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四 名词性从句七大常考考点 1 hesaiditmadeusangry hesaidatthemeetingmadeusangry 2 Amoderncityhasbeensetupin wasawastelandtenyearsago A whatB whichC thatD where That What 考点1 连接词 that与what的区别 Whatwecan tgetseemsbetterthanwhatwehave That anewteacherwillcometoourschool istrue that只起连接作用 无意义 在从句中不充当任何成分what既有连接作用 又要在从句中作成分 主语 宾语 表语 的东西 物 话 时间 地点 人物 数目等不同概念 1 Afterfivehours drive theyreachedwastheplacethey dbeendreamingof 2 Theotherday mybrotherdrovehiscardownthestreetatwasadangerousspeed 3 Thewayhediditwasdifferentfromwewereusedto 4 theearthisroundisknowntousall 5 Fathermadeapromise ifIpassedtheexaminationhewouldbuymeacomputer what what what That that B what 什么 which 表选择 哪一个 1 Doyouknow MrBlack saddressis HemayliveatNo 18orNo 19ofBridgeStreet I mnotsureof 2 Ireadaboutitinsomebookorother doesitmatter itwas what which which 1 youdon tlikehimisnoneofmybusiness A WhatB WhoC ThatD Whether 高考题选萃 2 hesaidatthemeetingastonishedeverybodypresent A WhatB ThatC ThefactD Thematter3 There safeelinginme we llneverknowwhataUFOis notever A thatB whichC ofwhichD what 1 他犯了那样一个错误真是遗憾 isapity 2 他来不来不重要 doesn tmatter Itdoesn tmatterwhether Thathemadesuchamistake Itisapitythat 考点2 it作形式主语 形式宾语的用法 it作形式主语 Whetherhewillcomeornot Itiswellknown reported thought saidthat Itisclear necessary certain truethat Itisapity ashame anhonorthat Itdoesn tmatterwhether Itseemsthat Ithappensthat 1 isknowntoall TaiwanisonlypartofChina A AsB ThatC WhichD What2 Itisknowntoall TaiwanisonlypartofChina A asB thatC ifD for3 ItwasonSunday Imethim A thatB whenC whatD which 非限制性定语从句 强调句 2 it指代后面从句所叙述的内容 常用于这些动词后 like dislike love hate appreciate make it后常跟if或when从句 b it作形式宾语 1 make find feel consider thinkit adj n that todo Ihateitwhenpeoplelaughatthedisabled 3 dependonitthat 1 Ilike intheautumnwhentheweatherisclearandbright A thisB thatC itD one2 Youmaydependon thatyouparentswillhelpyouwheneveryouneedit A themB yourselfC itD me 考点3语序问题 1 Thephotographswillshowyou A whatdoesourvillagelooklikeB whatourvillagelookslikeC howdoesourvillagelooklikeD howourvillagelookslike 2 Youcanhardlyimagine whenheheardthenews A howhewasexcitedB howwasheexcitedC howexcitedhewasD hewashowexcited 3 Heasked foraviolinA didIpayhowmuchB IpaidhowmuchC howmuchdidIpayD howmuchIpaid 在名词性从句中 除了关联词要提到句首之外 一律要用陈述句语序 4 Whattimedoyouthink willBestycomehereB BestywillcomehereC isBestycominghereD canBestygethere 疑问词 doyouthink suggest believesuppose 陈述语序 考点4同位语从句和定语从句的区别 同位语从句一般跟在名词fact news promise truth belief thought idea answer information knowledge doubt hope law opinion plan suggestion后面 用以说明或解释前面的名词的内容 定语从句 对先行词起修饰限制作用 Thenewsthatshepassedtheexamexcitedherparents Thenewsthatweknowfromherexcitedallofus 解释说明 that在从句中不充当成分但是不能省 修饰限定 that在从句中有成分 作宾语时可以省 同位语从句 定语从句 1 Thesuggestionthatheshouldnotgothereisofgreatvalue 2 Thesuggestionthathemadeisofgreatvalue 3 Thefactthathewonthefirstplacecan tbedenied 4 Thefactthathetoldmeexcitedme 同位语从句 同位语从句 定语从句 定语从句 注 1 同位语从句多用that引导 2 在havenoidea之后常用wh 引导同位语从句 Ihavenoideawherehehasgone Ihavenoideawhenhedidit Ihavenoideawhathedid 考点5 选择填空 what whatever who whoever 1 wassaidheremustbekeptsecret 2 weneedismoretime 3 madethelongdistancecalltohimisnotimportant 4 breaksthelawwillbepunished Whatever What Who Whoever 等引导的名词性从句不含有疑问意义 相当于名词后加一个定语从句 而 等引导的名词性从句都含有疑问意义 whoever whatever Who what 请你归纳who whoever what whatever 1 hashelpedtosavethedrowninggirlisworthpraising A WhoB TheoneC AnyoneD Whoever 高考题选萃 2 Sarahhopestobecomeafriendof sharesherinterests A anyoneB whomeverC whoeverD nomatterwho 注 wh ever既可引导名词性从句又可引导让步状语从句nomatterwh 只引导让步状丛 3 Itisgenerallyconsideredunwisetogiveachild heorshewants A howeverB whateverC whicheverD whenever 考点6 用if或whether填空 1 Idon tknow I llbefreetomorrow 2 Itseemedasifhewasindifferent 漠然 hecouldnotgetintoalifeboat 3 Thequestionis thisbookisworthwriting whether if whether if 4 Itdependson wewillhaveenoughmoney 5 theycandoitmatterslittletous a 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 介词后面的宾语从句只能用whether 不能用if b 后面紧跟ornot时 用whetherc 宾语从句是否定结构时只用if whether Whether 1 we llgocampingtomorrowdependsontheweather A IfB WhetherC ThatD Where 1 在order suggest 建议 demand request advise insist 坚持应该 等所接的宾语从句中用should型虚拟语气 should常省略 2 在order suggestion等名词后同位语从句 表语从句中用should型虚拟语气 可省略should3 在asif asthough引导的表语从句中 在必要的情况下应用过去式虚拟语气 考点7虚拟语气问题 4 在主语从句中用来表示惊奇 不相信 惋惜 理应如此等 谓语动词用虚拟语气 should do 常用的句型有 1 Itisnecessary important natural strange etc that 2 Itisapity ashame nowonder etc that 3 Itissuggested requested proposed desired etc that 如 Itisstrangethatshe should thinkso 1 Itisnecessarythatacollegestudent atleastaforeignlanguage A mastersB shouldmasterC masteredD willmaster 2 Hissuggestionwasthatwe anothermeetingtodiscussthequestion AholdBwouldholdCheldDholding 5 wish后 从句中的时态在原本的时态上退一步 即wishthat 过去时 跟现在相反 would v 跟将来相反 haddone 跟过去相反 IwishthatI thatfilmstaryesterday AsawB hadseenCwouldseeDhasseen wouldrantherthat sbdidsth sbhaddone Thankyou
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