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. 课时教案课题Unit 2 Whats the matter?课型新授第 1 课时三维教学目标Have for talking about health problems; Modal should/shouldntTalk about your health; Give adviceLook afrer your health教学重点Get to know the words and phrases:head, nose, eye, ear, tooth, neck, stomach, back, leg, arm, foot, Throat, thirsty, stressed out, cold, fever, headache, toothache, stomachache, sore throat, dentist, lie, rest, honey, water, illness, advice, should, shouldnt教学难点Learn to use these structures.Whats the matter? I have a headache You should drink some tea. That sounds like a good idea.I have a sore back. Thats too bad. -I hope you feel better soon.教法、学法Revision, Learning,教具、学具Tape-recorder、color chalk教学过程设计Hello, everyone! Can you name the parts of your body? How many parts of the body can you name? Lets look at the doll and name the parts of the body. II. Presentation. 1. Tell them keeping healthy is very important. So the content today is being healthy. 2. look at the picture and read the name of the body parts. And look at the picture of the students numbered 1 through 5. 3. Say: Can you tell what part of your body doesnt feel good? Now lets learn the new words in the picture. Please read after me. matter sore have cold have a cold throat 4.Ask the students to write down the useful expressions from the conversation have a cold, have a stomachache, have a sore back, have a toothache, have a sore throat III. Pair work and speak Work in pairs. Make their own conversations out of the picture on page 7. Then present their conversations to the class, using have for talking about health problems. IV. Listening 1 .use have for talking about health problems and give advice using modal verbs should/shouldnt. 2.Express some illnesses: I have a headache. He has a stomachache. She has a toothache. 课时教案教学过程设计3. Read the phrases: 1).toothache / a. lie down and rest 2).sore throat/ b. hot tea with honey3).stomachache/ c. see a dentist4).fever/ d. drink lots of water 4. listen to the recording of four different conversations. People are talking about health problems they have and are getting advice from others. Draw lines to match the problems with the advice. 5. Look at the pictures on page 8. Ask them to listen again and fill in the blanks. Write the missing words on the blank lines. V. Make a conversation of their own in pairs using the information from activities 2a and 2b.Take turns having problems and giving advice. VI. Homework. 五、课堂小结 Today we try to know how to express your problems of our bodies and give the advice of教后反思本堂课的教学使学生确实从学习中学会了如何谈论自己和别人的外貌,较直观容易接受。课题Unit 2 Whats the matter?课型新授第 2 课时三维教学目标New words. Some advice. Grammar Focus. Listening skill, reading skill, writing skill, communicative competence. To be a doctor and serve the people heart and soul. 教学重点Whats the matter? -I have a toothache.教学难点Maybe you should see a dentist. -Thats a good idea.教法、学法Listening method, reading and writing methods, pairwork教具、学具A recorder,教学过程设计Step I Greet the class and check the homework. Step II Show the new words on the screen. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. Step III 2a Now open your books and turn to page 8.First read the eight items to students and ask them to repeat. Toothache Sore throat Stomachache Fever Lie down and rest Hot tea with honey See a dentist Drink lots of water Step IV 2b First look at the four pictures. Each picture illustrates of the conversations. Now well listen to the conversations again. This time listen for the missing words. Write the missing words on the blackboard. Step V 2c Pairwork First Ill have two students read the dialogue in the box. OK. You two please. Sa: Whats the matter? Sb: I have a toothache. Sa: Maybe you should see a dentist. Sb: Thats a good idea. Ask students to work in pairs. Step VI Grammar Focus I have a headache. He has a stomachache. She has a toothache. You should go to bed. He shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours. She should see a dentist. Step VII Homework This class weve leant some advice to people in advertisements for cold medicines , pain medicines and other medicines. Please recover the name and picture of the medicines in the advertisement and leave only the person. Next class well play a game. 教学过程设计教后反思使学生学会了识别不同人物外貌特征,设计简单通缉令。丰富了学生生活,同时也是一种真实的体验。增加学生的语言实践,促进他们在整个教学活动中主动参与。课题Unit 2 Whats the matter?课型新授第 3课时三维教学目标1.Reading and writing materials. Oral Practice. 2. Reading skill, writhing skill, communicative competence. 3. Give good advice when someone needs your help.教学重点Reading practice. 教学难点Oral practice.教法、学法Reading and writing methods, pairwork, groupwork. 教具、学具A recorder,教学过
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