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Unit5 Visiting the Moon教案4(共6课时) 课题Unit4 A trip to space课型Listening and Speaking备课时间1 period教材分析教学目标1.The students learn to listen to the key words about the space hotel.2.Their ability of speaking and listenning is trained.教学重点Talk about some plans to visit the space museum.Listen for key words教学难点Organize a plan to visit the museum.教学关键They can speak aloud and loudly.教法与学法指导Group work. Selfstudy 教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step:Warming upImagine a space hotel.(group work)1.Discuss to design a space hotel. Draw a picture about it.1.Find a photo about the sapce hotel,and ask them to discuss:What are there in the totel?What can you do? 1Arose the interest of the students and develop their imagination.5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step:listeningBefore listening: 2.new words learning.(self study)While listening:3.listen to finish the task.Post listening4.Retell the information .(competition) Step.Speaking5. Talk about the space museum. (pair work)2.Look at the item and the task .try to underline the new words and then refer to the dictionnary. grow: watch:3.Listen to the tap and fnish the exercise.4.Answer the queation: I like the hotel. Because I can .5 Read the dialogue about a visit to the space museum.:A: when are we goingto meet?B: at 8:00pm.A:How are you going?B: by bus. imitate to make a new dialugue.2.Lead them to skim the task and the item to find out the key strange words.3.Play the tape for them TWICE.4.ask them:do you like it ? why? 5.show the dialogue to them and encourage them to read and imitate in pairs.2.To form the goood habit of before -listening.3.To practise the listening.4.To develop the students ability of speaking.5.To provide a chance for the partner to cooperate and create.20第三环节课堂练习Step:Write the information abour the plan.(self work)5.Write down the plans you got from other groups.5.Tell them to listen to take notes. When:How:How longWhen?5.To help the students develop some ways of listening.5第四环节课时小结Step;Summerize Tell the plans you got from your notes.6. show your information to the class:They will visit the space hotel in _ _ by _. They will stay there for _. And they will come back at _.6.give an example to tell the information.6.Help them to practice the ability of speaking10第五环节课后作业1. 朗读课文P66 words 2. Tell the space hotel to your best friends.课堂教学流程Warming up Listening speaking 效果评价与反思
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