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广东省成人学位英语2010年考前冲刺全真强化题Part I Dialogue Completion (15 Points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. Son: Mom, may I play my computer game for an hour or two?Mom:_A. Your teacher tells me that you should study harder.B. I ve said before that the game takes too long.C. Well, ah. . . Youre absolutely right to ask.D. Sorry. Dads using the computer now. 参考答案: D2. W: I dont know why we listen to GeorgeM:_A. I dont know exactly why, either.B. I guess we are wrong this time.C. I know. But perhaps you dont know why.D. George, you know, is one of the hardest working students among us.参考答案: A 3. Speaker A: Would you mind if I use your pen for a while?Speaker B:_ A. Yes. By all means.B. No. By no means.C. No. Not at all. D. No. Most unwillingly.参考答案: C 4. W: Im anxious to get started on our project. Can we meet sometime before the weekend?M:_ A. Never mind. Shall we meet on Sunday?B. Your projects I have no time studying your project.C. OK. What about Friday morning?D. OK. Library is the best place for us to meet. 参考答案: C 5. W :Hi , Jane. Do you have any change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.M :_A. Speaking please. I can pay for your phone.B. What! You want to borrow some money to buy a phone?C. No change at all. Are you calling from a pay phone?D. Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? 参考答案: D 6. Salesman: Good morning. Planning to buy a new car today?Customer: _Salesman : What kind of car are you looking for?Customer: Something that has enough room for my family.A. Im just looking around.B. Im just looking everywhere.C. I m just looking here and there.D. I m just looking all the cars.参考答案: A 7. Speaker A : May I speak to Dr. Wang, please?Speaker B :_A. Hold on a second, please. Ill put him on.B. Sorry, Mr. Wang is not available right now.C. I am not sure because I don t know what he is doing.D. Thank you very much for calling.参考答案: A 8. Speaker A : I was wondering whether you needed any part-timers(业余工) .Speaker B:_A. There is nothing at present, but look in a week.B. It s not the right time. See you later.C. Im wondering what you can do for us.D. We need a lot of part-timers but not you.参考答案: A 9.Student A: I feel sick.Student B :_Student A: I m not sure, but I have got a bad headache.A. Im sorry to hear that.B. How are you feeling now?C. Do you have a temperature?D. It is a pity. 参考答案: C 10. Speaker A: I haven t seen you for ages. You havent been sick, have you?Speaker B: _A. You are kidding. I was out of town recently.B. It s impossible. I was in the South.C. No, I stayed in California for a couple of weeks.D. Not at all. I went to California for a couple of weeks. 参考答案: C 11. Speaker A: Remember me to David, wont you? Speaker B:_ A. Yes. Hell remember you for a long time. B. No. I dont remember whos David.C. Yes. I Il give him your regards as soon as I get there.D. No. I cant remember anything now. 参考答案: C 12. W : It seems to be clearing up. M:_A. It s such a nice change.B. I don t think this weather will last.C. I hope it stays warm.D. As long as it rains.参考答案: A 13. Student A: May I use your computer this afternoon?Student B: I m sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today.Student A:_A. Do as you please. B. It doesn t matter.C. Thank you all the same. D. Never mind. 参考答案: C 14. Salesman: How would you like this one? Its only 699. It is on sale.Customer:_-A. I dont quite like it.B. Are you sure it is on sale? It is expensive, I think.C. Yes, I like it very much.D. Looks all right. Does the price include delivery charges?参考答案: D 15. Speaker A ; Tom, why dont you come and have the picnic with us?Speaker B :_A. How dare you invite me?B. Id love to. Thank you.C. Yes. But thanks anyway. D. Whether I 11 go or not is not your business. 参考答案: B Part II Reading Comprehension (40 Points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each o f the passages is followed by 5questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One High tech and state of the art are two expressions that describe the modern technology. High tech is just a shorter way of sayin
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