名词:_四、【名词所有格】写出下列词的所有格形式。(9分)1. Mike_2.Miss Smith_ 3. Amy and Sarah_4. mother_5.doctor_ 6.girls_7. teachers_ 8.children_ 9.women_五、【名词的应用1】读一读,圈出正确的一项。(5分)1. Would you like some (milkapple)?2. There are many(manmen) in the gym.3. The (leafleaves) of the trees are yellow and red in autumn. 4. I like (tomatostomatoes) They are healthy and delicious. 5. We can see some (sheepsheeps) on the farm. 6. That girl is my (sisterbrother). 7. Is this your (coatpants)?8. She is (Mr.Mrs.) Green, our new headmaster. 9. There is a river in front of our school. We often go to school by (busferry). 10. He lives in London. Thats in (the UKthe USA). 六、【名词的应用2】用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. Those_(horse) are eating grass in the field.2. This is my bedroom. And that is my _(parent). 3. There is some_(bread) in the fridge.4. Do you like_(candy)? Yes, I do.5. I would like some_(peach) for dinner.6. Are these your socks? No, they arent. They are my_(sister). 7. How much_(pork) do you want? I want one kilo.8. The _(child) all over the world will get gifts on _(child) Day.9. I can see many _(bus) on the road.10. Sarah is_(Mr Black) daughter.七、【名词的应用3】根据句意及图片提示写出单词。(图片顺序与题目顺序不相符)(10分)1. We can see it in the sky when it is sunny. But we cant see it at night. Its very hot. Its the _. 2. They are pretty. They are colourful. Most of them smell good. We can see them in different seasons. They are_. 3. Its a part of our body. We have two. We hear with them. They are our _. 4. Its a kind of food. Its long. In China, we often eat it on our birthday. We can put eggs, vegetables, meat. in it. It is the_. 5. Its a country. Its very big and beautiful. Pandas live in it. The Great Wall is in it, too. Its _. 6. Its a kind of fruit. Its yellow. Its soft. Its sweet. Monkeys like it. Its the _. 7. Its a kind of job. They send letters and postcards to us. They are _. 8. Its a kind of place. There are many books in it. We can borrow books and read books in it. Its a _. 9. Its a kind of room. We make meals in it. The fridge is often in it. Its the _. 10. Its a kind of class. We run. We jump. We play basketball. We play football. Its the _class. 考点二:数词八、【基数词】读一读,找出规律,写一写。(5分)1. twoeightfourteen_2. onethreefive_3. ten twenty thirty_ 4. two four six_5. seventeen sixteenfifteen_ 6. twentytwotwentyeighteen_7. twentyfourtwelvesix_ 8. ten thirty fifty_9. five ten fifteen_ 10. six nine twelve_九、【序数词】读一读,将下列数词按从大到小的顺序排列。(9分) fifth first third sixteenth nineteenth thirtieth eleventh eighth second_十、【数词的变形】数一数,写出对应的基数词与序数词。(4分)1. _ _ 2. _ _3. _ _4. _ _ 十一、【数词的应用】读一读,选择正确的一项。(10分)()1. Lo
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