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CONTRACT合 同 CONTRACT NO.:DPCI-2KJ-F052合同编号:DPCI-2KJ-F052DATE:DEC,4, 2000签订时刻:2000年12月4日PLACE:Daqing, China签订地点:中国, 大庆 THE BUYER: HEILONGJIANG DAQING PETROL. TECH. IMPORT & EXPORT CORP. 买 方: 黑龙江省大庆石油技术进出口公司ADDRESS: NO.2, XILIU STREET, RANGHULU DISTRICT, DAQING CITY, HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE, P.R.CHINA地 址: 中国黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区西柳街2号 FAX: 86-459-6353113 TEL: 86-459-5593861 传真:86-459-6353113 电话:86-459-5593861 THE SELLER:S&M INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, INC.卖 方:S&M国际公司ADDRESS:22422 CRESCENT COVE COURT, KATY, TX 77494, U.S.A.地 址:22422 CRESCENT COVE COURT, KATY, TX 77494, U.S.A.FAX:001-281-6936893TEL:001-281-6936892传真: 001-281-6936893电话:001-281-6936892This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under-mentioned commodity(ies) according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由卖方出售、买方购买下列物资而签定本合同:1 COMMODITY(IES) & SPECIFICATIONS品名及规格Item序号Commodity(ies) & Specifications品名及规格Unit单位Quan.数量Unit Price单 价Amount合 计1ELECTRONIC ANALYTICAL BALANCEAG285SETONEUSD3270.00USD3270.00电子天平AG285套1 2ELECTRONIC ANALYTICAL BALANCEPG5002-S电子天平PG5002-SSET套ONE1USD2220.00USD2220.00(Details see the attachment1)(详见附件1) Total amount: 总 计:USD5,490.00Total Value:CIP HARBIN AIRPORT USD 5490.00 SAY CIP HARBIN AIRPORT FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETY UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY.总 金 额 :CIP哈尔滨机场 5,490.00 美元整(大 写) :CIP 哈尔滨机场伍仟肆佰玖拾美元整2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER: METTLER-TOLEDO GMB,SWISSLAND. 原产国及制造商:METTLER-TOLEDO GMB,瑞士3. PACKING 包 装To be packed in new strong fumigated wooden case(s) or carton(s) suitable for long distance air freight transportation as well as changing climate and with good resistance to rough handling, moisture, rain, corrosion and shocks. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the commodity(ies) and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Seller in regard to the packing. The seller shall also be liable for all the relevant expenses incurred on account of package materials not being fumigated or improper fumigation. One (1) full set of service and operation manuals shall be enclosed in the case(s) or carton(s).应包装在新的结实的经熏蒸的木箱或纸箱中,该木箱或纸箱应适合长途空运及气候变化,并抗野蛮搬运、潮湿、雨水、锈蚀及震动。卖方对由于包装不当引起的物资的损坏和丢失负责并承担由此产生的费用,并对由于卖方在包装方面采取的不充分或不适当的爱护措施所引起的锈蚀负责。若包装材料未经熏蒸或熏蒸不合格,由此所发生的一切相关费用由卖方负担。包装箱内应包括一整套操作及维护手册。4. SHIPPING MARK 运输标记The Seller shall mark on the four adjacent sides of each package with fadeless painting the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement, contract number, port of destination and the wordings: Keep Away From Moisture, Handle With Care, This Side Up, the lifting position, gravity center and the shipping mark: 卖方应使用不褪色的涂料在每个包装箱的四面标上包装号、毛重、净重、尺寸、合同号、目的港及“防潮”、“小心搬运”、“此面向上”字样以及起吊位置、重心和如下运输标记:DPCI-2KJ-F053HARBIN, CHINA 5. TIME OF SHIPMENT :within eight weeks after the contract comes into effect。 装运时刻:合同生效后8周内6. PORT OF SHIPMENT: ZURICH AIRPORT,SWISSLAND. 装运港:苏黎士空港,瑞士7. PORT OF DESTINATION: HARBIN AIRPORT ,CHINA 目的港:中国哈尔滨机场8. INSURANCE 保 险Insurance shall be effected by the Seller with the Buyer as the beneficiary for 110% of the total contract value against All Risks and War Risk as per CIC dated 1st January 1981(of PICC).由卖方以买方为受益人依照中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日保险条例,按合同总值的110%投保一切险和战争险。9. PAYMENT 付款方式1. All payments to be made by the Buyer or the Seller under the contract shall be made in United States Dollar and effected by telegraphic transfer.本合同项下的买方或卖方的所有支付应通过电汇方式以美元进行结算。One hundred percent (100 %) of the total contract value, i.e. US$5,490.00 (Say five thousand four hundred and ninety United States Dollars) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller not later than 10days after receiving the following document and the acceptance Certificate of the contract commodity(ies) is expired until the third month: 合同金额的100%,即5,490.00美元(大写:伍仟肆佰玖拾美元),在买方收到以下单据且验收报告期满三个月后,10天内向卖方支付。a. One (1) copy of Airway Bill or Combined Transport Bill marked “Freight Prepaid . 航空运单或联合运输提单一份,标明“运费已付”。 b. Commercial Invoice covering one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract value in Five(5) originals indicating contract number and shipping mark made out in details as per the contract concerned. 合同总额百分之百(100%)的内容详细的正本商业发票一式五份,注明合同号及运输标记。c. Detailed Packing List in five (5)
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