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第一讲 Unit1 6Book1A Howtogreetpeople a Hi Hello 2 Howtointroduceyourself c Nicetomeetyou d Howareyou b Howdoyoudo Fine thankyou I mfine well thanks Nicetomeetyou too Me too e Nicetoseeyouagain Me too a I mJackMiller MynameisJackMiller b MynameisTonySmith MyfamilynameisSmith MygivennameisTony Myphonenumberis84629137 MyQQnumberis547068091 MyE mailaddressis c YoucancallmeTonyorMr Smith 3 Howtointroducepeople a Thisismyfriend HernameisJoy b Thatismybrother HisnameisDavid c Lookatthatphoto These Thosearemyparents 4 Talkabouttheobjects a what sthis thatinEnglish It sausedclock anunusualclock b Howdoyouspellit Canyouspellit Yes C L O C K c LostandFound Isthat thisyour call at 6 Whatdoyouhavefordinner breakfast 5 Whatdoyouhaveinyourroom Wherearethey b Shehasavolleyball c Let splayfootball OK Great Goodidea Thatsoundsgood a Ihaveasoccer Doyouhaveone Yes Ihaveone Whereisit It sonthefloor underthebed Doesshehaveavolleyball d Howtoleavenotes P23 a Ihaveeggnoodlesforbreakfast b Doyoulikesalad Doeshelikestrawberries Yes alot Yes verymuch Onlyalittle No notatall Shedoesn thaveavolleyball 7 Canyoutranslatethesephrases 3张照片12个月5把牙刷那些教堂9个土豆7个英雄许多树叶 一些屋顶 几个家庭一些烦恼事一群绵羊许多人30位女警察200个法国人这些美国人成千上万的日本人一碗西红柿面条大多数男医生参加学校活动 threephotos fivebrushes ninepotatoes twelvemonths thosechurches sevenheroes lotsofleaves someroofs somefamilies someworries manypeople persons agroupofsheep thirtypolicewomen twohundredFrenchmen theseAmericans thousandsofJapanese abowloftomatonoodles mostofthemendoctors takepartintheschoolactivities Canyoudothese 1 Pleaseputup 你们的 handsifpossible 2 What sherroom 号码 3 请原谅 me isthatJim swatchinthelostand 找回 4 Thanksfor 拿 带 himtothezoo I mreallybusy 5 Wecanhardlyhear 一些 words Speakloudly please 6 Whenyoufindittoo 困难的 tounderstandthewords trytolook 它们 upinthedictionary 7 蔬菜 aregoodforour 健康 8 LiuXiangisagreat 跑步 star Ithink 9 What 别的 doyouwanttotellus 10 What 其他的 thingsdoyouwanttosay your number Excuse any found taking difficult them Vegetables health running else other 第二讲 Unit7 12Book1A 1 Howtotalkaboutshoppingandprice a CanIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Yes please I dlike wantblackpantsformyson Whatsizedoyouwant SizeL Hereyouare They retoosmallforhim CanIhavealookatbigones Sure Hereyouare Howmucharethepants Theyaretwentydollars That sfine Iwilltakethem Here sthemoney b Thepriceoftheshoesislow high c Adsforsale HuaxingClothesStoreSALE 华新大减价 快来买衣服 我们有价格优惠的毛衣 你们可以买到每双只要2美元的袜子 任何人可以承受我们的价格 ComeandbuyyourclothesatHuaxing sgreatsale Wehavesweatersataverygoodprice Youcanbuysocksforonly 2each Anybodycanaffordourprices 2 Months birthdayandactivities b Whenishisbirthday yourschoolArtFestival It s October1st c Whenwereyouborn a Therearetwelvemonthsinayear TheyareJanuary Jan February Feb March Mar April Apr May June Jun July Jul August Aug September Sept October Oct November Nov andDecember Dec Iwasbornin1993 inApril 1993 onApril20th 1993 Whatkindofmoviesdoyoulike Why 3 Doyouoftengotomoviesonweekends Saturdays comedies funnyactionmovies excitingthrillers scaryBeijingopera boringdocumentaries knowledgeable learnaboutChinesehistory 4 Talkaboutsomebody sabilities b Theads Musicianswanted Icanplaytheguitar Canyouplaytheguitar Yes Ican No Ican t Shecanplaychess Cansheplaychess Yes shecan Shecanjointhechessclub 5 Talkaboutyourdailylife Whattimeisit What sthetime Whattimedoyoutakeashower Whattimedoessheeatdinner What syourfavoritesubjects Why 6 Talkaboutyourfavoriteschoolsubjects Myfavoritesubjectisscience BecausemyscienceteacherisstrictwithusandI mgoodatit It ssixthirty halfpastsix Itakeashowerat9 00pm Sheeatsdinnerat6 10pm 7 根据中文写单词 代词 Itmaybe 她 skirt 我 isblack notblue 2 他 istoooldtolookafter 他 Pleasetakegoodcareof 他 3 Don tworryabout 他们 他们 problemisnotserious 4 We regoingtoHongkongforavacationnextweek Enjoy 你们 5 Mr Greenteaches 我们 geography 6 It ssoeasythatIcandoitby 我 7 Myaunthastwosons Butthey 都 liveabroad 都不 ofthemliveswithher 8 Howtastythecakesare Wouldyoulike 再 又 one 9 Mum Iwantsomemilk There s 很少 left Whatabout 一些 juice her He Mine himself him them Their yourselves us myself both Neither another little some 8 根据中文写单词 1 After 12小时 work theworkersgotvery 累 2 母亲 Dayisonthe 第三 SundayinMay 3 His 爱好 areplayingsoccerand 跳舞 4 Thebususually 载 带 himtoworkat8 20am 5 She 刷 her 牙 twiceadaytokeepthemclean 6 Whatclubdoyouwant 参加 游泳 club 7 欢迎 toour 服装 store 8 TreePlantingDayisonMarch 12 9 IthinkMr Beanisa 成功的 comedy 10 Althoughheisyoung heisgoodat 弹 the 钢琴 twelve hour tired dancing Mother s third hobbies takes brushes teeth tojoin Swimming Welcome clothes twelfth successful playing piano 第三讲 Unit1 6Book1B 1 Nationality languageandcapital b CountryPeopleLanguageCity Capital Where syourpenpalfrom Wheredoesyourpenpalcomefrom He sfromJapan He sJapanese Wheredoeshelive HelivesinTokyo Whatdoeshespeak HespeaksJapanese EnglandFranceAmericaAustraliaCanadaIndiaItalyGermanySingaporeSpain EnglishmenEnglishLondon FrenchmenFrenchParis AmericansEnglishNewYork AustraliansEnglishSydney CanadiansFrenchandEnglishToronto IndiansIndianNewDelhi ItaliansItalianRome Germa
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