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1 UnitUnit 7 7 TeenagersTeenagers shouldshould bebe allowedallowed toto choosechoose theirtheir ownown clothes clothes 第一课时 SectionSection A A 1a1a 2d2d 班级 学生 分数 0101 基础过关基础过关 根据首字母及汉语提示 完成下列单词的拼写 使句意明确 语言通顺 1 1 The policeman asked the driver to show his driver s l 执照 2 2 The doctor warned my father not to s 吸烟 3 3 The young girl wants to find a p 兼职的 job on weekends 4 4 You can c 选择 two ways to get there 5 5 Nowadays t 青少年 have many different thoughts 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 6 6 After a whole day s effort most animals in the zoo have been moved to safe 7 7 Some movie stars even get their noses pierce 8 8 His idea sounds too silly I agree with him 9 9 You need to finish the work before you leave 1010 She was very excited about win the first prize 11 If you work hard you won t worry about your succeed 21 cnjy com 12 I will have my car repair tomorrow 13 I have nothing againist sing loudly 14 Every should care about protect the environment 15 I think I should be allowed to make this choose myself 单项填空 11 11 Mrs Green is a doctor of and her daughter Ann is university student A 50 years old an 18 year old B 50 year old an 18 years old C 50 years old a 18 year old D 50 years old a 18 year old 12 12 He was very ill but now he is A dangerous B safe C safely D in danger 13 13 Please stop It in the cinema A smoking is not allowed B smoking allows C to smoke is not allowed D to smoke doesn t allow 14 14 The students shouldn t to take mobile phones A allows B allowed C be allowed D allow 15 15 Dirty water shouldn t be poured into rivers It will cause pollution A I agree with you B Never mind C I disagree D That s right 0202 能力提升能力提升 根据汉语意思完成句子 1616 不应该允许朱迪选择自己的衣服 Judy to choose her own clothes 2 1717 他的好朋友在那里过得开心并拍了许多照片 His good friend had fun there and 1818 我的同学打算明天上午去理发 My classmate is going to tomorrow morning 1919 这起事故产生的原因是司机不够小心 The cause of the accident is that the driver wasn t 2020 丽萨 我可以用你的电话吗 不行 上次你和你的朋友说了两个小时 May I use you phone Lisa Last time you talked to your friend for two hours 补全对话 根据对话内容 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 其中有两个为多余选项 A Hi Jack You look unhappy What s wrong B 21 A I don t think your father is right We need to go out to relax B That s right 22 A Really But my father asks me to make friends with all of my classmates B 23 A But my mother doesn t allow me play computer games for long B 24 We mustn t spend too much time playing computer games A 25 B I agree with you So we need to talk to our parents and make them understand us 检批 A I think your mother is right B Wow how kind your father is C Well sometimes our parents don t understand us D My father doesn t allow me to go out on weekends E My parents don t allow me to make friends with any boys either F I think you should follow your father s advice G I think you can get on well with your classmates
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