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宁波理工学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告(含文献综述) 题 目 英汉语文化限定词方言特色的翻译姓 名 黄潮锋 学 号 3080311029 专业班级 2008级英语1班 指导教师 郭小春 分 院 外国语分院 开题日期 2011 年10月 07日 Literature Review1 Introduction Culture is a complex integrity that includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and any capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society 1. The material wealth and the spiritual wealth created in the process of practice in social history constitute the culture. Language is an important organic component of culture, recording the history of culture and manifesting the fruits of civilization. In addition, language is an important vehicle for social culture, which is rich in meanings, that is to say, language is a tool for culture to pass down, communicate and develop. In the course of development, language profoundly reflects special culture tradition. In language, words and expressions is the most flexible and active. Thus, the words and expressions containing cultural implications, called culture-loaded words, should be analyzed and compared firstly in translating activities. Being a group of culture-loaded words, they can not only directly reflect the objective world, but also social changes and cultural diversities. Nowadays, due to the widespread trend of economic globalization, intercultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent around the world. Great importance should be attached to the translation of culture-loaded words, especially the translation of the dialects, because culture-loaded words could best reflect the difference of cultures between different nations. With a long history and abundant heritage, those countries have numerous culture-loaded words, i.e. words and expressions specific to their own culture in the fields of economics, politics and social life which may pose an obstacle for cross-cultural communication and exchange. There exists a huge difference in culture between China and Western countries. Therefore, a large number of culture-loaded words depending very much on the cultural background cannot be found in the target language, which is equivalent to the source language. For translators, it is a high standard to understand the meaning of the dialects of culture-loaded words in one country. However, though a mass of culture-loaded words have been translated catering to the needs of other countries people, the job is far from satisfactory. Two reasons give rise to the situation that culture-loaded words meanings have been changed in the process of translating and lost their original meaning. On the one hand, English and Chinese belong to different language systems. The former is part of Indo-European family while the latter, Sino-Tibetan family. On the other hand, due to translators lack of an awareness of cultural difference, some poor-quality versions of culture-loaded words can be seen everywhere. Those ambiguous translations not only cause misunderstanding among other nations, but also hinder the intercultural communication and, to some extent, damage a very effective way of obtaining knowledge. Hence, it is necessary to further study the translations of culture-loaded words in dialects. Apart from intercultural awareness, translators must master translation techniques when rendering the source language into the target language so that culture-loaded words will be translated accurately and timely in the international communication.From the above analysis, this thesis attempts to explore some effective strategies and methods applied to the translation of culture-loaded words in dialects. It is of great importance for translators to comprehend and render such words as well as possible; thus, the target reader can easily know the meaning of translation and strongly understand exotic cultures and traditions. In this sense, a good translation will promote culture communication and international friendship as well as the mutual understanding between different countries. 2 Current Research 2.1 Research Abroad Since the 1960s, Eugene A. Nida, an outstanding American translation theorist and linguist, in his book Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating puts forward the concept of functional equivalence to replace the dynamic equivalence. Nida considers that functional equivalence has a minimal and maximal definition. The former could be stated as “the readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of text must have understood and appreciated it, while the latter could be stated as “the readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” 2. From the maximal definition, we can conclude that theory requires translators bicultural competen
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