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2019衡水市高考英语一模强化训练(21)2013届(2012学年)上海市高三英语一模简答13(黄浦)The first explorers who saw totem poles called them “monstrous figures.” Missionaries(传教士) thought that the Native Americans worshipped the totem poles, and they encouraged their destruction. But the missionaries were wrong. Even today, when people refer to the “low man on the totem pole, ” they do not realize that the largest figure was usually on the bottom and was the most important. The origin of the first totem pole is uncertain. It is known that totem poles told stories about rich and important Native American families. An artist carved the pole to represent a familys traits and personal strengths and even to have hidden meanings. Poles were carved from cedar(雪松木), using handmade tools. The chisel(凿子)used for carving was made from an animal horn. The adze, which was like an ax, had a hard stone blade. Once finished carving, the artist used animal-hair brushes to paint the poles. Some poles stood as high as 60 feet(180m).Native Americans celebrated important life eventssuch as births or marriageswith huge feasts called potlatches. One of the highlights of the party was the raising of a new totem pole. As trade expanded along the Northwest Coast, more Native American families had totem poles. However, in 1884 the Canadian government outlawed the potlatch. Not long after, the United States followed suit. As children grew up and left the tribe, the art of carving totem poles began to die out. Many years later, totem poles that had been bought or stolen from Native American villages began showing up in museums. People started to realize the significance of totem poles, and the art of carving them was resurrected. Old poles were restored, and new poles were created. Today, the craft is alive and well again, and totem poles can be seen around the Northwest United States and Canada. (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. What did missionaries want to do with the totem poles?82. Whats the main purpose of totem poles?83. The art of carving totem poles faded away during the 1800s because _. 84. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?81.They wanted to destroy them. 82. To represent (rich and important) families traits and personal strengths.83. many of the children left their tribes/ children grew up and left the tribe84. The factors responsible for the revival/returning of (the art of) totem poles./ People realized the significance of totem poles and created more/new ones. 2013届(2012学年)上海市高三英语一模简答14(虹口)Plants and animals usually do not live apart, as in many ways they are important to each other. Most green plants can make their own food. The food of other living things, even the food of meat-eating animals, comes directly or indirectly from green plants. For example, some people eat mutton (羊肉); mutton comes from a goat; the goats eat grass. These steps, or links, make up what is called a food chain. Without green plants, all other living things would in time die of starvation.Plants help animals in other ways too. They furnish homes and shelter for many animals. Many birds, as you know, build their nests in trees. Deer and many other animals use bushes for shelter. And even man depends much upon plants for his shelter. Animals repay some of this debt by helping plants. You may be aware that many insects and some birds do important work for plants by pollinating (授粉) them. You must have also learned how animals often help plants by spreading seeds.What is waste material for one of these kinds of life is often valuable substance for the other. For example, animals give off carbon dioxide gas when they breathe. When plants make food, they absorb this gas from the air, using the carbon and releasing some of the oxygen back into the air. The oxygen that is released, then, is again supplied to animals. Thus the cycle continues, animals helping plants, and plants helping animals. All plants and animals have their enemies. Insects eat plants; birds eat insects; other animals kill birds. But here too, animals such as birds and bats help the plants by destroying harmful insects. Many plants and animals are helpful to some living things but are harmful to others. Then there are other rules in nature that act as checks and balances. For example, if there are more animals in a certain area than there is food to support them, some of the animals must migrate or starve. In either case, the number of animals will be reduced until the balance between animals and the available food supply is restored.These helps and hindrances (障碍) are constantly going on in the plant and animal world to achieve a balance. As long as one living thing is dependent on another, whenever the scales are tipped (使倾斜), nature takes steps to balance the scales again. (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. What do
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