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六年级下英语单元测试(外研版) 笔试部分( 75分)1 选出不属于同一类的词。(10分)( )1.A.chicken B.hot dog C.menu D.noodles( ) 2. A.grape B.apple C. fruit D.lemon( )3. A.monkey B.panda C.bear D.pear( )4. A. thirteen B.third C.eight D.thirty( )5.A.shirt B.skirt C.purse D.blouse( )6. A.Beijing B.friend C.Harbin D. Shanghai( )7. A.knife B.short C.long D.tall( )8. A.mother B.doctor C.nurse D.teacher( )9.A.football B.basketball C.yellow D.table tennis( )10. A.six B.seven C.eleven D.book2 对号入座,火眼金睛选一选。(15分)( )1. The red T-shirt is eight _ .A. dollar B.dollars C.cent D.yuans( ) 2. Daming _ want a hot dog.A. is not B.do not C.not D.does not( ) 3. _ are these bananas ? They are $ 20.A. How many B. What C,How D. How much( )4. _ hamburgers do you want? Three.A. How many B. What C,How D. How much( )5. How much _ the orange juice? Oh,_ 8 yuan.A. is , It is B.are, they are C.are, it is D.is , this is( )6. Can I help you? A cola_please. A. for B.at C.in D.for( )7. Would you like _ orange juice?A. some B.any C,a D.an( )8. Here you are! _.A, That is all right B. Not at all C.of course D.Thank you.( ) 9.What you want ? A hot dog ,pleaseA do B does C is ( )10.What Simon want ?A hot dog. A do B does C is( )11.A hot dog good A look B looking C looks( )12.He drinks milk for breakfast every morning. A many B much C a( )13.How much they ?ten yuan. A be B are C is( )14.Its one and five . A dollars cent B dollar cens C dollar cent( )15.Can you help ? A she B he C him三用所给单词的适当形式填空。(16分)1. Does he_ (want) an apple ?2. My father _ (want) a cola and I _ (want) some milk .3. Can you help _(we)?4. Lets go and help _(he).5. A cola for _(I) ,please. 6. What do you want _ (drink)?7. The hot dog is 75 _ ( cent)8. My father and I _ (be) at home。四连词成句( 14分)1. eat do what you to want? 2want I eat a to hamburger. 3. drink to what do they want. 4. much is the how dog hot 5. much ,it ,is how 6. dollars, twenty-five ,cents , it ,is ,twelve ,and 7,drink, what, you, want,do,to. 5 选词填空: (10分)Can, want, and, how much, how many1. _ is a hamburger? It is 4 yuan.2. _ I help you ? I want a hot dog,please.3. _ books are there on the desk? Thirty-five.4. I _ a hamburger,please.5. I want some noodles _ some meat.6 找出最佳组合。(10分)( )1. What do you want , Daming? ( )2. How much is the hot dog? ( )3. Here you are. ( )4. Do you like hot dogs? ( )5. Can you sing an English song?A. Yes, I can . I can sing many English songs.B. Thank you.C. Yes , I do.D. It is two dollars.E. I want some noodles and fruits.7 阅读理解( 10分,根据对话内容,判断正误,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。Mother: Sally, can you help me,please? I want to go shopping.Sally :OK. Mum. What do you want to buy?Mum : some eggs,some oranges,some milk, and some chicken for supper. What can we have for lunch tomorrow?Sally : I do not know.Mother : oh ,yes it is. Some fish.Sally : Is fish very expensive ( 昂贵的)?Mother :yes ,it is. But dad likes fish.Sally : what about some rice?Mother : I want some nice bread.Sally : OK. Let s go. ( ) 1. Sally and mum want to buy some food, some milk and some fruit.( )2. They want to buy some bread.( ) 3. Fish is cheap. ( 便宜的)( )4. Sally s father likes fish.( ) 5. Sally wants to have chicken and rice for lunch tomorrow. 参考答案:一1-5 CCDBC 6-10. BAACD二1-5 BDDAA 6-10. DADAB 11-15 CBBBC三1. want 2.wants want3.us, 4. him 5.me 6.to drink 7. cents 8.are. 4 略。 五。1. How much 2. Can 3. How many 4.want 5.and六1-E 2-D 3-B 4-C 5-A七1.T 2.T 3. F 4.T 5. F
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